"In other words, this is a way for me to help her. Using this method can increase her strength."

Although he didn't know how to do it, after all, he couldn't even use his power now, but he felt that since he could inject his power into the nun, then he should have a way to use it.

Hua Yueling is a little irritable, and she has hardly changed this world until now, but no matter what, at least she can affect things in this world now.Although the impact is not necessarily great, as long as it can affect it.

Hua Yueling continued to focus on the small circle shining with light, the crystal ball trembling, as if to remind him of something.But Hua Yueling didn't care about this, he still held this state, helping the nun to fight the darkness emanating from the crystal ball.

Originally, the nun was completely at a disadvantage, but with the help of Hua Yueling, this situation gradually changed.The two sides were not at the same level at all from the beginning, and gradually were able to fight each other. The nun could not say that she had recovered her advantage, but at least the surrounding environment had changed.

The two sides are antagonizing each other. For the time being, no one can do anything about it. Although the crystal ball is still increasing its power, its power is restrained. In addition, it is an unowned thing. It's just that someone controls it to do so.

So in fact it is very stupid right now, just blindly attacking, without other means of action, it is still quite easy to deal with, if the strength of the two sides is not equal, the nun will not be so troublesome.

The nun recovered a bit, she was almost unaware before, but the power in the body was actively fighting the invading dark power.Now she recovered and awake, with her control, the gap between the two sides has further narrowed.

But the nun didn't dare to stay here, she knew that her own strength was not enough.Although she was surprised that she was able to resist the attack of the dark power emitted by the crystal ball this time, she didn't have time to think about it, but quickly retreated.

While contending with the power of darkness, she backed away. Since this is already the situation, she can't help it with her strength alone.At present, the most evenly matched state is still with some help.

But after stepping back a few steps, the nun suddenly stopped again, staring at the crystal ball for a while, and she controlled her power to oppress it.

Hua Yueling didn't know what made her change her mind, but no matter what the other party did, he must help each other.At least the nun could not be defeated here, although he did not know the consequences of the nun being controlled by the darkness emanating from the crystal ball.

But now it has gradually changed from being evenly matched to the nun taking the upper hand. Don't look at the nun who looks weak and weak, but the people are somewhat mysterious.But compared to her strength, she was really worthwhile. She used light magic very powerfully, and even the darkness emanating from the crystal ball was still not her opponent.

Although Hua Yueling's help was provided, what she did was already good enough.

She hadn't been able to control it before, and the darkness had eroded so quickly that she had no time to react.After reacting, her reaction speed was quite good, but after a short period of at a loss, she immediately started to act.

The nun took two steps forward. As her hands aimed at the crystal ball, the light from the palm of her hand surged toward the crystal ball, trying to directly suppress it, but it was a bit difficult to do so, but the battle between the two sides was also It's almost coming to an end.

The current situation is better for the nun, but if it weren't for the strength help Hua Yueling provided, she wouldn't have the upper hand.It should be understood that even if the attributes of each other belong to the level of the enemy of life and death, the light attribute suppresses the dark attribute very obviously, but in the case of too much difference in strength, even if it is suppressed, it is actually not very useful.

For example, at the beginning, it was better to meet someone with similar strength, but when you meet an enemy whose strength is stronger than you, and you don't know how many enemies are stronger, it's completely different.

Although the suppressive effect is still there, there is not much difference between the kind and almost no, otherwise the nun would not be so easily swallowed by the dark breath emanating from the crystal ball.

If it weren't for Hua Yueling's timely help, it would be almost impossible for her to survive with her own consciousness.This is not to say that you can do it with how appraisal your will is. It has nothing to do with that, only the strength of both parties.

Of course, if the nun's will is really strong, it is still possible to maintain a trace of clarity, or to survive a little consciousness.

However, the situation is different now. Even if the nun really completely suppresses the crystal ball and wipes out the black aura that comes out or drives it back into the crystal ball, there is no way to completely eliminate it.

This is the difference between the two sides. If the nun wins, the final result is still the same. The crystal ball consumes some power, but the nun cannot control it, nor can it eliminate it.

But if the crystal ball wins, it's different. Even if the nun can survive, the result will not be too good, and even her consciousness may be wiped out.

It can be said that the result after the two sides wins is very unfair, but so what, the fact is that it is difficult for you to change it, and even if it is changed, what effect can it have.

Hua Yueling calmly observed the battle between the two sides, seeing the nun about to win.Although it still takes a lot of time, she will definitely win in the end.

No one can win except her, and the current state of the crystal ball speaks for itself.Through observation, Hua Yueling found that there were indeed a lot of power on the crystal ball, but the power it could use was very small, and most of the power was still in the seal.

I don't know who made this seal, whether it was a nun or the owner of the temple.But this kind of seal is indeed quite powerful.

It is impossible for Hua Yueling herself to be able to use such a sealing technique, so the person who can use such a sealing technique either has a strong strength, or else has a strong seal.

If not, the nun wouldn't be able to persist until Hua Yueling could help her, she would have to be swallowed by darkness before then, and it would not be the case now.

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