Seeing that the battle between the two sides had reached a deadlock in this way, the nun had the upper hand, but she couldn't do it in a short while if she wanted to win.

Hua Yueling's help was limited. After she was able to suppress the crystal ball, Hua Yueling no longer offered help.It is not so necessary, and although Hua Yueling is not willing to let her be defeated by the crystal ball, she obviously does not want her to defeat the crystal ball so soon.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that the two sides are now deadlocked, Hua Yueling decided to take a closer look.This is also his opportunity. He hopes to take advantage of this free time to observe more intelligence.

There is not much that can be seen at present, Hua Yueling can only see, he hopes that he can see more, but now only the superficial things can be seen.Apart from the superficial things, Hua Yueling could not see anything else.

The nun was gradually enveloped by a gleaming light, which was caused by the light magic she used.Apart from other things, the classification of light magic and dark magic is actually quite correct in this regard, regardless of why they are divided by humans.

One light and one darkness, human beings like light and fear darkness.

Hua Yueling thought secretly in her heart, and looked up and down the nun carefully, hoping to see something from her, but that was wishful thinking.

Hua Yueling is still looking for it, whether it's the nun or the crystal ball.Hua Yueling could see some things in the crystal ball, but the things he saw were all black, like a huge black vortex, which looked terrifying.

But Hua Yueling definitely didn't care about this. He just looked deeper as much as possible, hoping to see through the black vortex and see what was inside.

In the end, he was quite disappointed. He couldn't see anything, which was really strange.Hua Yueling could feel what was behind the black whirlpool, but he couldn't see through the black whirlpool, which left him nothing.

His gaze shifted to the nun not far away again. Now that the nun is attacking with all his strength, all the power in her body is released, and Hua Yueling can easily see what the power she has.But this is not enough.

Hua Yueling tried to snoop in from what the power showed, to learn more.

Not much can be seen, Hua Yueling found that even in this state, the light radiating from the nun is not just a burden, but a protection.Don't look at her possessing the power she gave, but even so, it is still very difficult to spy on her.

After Hua Yueling tried it, she knew that it was difficult for her to do this, and she had to give up her original idea and change her approach.

During a long period of time, Hua Yueling, the nun, and the crystal ball took different actions, but the results remained unchanged.Whether it's Hua Yueling's side, the nun's side, or even the crystal ball side, it's the same.

Hua Yueling took advantage of the two of them in the fight to try to absorb some of the dark breath and light breath that floated out. The magic here Hua Yueling had not been studied before, but now there is time to study it.

The action this time was a bit easier. Hua Yueling had absorbed both magical powers without spending much time, and then he tried to research.The research work is actually quite troublesome, plus Hua Yueling is not so good at this aspect, so it must take a lot of time.

Since the battle between the nun and the crystal ball is still almost evenly matched, Hua Yueling no longer pays attention to these for the time being, and hastened time to research.Now is a good time for research. If the battle between them is over, it is estimated that there will be no time to do these things.

The two forms of power have many similarities, but they are different in key points.The forms are almost the same, but the roots are different.

Magic, it's almost like this, Hua Yueling herself also knows some magic, but the magic between the two different worlds is different, there is a big difference.

The things that Hua Yueling can study are still relatively limited. After all, although he said he knew about these things, he didn't know so much.There is no alternative, Hua Yueling can only rely on limited knowledge to understand some situations.

There is definitely no way to go too deep, so what you can do is to learn as much as possible based on your limited knowledge.

"Huh... a very interesting power, I don't know if it was created, or it was created based on the power I possess."

Hua Yueling thought to himself that according to his understanding, there are actually some similarities between the magic power it possesses and the magic power in this world.It's just that the similarities are less than imagined.

When Hua Yueling was about to complete the research, the battle had ended.In the end, it was the nun who won. In fact, her victory was quite interesting. In the end, she was able to win with the help of Hua Yueling.

When Hua Yueling absorbed the magic power that was scattered, he absorbed a little more of the magic power emitted by the crystal ball, so it became like this, otherwise it would have to stand still for a while.

But when the battle was over, Hua Yueling's research was over.He saw the nun using the power of light to seal the crystal ball, but the seal was not so reliable.

Maybe it was this kind of seal that was used before, so the seal is so fragile, otherwise it shouldn't be.

Hua Yueling glanced at the seal performed by the nun. Although he didn't know much about the sealing technique, he was also a person who had mixed with Sister Aroline and the others for a period of time. Is the seal very good? Look out some.

This kind of seal can be said to be very weak, barely able to seal it, but as long as the crystal ball can use more power, it can easily be broken.

Even if it doesn't test its own power, just rely on the power of outsiders, and it doesn't even need to be too powerful, it can easily break this seal, it is too easy.

Hua Yueling shook her head in her heart. If it were still such a seal, almost everything would happen afterwards.It stands to reason that with the power of the nun, it should be possible to create a stronger seal.

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