First of all, the number of people is not equal, which is a problem.Another thing to say is that the strength between the two parties is not equal. Among the attacking enemies, there are stronger ones, and most of the "guards" here are not good enough.

If you want to rely on these people outside, let alone resist, you can't do it if you can cause some trouble by those attackers.

The mantis hunting the cicada and the oriole that Hua Yueling thought was behind, at least until now, it was impossible to achieve.The offensive guys will also consume some energy, but in fact, it is no different from no consumption.

After walking for so long, Hua Yueling didn't know how long she would have to walk to reach the end, in her heart he was already a little tired.It's just that he can't just leave it halfway, find such a place and have been exploring for so long, if he just lets go of it, then the previous efforts will not be wasted.


A heavy voice rang in front, and Hua Yueling and the others also subconsciously stopped.She didn't feel that the other party was talking to herself, Hua Yueling was still very confident in her concealment technique.

Quickly find a place to hide, Hua Yueling wants to see what the other party is going to do.

The leader of those people stopped first, and he waved his hand to stop those who followed him, and he looked to the front.

Hua Yueling's gaze crossed his figure to look deeper into the room, only to realize that at some point they seemed to have reached the deepest part of this underground cave.

What was quite surprising was that he hadn't noticed this at all. He had just arrived here in the process of being confused. He was even a little confused about what he had done before.

However, this confusion was only a moment, Hua Yueling immediately used exploration skills to talk about it, and her mental power was also highly concentrated, to judge whether she was affected in some way.

"Well, it's not quite right."

The low voice was heard by the girl behind him, but Lu Yuetong did not ask what was wrong, just kept quiet and listened behind.

"Everything seems to be normal, it doesn't seem to be affected, but there is still something wrong with it."

Hua Yueling sensed something wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.His brows were deeply frowned, and he was unable to come up with a good answer to this question for the time being.

"The guess should be right, I don't know when I started Taoism. That person is also very powerful, and people are affected by his power without even feeling."

In the wide and spacious room at the deepest point, what Huayueling and the others could see most clearly was the throne-like seat at the deepest point.The seat didn't seem to be too big, it was just a little wider and taller. There was no decoration on it. It was simple, but it was in line with Hua Yueling's taste.

But there was no one on the throne, and the throne was empty.

The leader of the intruder stared at the throne for at least half a minute, before turning his eyes to other directions.It could be seen that neither he nor Hua Yueling found anything there, there seemed to be nothing there.

"Is this over?"

Huayueling thinks there is something wrong, this is too abrupt, right? Shouldn't there be a boss at the end of the game?

To say that those guys who died in the previous battle were bosses, Hua Yueling didn't believe it anyway.Their strength is not bad, but they can't be called a boss, at best they can only be regarded as a small boss.

Many things in the world can hardly be seen clearly with a pair of eyes, just like the current situation.

The range that Hua Yueling and the others can see is relatively small, so they can't judge what's in that room, they can only see what the intruders inside can find.

Time seemed to be stagnated for a while, and after a short observation, the intruders inside dispersed.They didn't gather together again, it seemed that they still didn't find it, so for the time being, they regarded the inside as safe and began to search inside.

"That choice seems to be their best right now."

"Almost. If you can't find anything, you can only do this. They can't wait like that."

Hua Yueling and the others were not surprised by the reaction of those guys inside. On the contrary, they felt that the reaction of those guys was normal.It would be strange if you didn't do that.

After all, they can't find anything now. There are no other people in this place. Maybe there are enemies waiting to attack them in secret, but they can't see the existence of such enemies.

After the people dispersed, they saw the leader walking forward until they reached the front of the seat. Then they stopped and stared at the seat in front of them.Hua Yueling didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't say anything, just continued to observe.

I saw that guy stretched out his hand and pressed his hand on the armrest beside the seat, rubbing his hand on it, as if he was feeling what the seat was made of.

Hua Yueling probably knows what the other party is going to do, but these have little to do with him. What he cares most now is whether there are other people here.If there are other people, can they help me, or do what I thought before?

No matter what, if there is no more, they should be on the stage, but Hua Yueling is not in a hurry, he feels that he should not be in a hurry, there should be something in there, but he doesn't know it for the time being.

Use exploration skills to explore the range that you can explore as much as possible, but within this range, Hua Yueling feels it is difficult to find something.Nothing seems to be the same, there is nothing in it.

In fact, this is a rather strange situation, but Hua Yueling hasn't thought about anything so far, he doesn't do anything, and just waits outside. He believes that time will give him the answer.

Hua Yueling was still very calm at this moment, calmer than ever.It was the same with the two people who followed him. Neither Lu Yuetong nor Hua Yun said anything. The three waited quietly together, and they didn't believe that the matter would end like this.

"what happened!"

I can't clearly perceive how long time has passed. Anyway, the time is definitely not short. Just when Hua Yueling and the others were tired and wanted to sit for a while, such shocked words came from inside.

Hua Yueling has been paying attention to it. At first he didn't notice what happened inside, but soon he realized that something was wrong.

The number of invaders has decreased, and the decrease is not even a little bit, Hua Yueling can see it.

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