After the three of Hua Yueling hid, Hua Yueling quietly poked her head out to observe the situation inside.It can be seen that there are two groups of people facing each other deeper, or standing at opposing angles.

One of them is on their side, and the other is on the opposite side.The number of people between the two parties seems to be the same, but since Hua Yueling can see only that part of it, she is not sure whether her judgment is correct.

"The number is not bad, but the strength of these guys is indeed a bit scary."

By observing Hua Yueling, it can be judged that the overall strength of those outside is stronger than the enemy on the opposite side.And those guys are a bit scary, especially the leader of those guys, Hua Yueling only dared to sweep the opponent, and then immediately shifted his attention to other places.

But fortunately, the attention of those people was on their enemy. There was no conversation between the two sides. When Hua Yueling was observing, as if some switch was turned on, the two sides were directly caught in battle.

All this came so suddenly, if it hadn't been for Hua Yueling to know that it was impossible, he would even think they were performing.Just to deceive these people, to drag myself and others into the trap.

The fight between them was extremely tragic. It was like two armies collided between the two sides, and at that moment there was a deafening noise.Hua Yueling looked at this scene somewhat unbelievably, it was really unbelievable, all of this was like this.

The battle between the armies, in fact, could not reach that level, but observing here, Hua Yueling felt that that kind of momentum had been created.

The number of people between the two sides is relatively small, but it looks like a massive war is going on.Especially the leader on their side, the strength is really quite strong, a person can deal with four or five people, and can also have the upper hand.

Not only him, but also the guys he brought, they are all very powerful guys, and they fight like crazy.Hua Yueling has never seen anyone who can achieve this level of combat.

Looking at them, it’s simply unscrupulous in order to win, regardless of other things, and whether your body can withstand it or not. Anyway, they are just offensive and offensive. Looking at them, you don’t know what defense is. They only know offense. The offense is the first priority and the others are ignored.

In this regard, Hua Yueling still admired them, at least he couldn't do it himself.But Hua Yueling knew in her heart that the reason why those people did that was that they usually fight like this, and the other is that they were ordered to do so by the leader.

But no matter what the possibility is, they don't mind this at all when they look, they put all their minds on the battle, and they have no thought of running away.

It seemed that these people had been brainwashed, but Hua Yueling observed that it was not the case. Maybe there was some special way. No matter how the leader did it, he was still quite powerful.

The battle between the two sides is still going on, and it seems that it cannot be ended for a while, which is a bit troublesome.Hua Yueling and the others are hiding in the dark, there is no good way for the time being, they can't find another way, that is to say, there is only one way to a deeper place.

It is almost impossible to go in without disturbing those people. They are not vegetarian. Even in the fight, Hua Yueling and others will be very concerned, and the other party will definitely be able to discover their existence.

At that time, it may not be a melee between the two parties, but a three-party melee.

Hua Yueling didn't want to get involved in it, he hoped that he could pass this area relatively calmly and safely.

"It seems we can only wait here, until they finish playing."

Lu Yuetong whispered in his ear at this time, Hua Yueling frowned.I have to admit that what Lu Yuetong said is not wrong, unless there is another way, or if they can hide the people inside, otherwise it is better not to worry.

But Hua Yueling didn't want to wait here, he wanted to get inside faster, mainly because he wanted to see what could be found inside.It is still unclear, but it will be very difficult to find something if it is destroyed by the people inside.

But it is not easy to want the past, but fortunately it is also in a state of chaos now, so if you are careful enough, there is still a good chance to do this.

Hua Yueling thought about it seriously and felt that it would be better not to be so anxious.He is relatively confident in his own strength, but even if he is confident, he still has a thought about when and how to do it.

Gazing at the situation inside, Hua Yueling took a deep breath.The situation inside became more and more chaotic, but after a short period of time, the situation inside had already changed a lot.

Originally the two sides were almost evenly matched, but now there have been some changes.The intruders on the outside side have the upper hand.In fact, this is conceivable, Hua Yueling had already noticed it and thought of it.

After all, there is almost no big difference in number between the two sides. Although there are a lot of people inside, the number of people outside is at least not less than that of the inside.

Another thing to say is that there is indeed a difference in strength between the two sides. This is undoubtedly a matter. In fact, the difference in strength may not be that big, but in terms of combat experience or reaction ability, the difference between the two sides can be said to be a natural difference. Farewell.

For example, the ghoul general that Hua Yueling had fought before was just like a fool.Hua Yueling had never fought such a dumb enemy before.

Just think about it, the enemy who only knows to fight in a certain way is actually a small threat. On the contrary, those who can use their power flexibly have a greater threat.Because you simply can't figure out what the other party thinks and what the other party's next move is.

Sometimes observation is very useful, but not so useful. For example, what is the next move after you observe the opponent's move? In the case of the more dull General Ghoul, it is honest. Then do it, but it's different if you run into someone who is more flexible in thinking. People will make changes and will not act according to your ideas.

In this respect, a distinction must be made, such as between the leader of the intruder and the general ghoul.

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