This kind of thing needs to be dealt with carefully. In fact, it is like Hua Yueling going to fight with General Ghoul before, but the attack of General Ghoul is very easy to deal with.The most difficult part for him is that the general ghoul is very hard, and he can't move with the two-handed sword, so he appears so strong.

In fact, if you really want to say it, the other party is definitely not that strong. Now the intruder leader is facing the same problem. The ghoul may not be that strong, but it is too fleshy to make people unable to do so.If you can't break open and you can't do anything, this is the main problem.

Although the weapon of the invader leader is also good, it is definitely incomparable with the hidden dragon blade, so although it is not impossible to break the defense of the general ghoul, it is still a bit difficult.

It is very difficult to completely solve the Ghoul General, but there are other people. Since it is not possible to solve the Ghoul General for the time being, then go and solve the other guys.

The other person may seem stupid, but in fact they are still smarter and not as stupid as they seem.

"I don't know if there are other people here, or just that."

Hua Yueling said in a low voice, what he cared most was how much space there was, whether there were other enemies.Based on the configuration of the enemy that can be seen now, it actually feels that the enemy is not very strong. After all, Hua Yueling has only seen two ghoul generals so far. The strength of the ghoul general is OK, but that's the case. child.

"I think there should be other enemies here."

"In that case, let's not move and wait here. You can wait until the guys inside help us solve all the enemies here, and then we can solve them."

"The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind."

This is a good trick. Although the three of them are not afraid of the enemy, nor that they are not opponents of those people, it is better to reduce some troubles if they can reduce some troubles.At least Hua Yueling thought so too.

How do you say this kind of thing, anyway, Hua Yueling thinks that it just needs to be simple, and there is no need to think about other things.What's the matter if you use some tactics, besides, you are a fool if you don’t use tactics.

The battle inside has gradually come to an end. Although the defenders inside are trying their best to defend, the gap between the two sides is still very large.

Especially after the leader was defeated and killed, the guys inside could be said to have been solved by the invaders in a state of destruction and could not be stopped.

With the helpers of General Ghoul being killed, only General Ghoul was left who was naturally impossible to stop the leader of the aggressor.The gap between the two sides may not be that big, but if it is a one-to-one battle, the result is actually predictable.

Unless someone who is weaker than General Ghoul might be afraid of it and be defeated by it, otherwise, if it is someone stronger than it, it is very difficult to lose to it.

This battle came quickly, but it ended faster than it came. Hua Yueling never thought that such a big melee would come to an end so quickly.It can be said that there were heavy casualties between the two sides, and there were not many people left.

All the people inside have been killed, not one is left, and a lot of the people outside have died. In fact, the casualties are still quite heavy.The most terrifying thing about the enemies here is that they are not afraid of being injured at all. They are fighting with their own "life". They are injured when they are injured, and they are hit when they are hit. Those are not counted to them. What they have to do is to kill their enemies, nothing else.

As a result, people from the outside were injured and killed more than the guys inside. The two sides had different ideas, and the result became like this.

If the guys inside are not like that, if you cherish your own life, these guys from the outside will definitely not have such big casualties.This is all related.

But no matter what, these things have nothing to do with Hua Yueling now, and he doesn't need to care about them.Just look at what the guy inside is going to do next, and he doesn't want to care about the others.

After the battle, those people did not rest and continued to walk inside. In fact, this was quite normal. It would be strange if they just stopped and rested here.

Hua Yueling saw them open the door and continued to walk inside. After they disappeared and the sound of footsteps gradually disappeared, Hua Yueling called the others to walk inside.

They didn't go fast, mainly to prevent people from coming out again, in that case they might be found.Before they clean up the enemies inside, Hua Yueling and the others are best not to show up, otherwise it is very likely that they will conflict with each other in advance, which is not good.

Although Hua Yueling felt that he could defeat the opponent's leader, it should be no problem to face the remaining enemies with the strength of Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun.If the enemy is intact, there may be some suspense, but the enemy is depleted. Whether it is physical or physical, many of them have been injured. Although they are all slightly injured, they are actually considered to be in battle. It's fatal.

But even so, Hua Yueling and the others didn't make a move, they just followed far behind.The people in front didn't even know that they were being followed, and they were cautiously exploring inside.

Hua Yueling also didn't know how far away there was and what else would come across in the road.However, there should not be too many enemies here. Of course, the strength of the enemies inside will definitely become stronger and stronger, at least stronger than those they have just encountered, unless those enemies are the last wave, but Hua Yueling feels That possibility is not great.

Along the road, Hua Yueling and the others followed the time for a long time, mainly because the speed of the guys in front was relatively slow, if they were faster, it would be okay, but their actions were still very cautious.

Don't look at these guys as if they seem to have no brains, but they actually act differently.Their actions are just like what Hua Yueling did. They are more cautious, guarding against any organs or enemies. Hua Yueling agrees with this.

This is almost the same when he acts, but he has more convenient skills, so he is easier when doing these.It will not take much time.

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