Hua Yueling couldn't think of anything, so the nun was basically his only hope at the moment, but the man who was determined to climb the mountain might also be useful.

It's just that Hua Yueling can't see him at the moment, he has been locked up, locked in a room.You can only go with the nun if you want to see each other.

In fact, it was necessary for the nun to go there by herself, and Hua Yueling definitely had no way to make a decision.All he can do is wait, which is no different from before coming up.Still the same, I can only wait, I can't do anything.

Hua Yueling was helpless about this, so he needed to study some other methods.Hua Yueling looked away from the nun and moved to other things. He was searching everywhere to see if he could be attached to other things, but it was a pity that he thought too much.

After observation, Hua Yueling found that she could do very little.Among the things he can observe, there is no one that can let him possess.

This is why Hua Yueling is very irritable. After trying Hua, he understands more and more what it means to be targeted by the world.There is nothing he can lean over, and there is almost nothing he can do now.

The nun stood at the top of the steps and looked down at the ground. Hua Yueling didn't know how long it would take, anyway, he was a little bored.He doesn't like to stay like this all the time, do nothing but just stay.

But the nun seemed to have nothing else to do, just stay like this.Moreover, she is the kind of person who can stand loneliness, and she doesn't feel lonely and bored just staying like this. After staying for a long time, Hua Yueling is a little impatient, and she still has no intention of moving.

But this is not something he can change, so even if he is impatient inside, he can only watch it in the end.Fortunately, the waiting time has been long enough, and the nun can be seen turning around and walking to the right. She is not going back to the temple, but going to other places.

I don't know what she is doing here day by day. Anyway, if he is in such a world and can only stay in such a place every day, and can't do anything else, then he definitely can't stand it.Life would be too boring if it were that way.

However, it seems that the nun doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with this. Although she can't say that she likes this kind of life very much, Hua Yueling feels that she is different from herself in this respect.She is able to adapt to such a life, and can live in such an environment.

Hua Yueling admired her very much, and she was definitely not as good as her in this respect.

Even so, Hua Yueling was reluctant to learn from her, or to be more like her in this respect, there was no need to force herself like that.That's boring.

Follow the nun to walk along the left side of the temple and pass the left hand of the "monster" of the temple. At this time, Hua Yueling had the opportunity to observe closely.The hand looked closer instead of being made of any material, more like a living arm.

"How is this going?"

All attention was focused on that, Hua Yueling tried to move there.But the result was the same. He was not allowed to move over there, and there was no sign in front of his eyes, and he couldn't see the hand he wanted to see.

Hua Yueling knew that it seemed that there were only a few people who could possess her. I don't know why this was the case, but in that case, those who could be possessed were obviously very important people.

But there is something wrong with just saying this. This does not mean that those who cannot be possessed are not important, but their importance is obviously worse.

In this way, Hua Yueling followed the nun around the left hand of the "monster", and then they followed the left side to the "monster", which was the side of the temple.

Standing on the side of the temple, I still can't see anything. Hua Yueling doesn't understand what the nun is doing. Is it just to observe?What is she observing? Logically speaking, after living here for so long, she should have a deep understanding of this place, or is this the life she has fixed every day?

It's hard to understand Hua Yueling in her mood, and Hua Yueling didn't even think about understanding her.At least there is no time to do this now, Hua Yueling only hopes that she can leave here as soon as possible, the other is not very important.

The nun stood here for a while, but all you can see here are the continuous mountains and nothing else.Then the nun continued to walk to the back of the temple, Hua Yueling could only follow her all the way, and then came to the back of the temple.But what surprised him was that a deep cave could be seen behind the temple.

The cave was shrouded in light, but the light above the head could not fully illuminate it.Hua Yueling can only see the light at the entrance of the deep cave, but the light still cannot illuminate the cave, Hua Yueling can only see the entrance.

But this was enough to surprise him. At the entrance of the cave, Hua Yueling saw two statues. The statues were similar to the temple, but much smaller in size.

It seemed that they were just two statues, but for some reason, Hua Yueling felt that they were not just statues.

The nun went down the hillside to the cave, Hua Yueling even thought she was going to explore the cave.But on second thought, the caves may have been built by her and her companions, and that might not be mysterious to her, and not the same to herself.

I saw the nun walked to the cave, but changed to mean to continue walking inside. She stood at the entrance, her eyes moving between the two statues.

Taking advantage of this effort, Hua Yueling was able to understand the conditions of the two statues more clearly. The craftsmanship of the two statues still looked exquisite, at least more exquisite than many statues Hua Yueling had seen.

And they don't know what kind of material they are made of, especially their eyes and the spar-like thing on their chest.

Hua Yueling didn't know what it was, but it seemed to be important.The nun stood there and did nothing, just staring at the two statues quietly, focusing entirely on them, not paying attention to other things.

Hua Yueling didn't notice any power from the two statues. It seemed that they were just two statues and had no other effect.It looked the same as the temple behind him. Although it was made like that, it was only a temple in the final analysis and had no other functions.

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