"That's exactly what I said, but I'm not lying to Sister Yun, it's really good for you, so I called you over."

Aroline said with a smile, but when she heard such a sentence, Hua Yun's slender eyebrows curled up.She must have something else to say after she knew Aroline.

"But, things have changed a bit, so... hehe..."

Aroline knocked her head with a small hand and said with a smirk.

Hua Yun doesn't want to say anything about her acting like a coquettish and cute.But it's all here, even though I didn't have much hope at first, let's just forget it.

But she didn't know what Aroline was talking about, and she didn't see anything after walking along for a long time.

Since Aroline said that, that's fine, there is no need to ask so much.

"Forget it, I didn't have much hope anyway. I'm just a little surprised, what good is it for me to be here? Aroline you said that before, so I was curious."

"Well... how to put it, it can be said to be a feeling."

Alorin was a little hesitant, and Hua Yueling was also a little confused about this. In his impression, Sister Alorin had never acted like this.This is the first time.What happened? They all walked with each other for so long, but basically they didn't find anything, it's still the same up to now.

This matter is no longer the case, anyway, Sister Aroline said that, even if it is a question, it is of no use.

"Then shall we go back later?"

"Don't worry, sisters and others should study for a while. After all, in such an environment, it is easier to study. But if Xiaoyueling, you don't want to stay here, go back first. The teleportation formation is already stable. , There will be no problem. Besides, you are sending it back, so don’t worry about it.

"That..." Hua Yueling glanced at the others and asked everyone's opinions. "If there is nothing for us, we'd better go back first. There is nothing we can do while staying here."

Hua Yueling is about to go back, staying here for a long time, it's somewhat meaningless.After all, it's almost the same everywhere, and it's still in this kind of place where almost no one lives. It doesn't make much sense to stay here. It's better to go back earlier.

"If Sister Yun waited here for a while, this place is actually very good for Sister Yun. If you stay here for a while, maybe there will be changes."

Aroline blinked her big eyes and said while holding Huayun's hand.

"And you won't let Sister Yun wait too long."

"That... Okay." After thinking about it for a while, Hua Yun was still persuaded by Aroline. After all, she had asked for leave to come here, and it is impossible to go back at this time. It's better to stay and have a look. It's not a waste of time, otherwise, this trip will be really wasted.

I don't know what Aroline is going to do with Huayun, it looks a little mysterious, and regardless of Hua Yueling and the others, she took Huayun's hand and walked towards Livello and the others.

Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong looked at each other, now there are only two of them left here.Hua Yun was dragged away by Sister Alorin, and Mu Ningshuang was also there now. If they went back, they would both go back together.

It's okay to say back if only the two of them, but they still decided not to go back for the time being, and the two of them also chased Sister Aroline and Sister Huayun and walked over.

When the group came to Sister Livello and the others, Arolin naturally noticed them coming, turned her head and blinked those big eyes at them. They looked so cute.

Hua Yueling smiled helplessly in her heart. Sister Aroline made him feel like she was half hit.In fact, it is naturally not that exaggerated, but sister Aroline's performance is indeed somewhat unexpected.

After coming here, Aroline didn't say anything, and also signaled them not to speak for now, because Sister Livello and the others are still discussing.It seemed that they were very serious, and they were not affected by the fact that they came.

It seems that the discussion is still very lively, but Liweiluo and Mu Ningshuang talk less, in fact, in comparison, Mu Ningshuang talks the least.Sister Jelucy is quite capable of speaking, and there are so many things that seem to be endless.

But the three people are not always talking, they will stop and stare at the ground for a while, and then they seem to have found some clues. Yes, they have some movements.But these are things that Hua Yueling can't understand, and in fact, he can't be blamed. If you let other people look at it, you might think that Livello and the others are playing mystery. It feels like that.

A few people stood by and watched, but some wandered away.For example, Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong still wanted to get a serious understanding at the beginning. Maybe they could help a little bit, but they soon gave up such an idea.

What you don't understand means you don't understand. It's impossible to understand it so easily. This is the knowledge Hua Yueling understands in this respect.In fact, it should have been understood a long time ago, and knowledge still has some hope.

About ten minutes later, Liweiluo's attention shifted to Hua Yueling and the others, looking at Hua Yun.

"Come over with me."

Liweiluo tilted her head to think for a while, as if thinking of something, beckoned and called Hua Yun over.Then the two of them left here, Hua Yueling and the others looked at Sister Aroline, only to see that she also spread her hands for some unknown reason and shrugged her shoulders.

It seemed that she didn't even know what to do with Sister Liweiluo and Sister Yun.But it's always a good thing, it can't be a bad thing.

No matter what, the matter over there has nothing to do with Hua Yueling and the others for the time being.They just have to wait here.

"Sister Aroline, how long do you think they are going to go?"

Hua Yueling asked curiously.

"I don't know this, I don't know what my sister did with sister Yun. Wait and see, I guess it won't be too long."

This is also Aroline's guess. As for whether her guess is true, it is hard to say.Hua Yueling did not continue to ask, so just wait.

I don't know how many times I have waited. Anyway, Hua Yueling gradually didn't think there was anything. Habits were probably such terrible things.

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