The battle actually started before the nun rushed into this space, and the wind was extremely cold. This was not the wind from the outside world.Even if the wind from the outside reaches here, there is nothing left.

This came from the attack of the dead creature, moistening things silently.

However, the nun immediately noticed its attack method and dodged to avoid the area of ​​the opponent's attack. The space here was not large, and almost everything was covered.So it is very difficult for him to dodge, he must dodge faster and accurately.

It was not easy to dodge this time. After the nun dodged, she did not get close to the past, waved her hand to attack the past, and a beam of light shot past like a laser.

The ghost figure gradually disappeared, and just disappeared from Hua Yueling's induction.Hua Yueling was a little strange, she didn't expect the other party's disappearance to be so abrupt, and it disappeared completely.

What's going on, Hua Yueling thought to herself, quickly expanding her perception ability a little bit, and wanted to explore this area clearly.

"It turned out to be there."

Huayueling's line of sight was farther away, which was the road that stretched deeper into this area.After the nun's attack ended, the figure appeared again, but this time it came directly behind the nun, almost overlapping with Hua Yueling's figure.


Hua Yueling was taken aback, she wouldn't be discovered.But soon he realized that he was thinking too much, and the other party would never find it.

The nun was a little slower, but she also noticed the other's reaction in time.She didn't move much either, her whole body was shrouded in glittering golden light, and the necromantic creature had just approached when she saw an explosion all over her.

It wasn't an explosion in the physical sense, but a magic-like trick that scattered the light and completely covered her surroundings.

The necromantic creature had just approached and had to dodge away.The nun’s attack range may not be so wide, but if it is really hit, the damage will not be a little bit. It naturally does not want to be hit, but it still reacts slowly, or perhaps it is. The nun's timing was so good that it couldn't dodge in time.

The undead creature was affected, and screamed. Its scream was naturally different from other creatures. It was a scream from the soul.You can't hear it casually, but it sounds directly in your mind.

The "body" composed of its soul was almost abruptly melted a large part. Although it was not completely melted, it just left some images, but in Hua Yueling's eyes, the weak transparent body was almost completely melted. It's like it's gone.

The nun has made good use of some of the characteristics of the dead creatures and achieved good results, but this is not enough, it is not enough to really kill the opponent.

The nun didn't seem to be a progressive type, and she didn't engage in close combat with the opponent at all, and immediately opened the distance after the attack was successful.Hua Yueling originally thought she would take advantage of the situation and continue to attack, but she didn't expect that she would just run away.

When the nun left, the other party also moved, and the pale mist enveloped the area. As the screams sounded, something seemed to be surging in the mist.

But none of this has anything to do with the nun. She has dodged away, so she doesn't have to worry about the opponent's attack.

After discovering that his attack did not work and the opponent had seen it through, the roar of the necromantic creature echoed in Hua Yueling's mind.Under his control, the pale weapon floated in the direction of the nun.

The nun stretched her hands forward, four or five balls of light floated in front of her hands, and flew toward the direction of the necromantic creature with her movements.

The sphere of light easily broke through the pale mist, but one of the spheres of light also dissipated, and the light of the other sphere of light also dimmed a lot.

This is really interesting. The gap between the two sides is a little bit, but the gap is not big. The most important thing is that the light magic that the nun herself has practiced completely restrains the necromantic.That's why she can more easily gain the upper hand in such battles, otherwise it would be hard to say if the enemies here are other types.

Not to mention anything else, with her strength, that necromantic creature can stay and fight her head-on, which is already strong enough.

It is not very possible to defeat her, but it is not impossible.Necrotic creatures don't care about these, as long as they fight, they will never run away without fear of being valuable.

You come and I come and go between the two sides. Although the battle between each other is not so fierce, it is quite interesting to fight exclusively with magic.Huayueling's usual battles are not like this, and seeing the battle between two "magic" is completely different from melee combat.

Light flickered in this space, two completely different lights flickered, but the golden light still had the upper hand.

As the golden light burst out suddenly, the pale white was gradually suppressed until it was extinguished, which was just a few minutes.

The nun had thought too much before, but after observing Hua Yueling, she found that her fighting experience was not very sufficient.She probably hadn't experienced much battle before, but her abilities were still good, and she also had some accomplishments in magic, especially light magic, she deserved to be a nun.

The nun's accomplishments in light magic must have nothing to say, otherwise she would have no way to end a battle so quickly.In this respect, the light magic restrains the dead creatures too much, and the dead creatures here seem to be very strong, but they are still inadequate in many aspects. Otherwise, it is impossible for her to win so easily. .

After the battle was over, the nun still glanced vigilantly, and only then did she cast a light magic to re-purify the area before continuing to go deeper underground.After encountering such a powerful necromantic creature, she may meet more terrifying guys next, but this will not make her change her mind.

Seeing her stepping forward and continuing down, Hua Yueling was also relieved. At this time, he was really worried that the other party would give up and change his mind and go back. That would definitely not be good news for him.

But I don't know if the necro creatures in the upper layer were wiped out or for other reasons. On the contrary, the necro creatures encountered in the lower layer were fewer, and they didn't encounter any serious ones.Basically, it was just a nun spreading a light magic, and then there was no more.

After solving the big guy, the road forward became easier.

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