The man really didn't have any strength this time, so he just lay on the top of the steps, although he definitely wanted to move on.But with the little power he has left now, don't think about it.

Hua Yueling observed him and found that this time it seemed that she was going to the limit.I don't know if he can survive if he passes out in a coma here, and what to do if he changes it by then. Hua Yueling can't understand this for the time being, and no one can answer his doubts.

But he still can only watch, and can't do anything else.

This is the most annoying place, especially annoying, Hua Yueling dare to say that nothing is more annoying than this.Of course, if you want to say that there is a natural equivalent, it is in his state now, he can only wait by the side, and can't do anything, how unlucky he is.

As time passed, Hua Yueling felt a little anxious deep in her heart. He didn't know why he had such emotions, perhaps because of the influence of the environment and the person in front of him.This impact is not particularly big for him, but it is enough to make him uncomfortable.

Hua Yueling tried to expel this influence, or at least to make herself less anxious and calm.But it is still very difficult to do in this situation.I don't know why, it is very difficult to calm down.

Hua Yueling took a deep breath, staring deeper into the building in front of her.The door of the temple was closed tightly. From here, you could not see what was inside, only the closed door.In addition, there seems to be no one else here, there is no noise, it is particularly quiet.

Hua Yueling likes to be quiet, but he absolutely doesn't like this kind of quiet, it's too quiet, there is nothing else but the sound of wind and snow.

Fortunately, the man climbed to the top of the stairs, otherwise he could bear it down there, and it is estimated that he would really be covered in snow and become a real snowman, frozen to death outside.

Although he can't reach that level now, the cold is still attacking his body. Living in such an environment for one night, there is no heat source, no warmth, and all he can get is death.

How can you survive? As long as you go deeper, you can live in that temple.His current state is not only cold, but also exhausted and hungry, all of which are hindering him, and he must be killed.

He needs more luck now, and luck is with him so that he can live.She had been lucky enough along the way, but could he be more fortunate next? Huayueling didn't know this, and he didn't even know it.

In any case, under the current situation, Hua Yueling can't do anything, and can't do it even if she wants to.And that man is the same. It’s not that he wants to do this, but that he has no way to experience the feeling before death. He has consumed almost all his physical strength. Now let’s not talk about moving, in fact, he is almost afraid of climbing. Can't get up.What can he do in this state.

He groaned in pain, and gradually, even the groans were faintly inaudible, and no sound was heard, so he just "slept" over.

Whether he can still wake up, this is a difficult question to answer, Hua Yueling cannot answer.

Hua Yueling also hopes that the other party can survive. If the other party can't survive, he really doesn't know what to do.If you can act...

At this moment, Hua Yueling suddenly heard the door opening.I saw the gate of this temple was pushed open from inside, and a figure came out from inside.The man looked as vague as the weapon in the hand of the man in front of him. Even after careful observation, he still couldn't see his image. He looked very mysterious.

But it seemed that he had known that someone was outside and walked straight to the man who had fainted, squatting down to look at him.He glanced at the weapon he was still holding tightly in his hand and sneered.

She didn't know what he was laughing at, Hua Yueling couldn't understand the relationship between them.But it seemed to be an enemy and not a friend, otherwise that person would not behave like this.

It's just that he didn't mean to kill the other party. He just snatched the weapon from his hand, then grabbed his arm and walked all the way into the temple.

Hua Yueling just involuntarily followed and walked inside, but the person didn't notice his existence.

Hua Yueling didn't know what kind of state she was in now. If it were a ghost, Hua Yueling felt that the other party might still find it.If it is not a ghost, it is normal for the other party to be unable to detect his existence.

Anyway, Hua Yueling easily followed the other party all the way into the temple. Nothing happened during this period. It was easy, the other party never noticed his existence.

After the man was dragged in like this, but the man just dragged him into the temple, and then the temple door was automatically closed.That man was just thrown on the ground.


Looking at the situation, Hua Yueling originally thought he would drag the opponent into a room to let him rest. Now it seems that they are indeed enemies, maybe even enemies, otherwise they would never be treated like this.

But at least it won't freeze to death outside, the temple is quite warm inside.Hua Yueling looked inside and saw a burning fire in the depths, the flames burning very vigorously.

After the vague figure had moved a little farther, Hua Yueling realized that she did not know when another figure appeared in front of the distant fire.The man seemed to be a woman. She stood in front of the fire and stood there for a while before she walked slowly over.

As she walked in, Hua Yueling was able to see her outline clearly.Although her appearance is still blurred, at least some outlines can be seen.

She was wearing clothes that resembled a nun's robe, and the whole was white. Hua Yueling felt that she was still in line with the snow outside.

The woman's face was hidden by the white hat, and she couldn't see her face clearly, but Hua Yueling could see the lower half of her face.There is almost no expression, but her mouth looks beautiful.

In terms of strength, there seems to be a gap between her and the man just now, but Hua Yueling still can only vaguely feel it, unable to describe it clearly.

The woman only glanced at the man who was lying on the ground unresponsive, and then she didn't see any movement, she just waved her hand, and the man's figure was pulled inward as if being held by an invisible big hand.

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