There were some enemies inside, but these obviously had nothing to do with Hua Yueling and the others.Such sporadic enemies actually have no difficulty for those who break in, and they can be defeated relatively easily.

In fact, the most important thing is that the enemies they encounter are just scattered. Such enemies are not too threatening to them. It is not like they were planned before. A group of people came out to stop them from moving forward. .

Hua Yueling didn't know why he didn't continue to organize a group of people to stop the invaders from moving forward, but these had nothing to do with him.Although it is impossible for such scattered people to cause any trouble to the invaders, let alone consume their remaining power, no matter what, even if it reaches the deepest point, it does not cause any trouble to them. Ling said it was nothing.

Anyway, Hua Yueling believed in the power he possessed. He didn't think that the three people on his side would not be opponents of the other party. It was impossible.The three of them can definitely solve them, and there is no problem.

Regardless of the fact that the leader of those people is still in a state of vigor, in fact, it consumes a lot of physical strength, not less than those ordinary people.The main reason is that what it had dealt with was the strongest strength of the enemy, and it was still several opponents at once, and it was only natural to consume more strength.

Perhaps before that, Hua Yueling and it were still half-hearted, but after that, it would not be too difficult for Hua Yueling to defeat it.But Hua Yueling wouldn't care about it either. He knew that no matter what time it was, he could not underestimate the other party, absolutely not.

Following them all the way inside, Hua Yueling followed them while observing their actions, and found that they were similar to those of herself and others.It is similar to their actions now, not the same as they are exploring.

This is the strangest place. From this point of view, it is difficult for Hua Yueling to judge their purpose. It is obvious, and from this, another extremely strange place arises.

What is certain is that they are not here to explore or find some useful weapons and props here. Since it is not for this, then why are they coming to this place.And if they didn't act for this, if they came here for this, who would have taken away the things outside.

Coming all the way to pretend, Hua Yueling and the others have not gained any.This can only represent two possibilities. Either there is nothing outside, which Hua Yueling thinks is relatively low, and there is another possibility that those things were picked up by someone other than them.

However, Hua Yueling also felt that these two possibilities were not particularly high, so he was not sure what was going on.Anyway, no matter what is going on, it is certainly not a good thing for them. They could have gained something, but now they have not gained anything, except for knowing who is the other side of the conflict here. .

Hua Yueling felt that there might be other possibilities, and rushing deep into this place might still encounter danger, but no matter whether this was true or not, Hua Yueling felt that she had to go in and break in.

I definitely can't just leave it halfway, this is a strange world, there are many strange guys.Moreover, the mental power and illusion skills of the guy who troubled him are incomparable to many people. Maybe there are some ways to improve mental power and illusion skills, or related props and the like.

Holding this hope in such a place, he has not found anything until now.I don't know if there will be any deeper in this kind of place, Hua Yueling can only think with the mentality that he will, he wouldn't say there would be such a thing.

No matter what, Hua Yueling can be sure that the enemy in front of him has never noticed these people, and he still has this confidence.Don't look at the guys in front who are very powerful, but they can be said to be weak and pitiful in terms of detection.

You just rely on your own eyes and ears, or it can be said that you just rely on your own feelings to observe things, and nothing else.Compared with Hua Yueling's use of skills, mental power and other powers, it was far behind.

Eyes and ears can be said to be used by any person or creature, but to what extent they can be used, and whether there is a better way to use them than they are naturally known, these need to be considered.

Martial arts practitioners will naturally change. The changes on the body make the eyes and ears more sensitive for observation.But this is certainly not enough. You must know that evolution like this must have a certain limit, unless you can break through this limit, otherwise, no matter how sensitive it is, it will definitely not be the same as the one used by Hua Yueling. Can be compared.

It is precisely because of this that Hua Yueling is not too worried, the guys in front are not as capable as they can use exploration skills.In addition, they just followed far behind, not very close, so they don't have to worry too much about being discovered.

Besides, the attention of those guys is not put behind at all, they are all in front, guarding against possible enemies and whether there are traps here.

It can be seen that those guys must have been miserable by the trap here, otherwise they would not be so careful.After all, in Hua Yueling's opinion, these guys are the most suitable role for the kind of brainless charge, and don't think about other things, just charge inside.

However, it can be clearly seen that these guys just don't like thinking, in fact, their heads are not that stupid.They also know what they should do instead of just go inside.

Hua Yueling would definitely not think that he could not be compared with the other party in this respect, they would definitely be stronger in this respect, as long as he wanted to calculate the other party's words.Even if the other party is more careful, he is sure that the other party will still be fooled.

The two parties have never got along, and Hua Yueling has not even spoken to each other, so Hua Yueling judges the understanding of each other based on the inherent impression in her mind.

After all, there is no other information that allows him to make a judgment, so it is better to judge with this impression for the time being, it is better than to judge without anything.

It took some time to go around like this, and some enemies encountered on the road were solved, basically without spending much time.

In such a place, it would be very difficult for the opponent to gather soldiers to stop him, but only rely on the scattered soldiers on the road to stop the invading army.

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