Hua Yueling repeatedly observed the two statues in front of him, but he could not see anything from them.Just when Hua Yueling thought that the nun would just stay here for a while and then go back, she saw the nun stepped past the two statues and entered the cave.

This surprised him a bit, but it also made him very happy. This was exactly what he wanted to see.In fact, he himself wanted to go in, but he had no way, and he had no way to control the nun, so he thought he had to find other ways to do it. He didn't expect the nun to walk into the cave by himself. This was for himself A good opportunity for you.

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, and couldn't wait to understand what was inside that cave.This is still very important to him, but I don't know if I can find something in it.

The cave is dark and lacquered, and it is quite different from other caves that Hua Yueling has explored.You should know that in the caves that Hua Yueling has explored before, Hua Yueling has seen torches, even if there is no one inside, the torches will burn.

But here is different, there is no light in it.That's right, just like what you see outside, there is no light on the inside.This is especially true after turning a corner. The sun's rays outside can no longer penetrate in, and the cave itself sometimes has no light at all, so walking inside is dark everywhere.

Fortunately, this basically had no effect on Hua Yueling, even the dark environment could not affect his observation.He could see clearly, but he didn't know if the nun could do this.

It seemed that this was not a problem for the nun, she was like walking in with her eyes closed, without any lighting tools along the way, just walking deeper into the cave as usual.I don't know if I don't need lighting tools or I don't want to use them at all.

Hua Yueling didn't know much about it, but she didn't seem to be greatly affected by her current posture.

This has little to do with Hua Yueling, so he just thought about it for a moment, and then he shifted his attention to other places.

There are not many things that can be seen here, and even fewer things can attract his attention.Besides, he hasn't seen anything so far. There is only one road in front of him. It is not a long road, and at the end is a corner.

I have been following the nun for a while, but so far Hua Yueling still knows very little about her.The only thing she knows is that she rarely speaks, causing Hua Yueling to even doubt whether she can speak at all.

The nun walked deeper all the way, Hua Yueling was worried about this, that is what kind of place this place is.Or what exactly is this cave for?

Since it is very likely that the temple owner and nuns built it, they should be very clear about what is in it.Why did she come here? Hua Yueling became more curious about this, but he still didn't find anything, at least it was empty all the way.

Hua Yueling still doesn't know what's here, but there should be something very important here, but it's still a bit strange.

If it is a very important thing, no one is guarding it, but it is placed in a cave like this without any protective measures.Whoever seems to go in, go in, there is no protection at all.It feels like treating an unimportant thing, just put it here.

However, she couldn't make a conclusion before she saw something, Hua Yueling secretly guessed.Following the nun like this, Hua Yueling never thought that the cave was so deep, and the road was almost all the way down, and she didn't know how deep underground it would lead.

In this way, Hua Yueling followed the nun to the depths of the earth. He was a little speechless. He never thought that this road would be so long that it was really beyond his imagination.

Looking deeper into the passage, it is a pity that there are not many things that can be seen, and even the depths of the road are empty.Speaking of which, Hua Yueling had explored many caves and the like, whether it was occupied by corpses or bandits, but had never seen an underground cave so clean.

There was almost nothing along the way, and Hua Yueling had never encountered anything.What you can see is either a straight down road, or a road that follows that road and then turns in other directions.

Needless to say about the furniture, let alone other food and wine bottles, there is no such thing.But this is also normal. Normally, there should be no one here, no one lives, so naturally there will be no useless things. This is a very normal thing. Hua Yueling naturally wants to understand it after thinking about it. Up.

But even so, it's actually strange enough here. Not only is there no such things, but there is no trace of anyone coming here.This is very strange, I don't know why they want to make this place like it is now, which is quite puzzling.

Hua Yueling didn't say anything even after seeing these, not to mention whether it was useful or not, and there was no need to say it.

Until the end, I don't know anything, so the other things are actually not that important. The most important thing has not yet arrived.

I don't know how long it will take to reach the bottom, Hua Yueling hopes to be able to hurry up, but this kind of thing is definitely not based on his thoughts.In this way, two lonely people "accompany" each other, walking deeper in the darkness.

This road is very long and unbelievably long, and Hua Yueling even feels weird, how boring talents should dig out such a long road.In fact, this is not the most incredible place for him. The main reason is that there is nothing on this road. Why do you have to dig so long? This is what he finds the most speechless.

Is it for safety?It is still said that there is something in a deep place, so it must be digging all the way, but in that case, there is no need to go around like this. That would be meaningless. Just dig it straight down. Why bother.

However, no one would answer the doubts in Hua Yueling's mind, Xiaoxue hadn't spoken to him for a while.The nun didn't even know his existence, so naturally she wouldn't communicate with him.

Just when Hua Yueling was thinking about it, she saw the nun suddenly waved her hand, and a ray of light swayed past, illuminating the road ahead.

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