The man had passed out in a coma, and naturally it was impossible for him to react. He was dragged to the right side of the hall.Entering the passage through a door, there are several rooms on the side of the end of the passage.

The woman threw him into one of the rooms, and didn't even care whether he was comfortable lying down. Anyway, he just had to let him have a place to live.The big invisible hand threw him to the ground, and then the woman left.

At this moment, Hua Yueling felt something abnormal. He didn't feel anything at first, but at that time, he felt that something seemed to be calling him.

He didn't know what to do, he just looked at the woman who was about to leave in confusion, that is, at this moment, a hand symbol appeared on that woman.

Hua Yueling didn't know how to do it yet, she just subconsciously looked at the symbol, and then felt like she was attracted to something.

In this way, Hua Yueling's perspective has not changed, but the people he observes have changed.

"This is very strange, I don't know if it will help me to leave the research here."

Hua Yueling didn't know what effect this conversion had, but it was a change.And with this change, it is a kind of hope for myself, the hope of breaking free from here.

Following this vague figure, exiting the passage, Hua Yueling and the others came to the front hall of the temple again. The woman did not leave here immediately.She came to the fire, stood there, staring at the vigorously burning flame. The flame illuminated half of her exposed face very brightly, but it was still impossible for Hua Yueling to see her clearly.

Hua Yueling can only follow her behind, which means that she cannot be observed from the front.If you describe it, he is like a camera in a fixed form of third-person game. It is fixed and cannot be moved.

Hua Yueling could only see her thin back now, but could not see anything else.

The flame had no effect on him, although the light seemed a bit dazzling to him.Looking closely, he found that there seemed to be something in the flame, but he didn't see it too clearly.

The thing was faintly light, like an axe, but it didn't look like an ordinary axe.In addition, ordinary axes do not emit light.

Hua Yueling wanted to get the axe into her own hand, but he couldn't. The woman didn't seem to take this seriously, as if she hadn't seen the axe at all.

If it's in a place like another world, the axe that can shine is at least a divine tool, but here it is thrown away like rubbish, and it's not considered a thing at all.

After learning what she had just done by herself, Hua Yueling's eyes fell on the thing, staring at it carefully, not that she must be attached to it.It's just that Hua Yueling wanted to see if he could do it, and if he could do it, he really wanted to understand what that axe was.

But he was still going to be disappointed, there was nothing on the axe, and Hua Yueling felt that perhaps the firelight had blocked her sight and made herself unable to see clearly.However, he tried to move after learning the previous moving method, nothing happened, he was still behind the woman and could not move over.

Hua Yueling can only hold on to the curiosity of the props in front of the fire, but there is no way to do anything, which is actually the same as before.Now, except for the person he was following changed, nothing else has changed at all.

But for Hua Yueling, this is not the most important thing. Hua Yueling's attention turned to the girl.The nun was standing in front of the stove and didn't know what she was thinking. Hua Yueling was not quite sure, and she couldn't observe the reason even if she closely observed it.

All Hua Yueling saw was the girl's back, and the nun did nothing, didn't speak, and didn't go to other places, so he didn't know anything yet.It is not even clear what the person who crawled here has to do with them.

It seemed that at first the man who seemed to be the master of the temple had something to do with him, and it could even be said to have hatred.But Hua Yueling didn't seem to have such a relationship between the nun and him.

It can be seen more or less from her performance. There was no word from the beginning to the end, but the man who climbed the temple was dragged into a room according to the man's request.

Now Hua Yueling didn't know what the woman in front of him was thinking. He seemed quite calm and didn't have any special thoughts.

Hua Yueling felt a little boring. She thought that she might be able to get some clues by following her, but now it looks the same as before, and there is no progress.Even here it is still the same, and there is still no progress.

So far, I haven't found anything interesting, nor have I found any clues that will help me to solve the current situation.I don't know why, is it because you can't rely on observation to crack it?

Hua Yueling didn't know this well, but he thought that maybe he would know it after a while, although it might take a long time to wait for this.After all, there is a contradiction between the two sides, whether it is the person he followed all the way, or the owner of this temple.

Since there is a contradiction, then something will definitely happen later, maybe those things are the greatest possibility for him to solve the problem.

All this is Hua Yueling's guess, the most important thing is that he has no useful clues at all at present, and this is what is annoying.

"It seems that I can only wait, tut, but I didn't find it before, otherwise I will have a chance to learn more about it by following that person's words."

At least in Hua Yueling's view, that person knows more, and following him may have a chance to know more.But now it seems that there is basically no chance to get to know this girl, which is really a pity.

Hua Yueling didn't know how long she had to wait, he didn't want to wait any longer, he wanted to rest, but now he was resting.

What should I do? Hua Yueling tried to converge her mental power, no longer pay attention to the situation in front of her, and try to let herself do nothing.He was not sure whether this would allow him to take a nap for a while, but he felt he could try it.

Gradually, Hua Yueling's attention to the outside world basically disappeared. He just rested like this, trying to speed up the flow of time in this way.I don't know if this method can achieve the effect he wants, but he thinks it should be possible.

It's not nonsense, isn't it like this when people are resting, although his current state is a bit strange.

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