Until the lowest level, Hua Yueling didn't know what was here. It was a crystal ball, a pure black crystal ball.That's what I said, but Hua Yueling took a closer look and found that the crystal ball was even more incredible.

The crystal ball seemed to be spinning with a black vortex, and it was still a pure black vortex, which looked so terrifying.

The nun stood quietly in front of Crystal Autumn, staring straight at the crystal ball with her eyes.Hua Yueling found that during the time she was standing in front of Crystal Autumn, a certain change occurred in her body. It was an unexplainable change, and Hua Yueling couldn’t say clearly what kind of change it was. He knows that that kind of change exists.

It seemed that the crystal ball in front of her was attacking the nun, Hua Yueling could only think about it, but the nun didn't even notice the existence of such an invasion.Although she is good at practicing light magic, let alone her, even people who are more rested in light magic may not be able to detect and resist.

Hua Yueling's attention was also placed on the crystal ball. His first thought was to observe the crystal ball.But just as he moved his gaze over, he found that a hand sign seemed to be waving to him.


Somewhat unbelievable, Hua Yueling thought about this possibility, but the scene before the experiment was enough to surprise him.The main reason is that the hand is very large, right in the center of the crystal ball, and it is still pure white. The hand seems to be moving.

It seemed that everything was normal, but Hua Yueling knew that when she saw the crystal ball, when she saw the hand that was rushing toward her, everything changed.

Hua Yueling was not tempted. Although he was curious and wanted to pass, he was certain that it was very dangerous.Hua Yueling didn't know what she would encounter in the past, or whether it was a good thing for herself.

Hua Yueling was not sure, but he wanted to go to the crystal ball, although he didn't know much about it.And even if he was attached to it, it wouldn't make him know more about the crystal ball.

Hua Yueling is a little hesitant now, he doesn't know what he should do, he hesitates very much in his heart, it is actually very dangerous to go there by himself, just by seeing it.

The crystal ball exudes a strange luster, attracting the attention of Hua Yueling and the nun.Hua Yueling noticed that the nun stretched out her hand and covered it on the crystal ball. She didn't know what she was saying, and her voice was very low. Even if Hua Yueling was floating behind her, she couldn't hear clearly.

"She won't be controlled, will she?"

Hua Yueling looked like the situation before her, but she wasn't sure yet.Although it seems that the strength of the nun is relatively weak, it should not be so easy to be controlled even in this way. Moreover, this thing should have existed here a long time ago, and it may be put here. How could that kind of thing happen here?

The crystal ball emitted a pitch-black light, which covered everything. Hua Yueling could still see the situation clearly, but now there is no way to see clearly.

Darkness enveloped here, and the situation was not too good for them, at least for now.Especially the nun looked completely unresponsive.If there is no response at all, then they will be in big trouble.

The darkness eroded this space, and there was no response before they came, but after the nun's hand touched the crystal ball, things became what they are now.Hua Yueling didn't know whether the nun could control the situation, but he couldn't do anything by himself.

Hua Yueling hopes she can do something, at least help the nun so that she won't really have anything to do here.But this is very difficult, I have to say that it is the case, he can't do anything he wants.

"It seems there is only one way."

Hua Yueling sighed inwardly, everything seemed to be forcing him to make a choice, but even if he did that, what was the use.What can you do even if you move from behind the nun to the crystal ball.

Thinking of this, Hua Yueling even doubted whether it was a conspiracy by a nun, but thinking about it logically, the other party shouldn't know that he exists.If it's really a strategy for myself, then I'm really honored.

Seeing that the darkness is getting deeper and deeper, it is necessary to completely cover up here, and the darkness must control everything here.But the nun still looks like that, standing in front of Crystal Autumn, resting her hands on the crystal ball, she doesn't know if she can't move or doesn't want to move.

Hua Yueling waited for a while, but she still didn't respond when she saw the nun, and she couldn't wait any longer.Hua Yueling thought for a while, but couldn't think of anything, so she just acted directly. Since the matter has reached this point, let's go and take a look instead of thinking too much.

Thinking like this, Hua Yueling saw through the thick darkness the hand that was waving to herself in the darkness, exuding a soft white light.

Hua Yueling even felt that if it wasn't for that hand was just an icon-like thing, she might even reach out in a hurry, grab her and pull it over.

This made Hua Yueling hesitate even more. In fact, Hua Yueling was hesitant from the beginning, otherwise he should have acted long ago. It is impossible to wait until now that he has not acted.But now it seems that he must act, which is the only thing he can do.

Taking a deep breath, Hua Yueling's mental power was completely concentrated on that hand, but he did not immediately move over in this way.

Hua Yueling wanted to see if she could still see anything from it, but he still couldn't see anything through observation.This is very strange. He has almost no way to see the crystal ball now. The darkness that covers here can even block his "line of sight". You must know that he hadn't seen anything like this that could block him before. The "line of sight" things, whether it is fog or heavy snow, even the light caused by the previous battle.

Now this kind of darkness can block her sight, Hua Yueling even thinks whether this is specifically for her, the crystal ball makes him very concerned.It might be better if you can take it and hold it in your hand, but unfortunately there is no way.

Hua Yueling is now quite curious about what the crystal ball is, and that thing makes him very concerned.He wanted to see it, but he was also worried, mainly because he couldn't do anything at present, he was worried about what would happen to the crystal ball.

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