Just as Aroline guessed, it didn't take long for Liweiluo and the others to leave. They went there for about half an hour.After half an hour, two people suddenly appeared.

They did not walk back directly, but directly transmitted back.So Hua Yueling and the others don't even know where they went.However, it is clear that Sister Yun has undergone some changes since then. The changes do not seem to be that big, but it allows you to see the changes in her at a glance.

It was an incredible breath, that kind of breath haunted her body.Hua Yueling felt it, but didn't understand what kind of breath it was.

However, as long as Sister Yun's strength is improved, it is actually quite good, other gains are not so important, but I don't know whether Sister Yun knows what kind of power she has.

Hua Yueling didn't think it was certain. After all, Liweiluo took her with her, and she might be able to do it without much effort.

Liweiluo didn't say anything after returning, and returned to Jelucci and Mu Ningshuang's side, and communicated with them.As if nothing happened.

But Aroline was quite curious, and immediately came over, which made Hua Yueling quite strange.It stands to reason that Sister Aroline should know what happened, but she is like people like herself.

"Sister Yun, where did you go? How come there is such a big change after going there?"

Hua Yueling asked Sister Yun very curiously, but Sister Yun's answer was very interesting, even she didn't know it.Or I can't say that I don't know, I can only say that I still have some doubts, I don't know what I did.

Anyway, she became a little more confused, and even she herself didn't know how she became stronger, which was quite interesting.

But now that Sister Yun is back, it means that things here are temporarily over.

"Xiaoyueling, do you want to go see other places?"

"other places?"

Hua Yueling didn't understand what it meant for a while, and she was already in other places, so she wanted to go.But then he reacted, what Sister Aroline asked should be whether she wanted to go to other places in this world, otherwise she wouldn't ask like that.

But he didn't know the use of doing this. Could it be that he could still lure the escaped demon out again.

"May I?"

So immediately after Hua Yueling asked, it's actually good to go around here, especially to the kind of places that you haven't been to.Look around and look for other creatures here.

"Of course you can, as long as you change the teleportation array a little bit. It saves you guys who have been waiting here, is it meaningless?"

"It's okay."

Shrugging his shoulders is definitely not good, but it can't be said to be bad.I can only say that it is almost done.After all, Hua Yueling had waited so many times, and she was quite proficient in waiting.Although there is no such thing as being proficient or unfamiliar with such things.

Since you can go to other places, there is no need to rush back.Sister Aroline hadn't talked about this before, so Hua Yueling didn't know. Now that there is such an opportunity, let's go and see it.

Hua Yueling thought so, but still have to look at the opinions of others.But when he looked at other people, they had no opinion.Everyone had no opinion, so Hua Yueling and the others decided to go to other places together, but they were the only three of them. Sister Aroline said that she would not go with them, not to mention Sister Livello. Having said that, they still have their own business to be busy.

Several people came to the teleportation array, but they didn't see what Sister Alorin had done, and then they told them that it was done and they could teleport directly through the teleportation array.

"Before I fixed the location of the teleportation to the place we were teleporting to. Now my sister, I changed it a bit, and it is no longer a ship to a fixed place, and can be teleported to somewhere here. But this is obviously the same. If there is danger, you'd better be more careful after the past, and don't be careless."

"This we know, if we find that the situation is not right, we will send it back immediately."

Hua Yueling naturally understood what to do. He didn't go desperately, but went to look elsewhere.Just go around and find out about the situation. If you can avoid fighting, you should naturally find ways to avoid it.

When the teleportation array was shining, Hua Yueling took a step forward and walked directly into the portal.Then he was teleported away, followed by Lu Yuetong, and Hua Yun finally.

"If you want to come back and go directly through the teleportation array, right?"

"That's right, don't bother, you can teleport back directly through the portal."

Hua Yun nodded, and then disappeared inside the portal.After they had all left, Aroline stood there for a while at the entrance of the portal. After confirming that there was no problem, she walked away to Sister Livello and the others, listening to the discussion between them, and understanding How is the research progress.

After Hua Yueling and the others passed through the portal, they came to a new place, which was also a place where Hua Yueling had never been before.It's still different from the place I've been to before, this is a place that can be called beautiful scenery.

Standing in front of the teleportation gate, Hua Yueling looked around and could see some unseen ascendants.However, these creatures were very courageous. The sound that Hua Yueling made after coming out of the portal immediately alarmed the creatures, and they all looked at them immediately, and then they were scared to escape.

Hua Yueling didn't chase them, but looked at their fleeing figures from behind, a little helpless, was she so scary, how could she escape.In fact, he also knows that this has nothing to do with whether he is terribly discriminatory. The important thing is that he is a complete stranger to them. Because of this, they will run away in a panic.

They belong to the kind of relatively weak, or relatively timid creatures. In fact, there is not much difference between them. It is precisely because of their weakness that they are less courageous.In other words, it is not that they are timid, but because they know that they are not opponents of the other party, they are naturally unwilling to seek death. After all, no one is willing to die for no reason.

This is true of human beings, and so is biological nature.Originally, there was a beautiful natural and harmonious picture here, because of the arrival of Hua Yueling, this picture instantly changed.

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