The fighting inside was extremely fierce and continuous, and it seemed that no one of the two sides really took the initiative.This is true whether it is an intruder or the guy lying in it.

Although the owner of this place has a peculiar power, and used that peculiar power to do something.He didn't take the initiative to show his face to fight with the opponent, but hide in the dark, control the dead, and use them to fight the enemy.

The leader of the intruder was naturally very angry about this situation, but no matter how angry he was, it was nothing but futile. He had no good way to find the guy who was hiding in the light.If he could do it, he would naturally be much easier. He didn't think he would lose to such a guy and would win, otherwise the other party would not be so afraid of him that he would not dare to come out.

Regardless of whether the intruder leader is right or wrong, he thinks that way anyway.He thinks that his strength is very, very strong, so the other party is afraid of himself and dare not come out. If the other party dares to come out, he will definitely let the other party know what terror is.

What should I say about this kind of thing, confidence is naturally a good thing, but too much confidence is not good, after all, what is the strength between the two sides, and who is stronger in comparison is not by a mouth or Say that one's thoughts can be judged.

It still depends on actual combat. Without actual combat, you will never know who is stronger and who is weaker.

The current situation looks like the other party is hiding, which is true, but what the other party thinks and why they want to hide instead of appearing directly to fight with them must have their own considerations.

No matter what the other side thinks, the battle between the two sides has temporarily fallen into a strange stalemate. What we have to say is that no one has the upper hand, and no one is too disadvantaged. Anyway, it is a more balanced state. Situation.

In fact, according to Huayueling’s idea, the invaders should have fallen into the wind. After all, they are not facing ordinary enemies, but a more terrifying enemy. Necrotic creatures are always terrifying. This kind of creature, the biggest feature of this creature is that it is not afraid of being injured, and it is also difficult for you to kill it, the degree of difficulty Hua Yueling can imagine.

In fact, it is not enough to bring enough damage to it. You must completely knock it down. Only in this way, you can't kill it again.

Necro creatures are the most annoying at this point, so no one wants to deal with necro creatures if they can.Of course, there is also a easier way to deal with them, that is, use light magic. Necrotic creatures are most afraid of light magic. If you use light magic to attack them, you can cause them great harm.

But Hua Yueling and the others don't know how to magic, let alone those invaders, there is not even a magician in the invaders, all of them are melee fighters, they can only fight at close range.In fact, it is good if they have weapons with light power, but they don't have such weapons.

The battle was stalemate like this, but gradually it became clear which side had the upper hand.Obviously, the invaders had the upper hand in the beginning, but over time, the advantages of those necromantic creatures became apparent, causing some changes in the battle situation.

Necrotic creatures do not feel tired, even if they are injured, they are not afraid of injury at all, not at all.Can use your own life to fight with you, unless you are also not afraid of injury or death, otherwise you will never be able to fight each other.

Those invaders can’t change this kind of thing, even their leader is the same. Regardless of how powerful their leader is, there is a limit to their power. They really fight against those undead creatures who are not afraid of death. Said that he can kill them with his own power, but those dead creatures can also cause him great trouble.

In a short time, a lot of undead creatures died, but he was also seriously injured.There were scars everywhere on his body, and these scars were brought to him by those necromantic creatures fighting their lives.

It's a pity that the leader of the intruder can't completely avoid such an attack, he naturally wants to avoid it, but the opponent's attack is desperate, and it is difficult to avoid it.

"Coward, come out for me if you have the ability!"

The intruder leader shouted angrily, but no one responded to his roar.Inside, it was still only the dead creatures fighting with him. As for the guy who controlled those dead creatures, he didn't know where to hide.

If the other party is unwilling to come out, they have nothing to do. They can only continue to wait for this, unless the other party actively comes out, otherwise they can't do anything.This is the case, it cannot be changed, or that it cannot be done with them alone.They can't force each other out, they don't have that ability.

In fact, progress still suffers a bit in this regard, unless he knows where the opponent is, otherwise he can't attack the opponent.The magician's induction ability in this aspect will be stronger.

When they can’t find the opponent, they can only continue to fight like this for the time being. In fact, it would be nice if all the enemies could be eliminated, but it is difficult for them to do this, let alone eliminate all the enemies. It is a difficult problem to just eliminate half of the children.

Don’t say anything else, after all, the opponent is still hiding in the dark. As long as someone on their side is injured or dead, the number of soldiers that can be controlled by the opponent’s hand will increase, which means that it is actually a loss to the opponent. It doesn't matter, as long as the invader is also worn out, then he can increase the number of soldiers on his side.

This kind of combat power is actually not balanced, but there is no way. People's ability is like this. If you don't have such ability, then you can only let the other party do it, and you have no choice.

Unless you can guarantee that there is no loss on your side, but that is too difficult and impossible.

Even if the leader of the intruder is confident again, he cannot be confident to that degree, believing that he can do this.Their strength here is pretty good, and the number of people is also large, but after the previous battles and the number of sneak attacks by the opponent has dropped a lot, no longer before.

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