In this room, Hua Yueling found traces of human life, and it looked very new.In other words, there may be people living here until recently.

But if someone lives here, can the other party live with the ghoul and other guys?Hua Yueling doubted this, if not, where did those guys come from.

These are all unsolved mysteries, and no one can answer his doubts.But Hua Yueling didn't care much about it. There were so many things in the world that she didn't know and didn't understand, and she couldn't be clear about everything. After all, she wasn't an encyclopedia and didn't have such functions.

There are many questions lingering in her mind, but what Hua Yueling is most worried about is whether there are other people here, and want to know what the purpose of those people is.

Hua Yueling didn't know much about the people in this world, and didn't know much about the strength of various creatures in this world.However, after fighting against General Ghoul, he had a general idea in his heart.

The main thing is to compare with another world, the enemies encountered in the different world really don't have much strength to this level.Of course, the equipment that may have been made by dwarves is also quite powerful. It is very difficult to defeat or cause damage to the opponent only by relying on the weapons in their hands, but it is not impossible to defeat.

The General Ghoul here feels similar to those equipment, but in terms of the degree of danger, the equipment made by the dwarves is more dangerous.

The three of Hua Yueling searched the entire room, but they didn't gain much. They didn't get any other useful information apart from knowing that someone had lived here not long ago.

In fact, this is also normal, within Hua Yueling's calculations.

It is very difficult to find something in such a place. Huayueling had already expected it a long time ago, so she didn't care much when she discovered it was so.It's nothing, what can be found in such a place is actually strange.

You don’t need to think about it, but according to your own ideas, whoever has important things in his hands will casually put it outside, and think about it and know that it is impossible.

If it is really important or useful, it will definitely be put where you can get it relatively easily.It's not about putting it in your own room or putting it in a room very close to your own room. That's probably the case.

So Hua Yueling was not surprised, and it was nothing.It is precisely because of this that they need to go to a place further inside, and only in that place can they find what they want.

Hua Yueling is also worried about whether he will encounter some enemies here, but he is not particularly worried, after all, his strength lies there. As far as strength is concerned, there are basically no enemies here that are his opponents.

Besides, he didn't come alone, but with other people.Lu Yuetong and Sister Yun are weaker than them, not as strong as him, but the combined strength of the two of them, if they cooperate with the action, the strength is actually not bad.

It may not be possible to defeat Hua Yueling, but the two sides are probably evenly matched.

No matter what, the action still has to continue, and it is impossible for Hua Yueling to do nothing just because he is worried that there are enemies inside.It is even less likely to give up because of this, let alone, their original purpose is to explore this place.

Hua Yueling hopes to get something from here, maybe something related to this world, or some kind of power or weapon, or the way the power works.

Anyway, he wants to gain something, and this place is still very possible for him.The more such a place is, the more likely it is to find something, Hua Yueling thinks so.

Just like what he did in another world, he went to explore everywhere, to find things useful to him.Although the harvest may not be so great, it may even be impossible to find anything.

Hua Yueling hopes that there will not be no gain here, even if there is only a little bit, even if there is only a little bit, even if there is nothing like that, Hua Yueling doesn't want it.But this kind of thing doesn't run according to his thoughts, it still depends on the situation.

What kind of here is Huayueling still can't judge at present, there is something here that Huayueling can't judge, these all need to rely on their own observation to understand.

Hua Yueling and the others didn't stay here for long, mainly because they couldn't find anything, and then they left this place.Continue to go deeper along the passage in front.After encountering enemies like General Ghoul here, Hua Yueling also had a general guess about the enemies that might be in the depths. The strength of those enemies is definitely not a joke, let alone anything else. A ghoul general with a group of ghouls, or even two ghoul generals directly, would be difficult to fight.

But they can't stop advancing because of fear, and difficulty in fighting doesn't mean that they can't win.It's just a little bit difficult, as long as which of them can take the lead, or solve one first, then it will be easy.

Hua Yueling also had some experience. In fact, the opponent's ghoul general was not too difficult, but it was more troublesome to solve it.Without sufficiently sharp weapons or enough damage, it is impossible to solve the general ghoul, and its defense is too strong.

Li Yongyin's Dragon Blade can indeed break through the opponent's defense relatively easily, but he cannot use the two-handed sword, although Hua Yueling thinks that the two-handed sword is easier to fight in many cases.The damage caused is also higher.

However, the gap between the two is still very large. The Hidden Dragon Blade is a weapon of the artifact level, and although his two-handed sword is also very powerful, the gap between it and the Hidden Dragon Blade is still obvious.

The Hidden Dragon Blade can break defenses, and should be considered a top weapon in this respect.A two-handed sword is not good, no matter how powerful it is, after all, it is only a weapon better than ordinary weapons.

The possibility of using a two-handed sword to solve a problem is too small, especially when facing an enemy with good defense or good equipment.

"It seems that we still have to find better equipment. Just having a hidden dragon blade is not enough. Although the silver dragon is very powerful, it is a dagger after all, not suitable for multi-player battles."

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