Before, he thought there were people in other places inside, but after hearing the other party's words, Hua Yueling knew that they should have fallen into a trap.That is, after this sound sounded, other sounds sounded.

The sound of heavy footsteps that had never been heard before, Hua Yueling looked inside and saw the people inside suddenly became confused. Hua Yueling didn’t know what happened to them, but he relied on his excellent My eyesight found that even the leader showed an unbelievable expression.

Hua Yueling's heart felt like being scratched by a cat's paw, wanting to know what was inside and what happened.But he also knew that it was not the time to go out. It was originally a oriole. If he went out at this time, people from both sides of the family might be torn up.

This is very possible, let the other party fight first now, anyway, before the situation inside has calmed down, Hua Yueling will never go in.

Regardless of what Hua Yueling is thinking about, the situation inside has changed again. Those people have gathered together, but at this time they quickly dispersed.Even Hua Yueling could hear the chaos inside. It was obvious that there was a battle inside, and there was still a fierce battle.

This was exactly what Hua Yueling wanted to see, but he also wanted to know who the other party was. The leader of the aggressor rushed up and shouted in the first place.

"Who is it, come out for me!"

Immediately he rushed in one of the directions, and the two-handed axe in his hand smashed out as he jumped in that direction.

But don't underestimate the attack power of this one. With the opponent's impact power bonus, the power caused by this attack is not so easy to stop.

But soon the figure of that guy disappeared, mainly because the walls on both sides blocked Hua Yueling's sight, making them unable to see exactly what happened inside.Hua Yueling could only vaguely see a figure flickering fast, but Hua Yueling was sure that it was not the figure he was looking for.

The strength of the invader leader is naturally quite good, but Hua Yueling can also be sure that what he sees is not the leader of the invader. In fact, there is no need to study by himself and carefully observe whether the opponent's appearance is consistent. There is no need for such trouble.

Is that the final boss hidden inside?Hua Yueling suddenly thought of this. It is not a small possibility to calculate this based on experience. The other party's body is very sensitive, and when he flickers, even Hua Yueling has been staring very, very seriously, still Unable to find where the other party is.

Hua Yueling also felt that the other party was quite powerful. Under this mountainous method, the leader of the intruder had no way to take it.

An axe hit his former partner's head heavily. The guy suffered a lot of injuries. After being chopped, he staggered back and almost fell to the ground.However, it stabilized its pace in the end and did not fall to the ground or be killed.

"Tricky enough, damn guy, dare to play with my people like this, don't think I will let you go so simply!"

The roar of the leader of the intruder sounded inside. With the words of the other party, Hua Yueling could roughly guess what the big boss here did.In general, the fallacy is similar to tricks such as necromancy, and there should be nothing wrong with it.

Desecrating the dead is basically the case, and that's what Hua Yueling thinks in her mind.

Or maybe those guys are controlled by the opponent using some kind of mind control skills, these are very possible.However, Hua Yueling is still unclear about the situation of the other party. He has no way to observe more carefully. This is also to hide himself, so he did this, and he has no other way not to.

If he can go inside invisibly, then he can understand more, but he understands that he absolutely can't do that.Don't underestimate anyone, especially the guys guarding in such a place, as well as invaders from outside, they all need to be treated with care.

Who knows if they have any special abilities that can see through their invisibility, if that's the case, then they just pass by. Isn't it just throwing themselves into the trap? Huayueling doesn't think it's good to do that.

Without knowing whether it is safe and valuable, the best course of action is to do nothing. Although Hua Yueling doesn't like waiting very much, he won't say anything when it is time to wait.Naturally, there might be something he wanted to say in his heart, but he didn't say anything, did nothing, just waited quietly.

The development of the matter may be beyond his expectations, or it may be within his expectations. No matter which one of them, there is actually no loss to Hua Yueling. After all, he is just a bystander, a waiter. Looking for cheap bystanders.

No matter what happened inside, he didn't need to do anything. Just wait. The most important thing is not to get involved. That is the least thing that should be done.Hua Yueling knew it herself, and Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun knew it too.

They are still reasonable in terms of strength, and they can be called quite strong, but even so, facing the siege of so many people, it is difficult to withstand the pressure.

The only thing that is certain is that now they have not been discovered by the other party, which is pretty good.What they need is this, and it is best not to be discovered. If they are discovered, it will be a very unfavorable situation for them.

The battle inside is still going on, but only from such a small space, it is difficult for Hua Yueling to judge what happened inside, it is difficult to say.

Which party has the upper hand, Hua Yueling can't see it, after all, the range that can be seen in the distance is actually relatively limited. If he can see the situation in a larger range, perhaps he can still make a judgment. Maybe.

But it doesn't need to be right now, as long as both of them can get a lose-lose situation.But to achieve that level, the intruder needs to find the guy who hides his head and reveals his tail. The two sides must face each other head-on. If it is not a head-on confrontation, the intruder may not be able to bring any harm to the guy hiding in the deepest place.

Hua Yueling didn't want that to happen, he didn't want to see that.After all, if the opponent really uses necromancy spells, the intruder can't cause much damage to him, and even if it is counter-killed by it, then it can use necromancy spells to control those invaders and let them fight for themselves.

In terms of strength, it may not only have not declined, but may also rise. This is not alarmist, but a possibility that is very likely to exist.

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