The battle inside is still going on, and it is getting easier to see the trend of the battle.If there were some doubts at the beginning, it is really clear now.

The situation has changed to what it is now. In fact, Hua Yueling can roughly guess it, but there is actually a solution.If the leader of the invader can find the enemy hidden in the dark as soon as possible, then as long as the opponent is defeated, the battle can be ended, and it can be ended early.

But the intruder leader has not been able to do this, and even until now, he doesn't know where the opponent is hiding, so he can only be played with by the opponent like walking a dog. There is no way.

This also shows how important it is to have the ability to detect. If Hua Yueling does not have the ability to detect, many tasks would not be so easy to solve.But precisely because of his exploration skills, many tasks that might have been difficult in his hands became simple.

This is the case, the leader of the intruder lacks sufficient investigative methods. Under this circumstance, all he can do is fight his own life.

It's a pity that even if he fights his own life, he may not be able to change the situation in front of him. After all, he has already joined the battle before then, but the situation is still slowly developing in the direction he does not want to see.

He has no ability to change the current situation. He is strong, but his strength alone is not enough to solve such difficult problems.Even if he can kill the enemy, how many people can he kill? In the end, how many people will be left on his side, it is estimated that there will not be many.What would it be like if the other party showed up again at that time.

In fact, you can come up with the answer without thinking too much. If the enemy really comes out at that time, the result will be devastating for the intruder.

At that time, only the leader of the invader may be left alone, let alone his strength, he is quite strong, but the opponent is not weak enough to allow him to be in his own position, otherwise, how could he force the opponent Go to that point.

Since it can achieve that level, it means that the difference in strength between the two sides is not that big, not to mention the difference in combat occupations between them.Or to put it another way, it is the difference in fighting methods.

In fact, the leader of the invader can easily see that he is a typical warrior's fighting style, he likes close combat, and he doesn't like the long-range like magician.If you fight melee with a magician, there is actually not much pressure. He can definitely have the upper hand, but if the two sides have always maintained a certain distance to fight, then the result of the battle is hard to say.

In his opinion, the methods of the magician are endless, and it is difficult to figure out what the opponent has. Therefore, it is best to shorten the distance between the opponent and the opponent, and then continue to attack, trying to make the opponent unable to react.This is the better way he thought of when fighting a magician.

In fact, it wasn't that he was afraid of the magician. The main reason was that the magician's methods were really hard to guard against. This is definitely not a joke.

Magicians are some terrifying guys, he knew from the time he learned combat skills.He has also practiced how to fight with magicians. In fact, it is not particularly difficult to say. The most important thing is that you have to observe and avoid.

The battle is basically the same, but you must be more careful when facing the magician, otherwise you don't know when you will be defeated.If you don't pay attention, the other party's attack may have hit you.

Observe the spells that the opponent uses and what kind of spells the opponent uses. Different spells naturally have different ways to dodge them. He has learned all these.However, there are so many magics in this world, and it is impossible for him to remember all the magic, so he only understands a general idea, mainly to have an overall impression, even if he encounters the other party using himself When you don’t know the magic, you can roughly judge what kind of magic it is based on the general impression that you have summarized.

Avoidance is also very important. You need to dodge after judging what kind of magic the opponent is using, and dodge also has various skills.However, these are all tactics used when facing a wizard of the same level and stronger than oneself. If you encounter those who are weaker than your own, you don't really need to say what to do.

It's a pity that Hua Yueling can't see the situation inside. Although it seems that the intruder has basically fallen into the wind, it is difficult to have a chance to come back, but he thinks that maybe the other party can still struggle.

In fact, even if the battle inside is over, there is no big problem for Hua Yueling and the others, but it must be more troublesome.

You have to deal with two very strong guys, plus some undead guys and some desperate guys.With the strength of the three of them, it would be impossible to say that Hua Yueling was confident enough to fight against so many people. He was still a little worried.

Because she was still worried in her heart, Hua Yueling did not rush out, he was still waiting.As long as the second party is defeated and killed, their chance will come. If only one of them is left, it will be easier to beat the other.

Judging from the current situation, the final winner is likely to be the owner of this ancient ruin.Although the invaders were very desperate and powerful, they were still a little bit behind the opponent.

The opponent can wake up the undead troops, just relying on this is enough to make him invincible.Hua Yueling is now able to understand the opponent's previous actions. The reason for doing so is to buy time for himself. It should have arranged a lot of organs in it, so that the opponent has not yet been fighting, it has already been consumed.

Coupled with the current battle, attrition is even more distressing to the leader of the invader.

It's a pity that he has nothing to do. There is no undead in battle unless you are strong enough.But the invaders are obviously not strong enough, so they have some casualties, and the casualties are not small.

The fierce fighting inside gradually weakened. There were fewer guys in the battle, and the number of corpses on the ground did not increase much. That's because even if the intruder died, it was transformed by the leader of the ancient ruins hidden in the dark. Necro creature.

After fighting for a long time, the strength of the master of the ancient ruins has not weakened much, on the contrary, it has increased.

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