Although she thought so in her heart, Hua Yueling also knew that it was very difficult to find such a weapon.Not to mention a weapon like the Hidden Dragon Blade, even a weapon that was only weaker than Hua Yueling had never encountered it.

Such weapons can be met but not sought, but thinking of this, Hua Yueling suddenly remembered a problem that Sister Yun had studied recently.Those artifacts in another world, I don't know if the artifacts in another world can be compared with the hidden dragon blade.

However, the hidden dragon blade seems to have no other ability besides being invisible, having extremely strong damage and breaking defense capabilities.At least so far he has not used it.It stands to reason that the power of an artifact should be more than that.

Hua Yueling hasn't asked Xiaoxue yet, but she is not ready to ask.Now that this artifact is in his own hands, it is necessary for him to study this weapon himself.

Hua Yueling felt that she had to personally study what kind of effect her weapon had.But so far Hua Yueling is still not sure.

"How to study it?"

Hua Yueling had such a question, but no one could answer his question.He just thought about it this way, and didn't waste too much time on it.After all, there is more to do for him now.

It was actually relatively easy to act in this place, and they basically did not encounter any enemies along the way.It seems that the general ghoul outside is the last enemy here.

But Hua Yueling didn't think that was the case.He felt that there must be other enemies, but those enemies were not outside now, but elsewhere.There may also be intruders like them, and those people are at war with the intruders.

At this time, it was analyzed from the situation seen from the outside. Although it seemed that the battle outside took place a long time ago, after only observation, Hua Yueling's judgment has changed a little.

I don't know how long ago it was, but in any case, that incident seems to have been extended to the present.Hua Yueling couldn't judge anything, after all, there was still too little information, and it would be better if there was more information.

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart and continued to walk inside.This road seemed to have no end, walking, Hua Yueling found that the front door was open.He listened, and at the same time he was observing, using his probing skills to observe.

But for now, there is nothing here, nothing can be seen, nothing can be found.

"this place……"

Hua Yueling blinked and stared at the heavily smashed door. There were several corpses behind the door, and the blood stains stretched deeper.

"It's strange..."

It seems that there has not been a fierce battle here, and this is what makes him feel strange.It stands to reason that the people who broke in from the outside and the people inside should have had a fierce battle here, but from the current situation, this is not the case.

I don't know if there was no one inside, or if the door was broken and they fled directly, anyway, no matter what the possibility, the intruder and the people inside did not fight at all.

The traces left here can be seen, Hua Yueling can be sure that there is absolutely no battle here.In this case, it is actually a bit strange. Although I don't know why, it also shows some problems.

Perhaps the people inside wanted to introduce the intruder into the trap. This was Hua Yueling's first thought, but after another thought, the people here should not be that smart. If the people living here are similar to The words of those creatures like General Ghoul.

Hua Yueling still couldn't judge what was going on. These were just his guesses. As for whether the guess was correct, Hua Yueling couldn't be sure at present.He can only look at the situation, and then go deeper to understand the situation.

No one stopped them. This gave Hua Yueling and the others a chance to make their actions easier, at least not so troublesome, and they needed to fight.

A few people walked along this road all the way, this is a relatively long road, Hua Yueling even found several traps.But fortunately, those traps did not affect them very much, because those traps have been triggered. Someone helped them trigger them, and those people paid for it.

Hua Yueling admired the other party very much, and didn't observe anything, just rushing into it stupidly.Especially after the trap has been triggered outside, throwing it inside will cause a lot of casualties.

However, from this, Hua Yueling also gained more useful news. It can be seen that the number of intruders is still quite large, otherwise they would definitely not dare to do that.

It's not something a mature leader would do to rush into it stupidly regardless of his own casualties.That is to say, the leader of those people is just a foolish man, or even a foolish man is not even a foolish thing.

If the leader of the opponent is just such a guy, it is still not difficult for Hua Yueling, and one thing is certain. The strength of the opponent must be very strong, and the team led by the opponent should be quite large. , Otherwise I would never dare to do so.

Things seemed a little troublesome, but Hua Yueling couldn't stop here, he had to keep going.When I got here, I still didn't find anything, I didn't get anything. This is not what they want, and what they want has not been obtained yet.

Taking a deep breath, Hua Yueling noticed that, deeper, in a huge space.

"It seems that we are here at the right time. But don't worry about going out, be careful and don't make any noise."

Hua Yueling realized that she had reached the place, and had found the place where those people were fighting.But what will happen there? Hua Yueling doesn't want people like herself to get involved, so it's better to understand the situation first.

Hua Yueling and the others quickly found the place where those people were, but they couldn't get too close, otherwise they would be easily spotted, not to mention there was no hiding place there.

Closing her mouth tightly, Hua Yueling didn't dare to take a mouthful, and the three of them hid in the corner, where was the best place to hide.There is no place to hide even closer.

Hua Yueling naturally hopes to go closer, but it is basically impossible.Unless he goes invisible, the time of invisibility is still shorter, and it is likely to make a sound, after all, he is a little nervous now.

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