Hua Yueling couldn't be said to be unprepared for this, but he originally thought that he would encounter some more powerful creatures when he came here, but he didn't expect this to be the case.

But this is fine, encountering more powerful creatures is not a good thing for him.Now this way the other party will not affect me, and I will not affect the other party too much, which is fine.

After walking a few steps forward, Hua Yueling looked around and found that this place is actually pretty good, and the environment should already be pretty good in this world.At least the environment is much better than the two places I have visited.

Although the environment here is pretty good, I just don’t know if anyone will live in such a place.Logically speaking, there should be. After all, the environment here is even better than the places I have visited before. It is not very likely that there is no one to live.

It’s not easy to say where you live. Although it is said that you have to walk around, Hua Yueling and the others cannot go to Taiyuan. Otherwise, what if you can’t find the way back? do.

Hua Yueling and the others did not have a map that could be used to mark locations and confirm where they were currently.So the best way is to go to Taiyuan, where you don’t have to go, and just walk around here. In that case, it’s easier to find the portal and send it back, otherwise it will be difficult.

Immediately behind him, Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun also walked out of the portal. After seeing the environment here, they were naturally amazed by it.

In the distance, you could see the hills with heavy ridges and emerald ridges, and water flowed down on the hill directly opposite them, forming a waterfall that flew down and hit the pool below.

On both sides are dense trees. Those trees grow vigorously and bear fruit on the trees, but Hua Yueling is not well informed, so I can't recognize what kind of fruit it is.But what is certain is that it is definitely not something he can recognize.

From Hua Yueling's point of view, it should be a somewhat interesting fruit, but he would never try to taste it casually.It is impossible to confirm whether that kind of thing is poisonous or not, and it is impossible to confirm the effect of that thing, so in this case, it is best not to try randomly.

Hua Yueling and the others walked forward at a leisurely pace, all the way to the front of the pool, and the waterfall rushed down from above, hitting the water in the pool, splashing all over.

There was a small gap on the edge of the pool, and the water flowed out from there, forming a small river. This river flowed far away, not knowing where it would go.

Hua Yueling stood by the river, stood for a while and then squatted down, staring down at the flowing water. The river is actually not too wide, but even so, it is possible to cross it in one step. Not big.Hua Yueling and the others can jump directly from above without difficulty, but for ordinary people, this river is an insurmountable distance.

Of course, in fact, you can also walk directly through the river, that is no problem, after all, the river is actually not very deep, and it is easier to go up after going down.The river here is crystal clear and there is no fish in it.

After squatting for a while, he stood up and continued to walk towards the pool where a lot of clean water was gathered.

All three of them stood in front of the pool, staring into the pool, but it was obviously too clean.Nothing, no living things, no fish, no aquatic plants and the like, even some odds and ends.

Hua Yueling doesn't quite understand why this is. The water resources here are very strange. When the water is clear, there are no fish. It is really interesting to find such a water source in such a natural area.

But Hua Yueling was not sure if the water here was drunk, so he didn't dare to try.

I looked around, and I really couldn't even see the shadow of a single creature here, and they all ran away.There are no wild beasts here, they are all weak creatures.

It seems that this is a paradise for those weak creatures, but I don't know if there will be some more powerful carnivorous creatures coming.

I looked around and found that this place is actually quite suitable for herbivores.Green grass grows everywhere, and it grows quite lush.But now it is quite quiet here, there are no creatures to see, after all, they are still here, so those creatures will not come back in a short time, unless Hua Yueling and the others leave.

After they leave, after a while, those creatures may come back.But as long as Hua Yueling and the others are still here, those weak creatures will definitely not come over, but it is possible to encounter some other stronger creatures.

But that was definitely not the purpose of Hua Yueling and the others, they were not willing to encounter any powerful monsters here.They are here to find other things, for example, there is no one living nearby.

Or even if there is no one, are there other places worth exploring? These are all things Hua Yueling feels that she needs to do here.After all, you can't come here in vain, at least some gains are needed.

However, it is hard to say whether this gain is useful or not. In fact, some understanding of this place may be useful.But if you can find some props or equipment from here, it might be more useful.

Hua Yueling and the others had good luck. Not far from the portal, they really found a place similar to an ancient ruin.

It was a strange place. It looked like a semi-circular building, but it was a bit dilapidated. It seemed that it was a building that existed a long time ago.

There was nothing else here, and there were still a few creatures around, but those creatures also fled quickly.There were originally two creatures at the top, but they also ran away quickly, and soon disappeared.

This means that Hua Yueling and the others did not regard those creatures as targets, otherwise it would be difficult to escape with their speed.

Hua Yueling and the others looked around the dilapidated circular building, and found that there was no door leading into it.They looked up, and then walked up the slope.

When they reached the top, Hua Yueling stopped and looked down.It can be seen that there is a circular opening at the top, and there is a staircase hovering down the internal gap. Hua Yueling and the others can directly walk down the staircase.

At the lowest end, there is still no door, but you can see a round about the size of two people at the bottom, which resembles a sewer opening.

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