It was impossible for Hua Yueling to stay on the crystal ball anymore. Seeing that the nun was about to leave after the seal was completed, Hua Yueling transferred to her again.Hua Yueling was going to leave with her. This time she came here and thought she would have a greater harvest. Maybe it would be helpful for her to leave here, but now she still thinks a little bit more.

Hua Yueling didn't want to stay here, but wanted to go out with the nun.He felt that there was no use keeping it here, and it was unlikely that he wanted to return to his own world from here, so he might as well follow the nun to see what else would happen.

"Xiaoxue, help me search and see what skills and props are used to break illusions in the store."

Hua Yueling asked like this on the way back with the nun, he felt that instead of going on like this, it was better to buy skills and leave quickly.

"Actually, if the owner wants to save money, others have a way."

Xiaoxue suddenly said this, which made Hua Yueling feel a little surprised. He didn't expect that Xiaoxue would still be able to follow her own thoughts, which was really incredible.Had it not been known that Xiaoxue could not take medicine, Hua Yueling would even wonder if she had taken the wrong medicine.

But this is a good thing for herself, of course Hua Yueling would not refuse, and immediately agreed.After agreeing, Xiaoxue told him what to do. In fact, the method was very simple, even if she didn't talk about Hua Yueling, she knew it.

"So that's it."

"Isn't that the case, the master doesn't think there is a better way, right?"

"I think so, it seems I think too much."

"It's not easy for the master to find a shortcut, but maybe there is a chance. The master shouldn't just think about finding a shortcut from others, but think about it by yourself."

"Well, according to what you said, Xiaoxue, the skills are all like this. As long as you use them, you can increase experience, but it's very slow to upgrade.

"The upgrade will definitely be slower, but the best part is that it doesn't cost any gold coins. Isn't this exactly what the owner wants."

"Well, that's what you said, it's nice not to spend gold coins. Okay, let me give it a try, it would be much better if I could use this method to upgrade."

Hua Yueling thought so and couldn't help but act immediately.Anyway, as Xiaoxue said, just use it and increase experience.This method is indeed the best, but Hua Yueling feels that this method is a bit too slow.

Trying to destroy the illusion, and then can increase the experience of the illusion, Hua Yueling does not know how much experience can be increased each time, but he thinks that if it can increase some of his own perception, it is fine.

During the time she went back, Hua Yueling didn't do anything else, just tried to use illusion skills to fight the situation.

It is not easy to crack illusion skills, especially when your skill level is not enough, it is even more difficult to crack illusions.

Hua Yueling tried to crack it, but just like what he had done before, the world in front of him was motionless, there was no movement at all.

"It still doesn't work, but at least there has been some progress."

Hua Yueling opened the panel and looked at her own skills. There are also experience points in the skills. Hua Yueling has not seen the experience points of the previous illusion skills, so there is no way to increase and how much.

However, you can write it down this time, and then compare it after the next use. Since the possible increase is not too great, you need to remember it clearly.If there is no way to write it down completely, then it will not be easy to compare whether there is growth or not.

Hua Yueling closed her eyes and thought about it, the number was already printed in her mind.It's a pity that there is no way to record manually, otherwise it would be more secure.

Looking at the nun again, I saw that she was the same as when she came, walking back silently. Hua Yueling admired her very much. It was obvious that something like that happened, but now it seems that there is nothing on her. Happened in general.

With such a spirit, it is impossible for Hua Yueling to say that she does not admire her.It is not something ordinary people can do to recover so quickly after such a difficult battle.

But I don't know if she is aware of her existence, anyway, she must know something here, and she also knows that it helped her.Otherwise, she couldn't survive.

But Hua Yueling didn't think she knew what kind of person helped her, and what that person was like, that was for sure.But even so, would she try to find out, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, but she didn't notice such existence.

In other words, at least until now, the nun still hasn't done anything, perhaps because she feels that the person has helped her and shouldn't do that.Or they may feel that they are not strong enough, and doing so is just a humiliation.

Now that she understood this, she did nothing for the time being.Just glanced around before leaving. At that time, the entire space was illuminated by light, so she was able to see clearly and could not see other people, which did not surprise her.

The more so, the more strange the nun felt, whether that person was here long ago, or that he came here from other places and came with him.But what she can understand is that she had better not do things that would irritate each other, and the strength between the two sides is not on the same level.

Not to mention that others have helped me, but that I can see that there is nothing to do or even help myself under the dark atmosphere that the crystal ball emits.

The nun wanted to know each other very much, but it seemed that the other party didn't think that way, or had different ideas from her, otherwise he would have come out long ago, and it's impossible that he didn't show up now.

In any case, the nun felt that she needed to express her inner gratitude.She put her hands together, turned and thanked the endless darkness behind her.

After about a minute, she straightened up and walked out along the winding road.

"It's a very polite person."

Looking at her style, Hua Yueling thought to herself that there was nothing wrong with her actions anyway.He didn't do anything unpleasant. After that, he even knew to be grateful. This was good. He also felt that he didn't help the other party in vain, although this was not his original intention for doing this.

The nun wanted to see if there would be a response. Seeing that no one paid any attention to her, she felt somewhat regretful.

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