"No, we can't wait until the battle is over before going out. We must find out where the hidden guy is before then."

Hua Yueling hadn't spoken all the time, he was observing the situation inside, but suddenly he said to the two girls beside him.

"what happened?"

"Think about the problem. The owner of this place can use necromantic spells. No matter what the spell is called, he can control the dead. If even the leader of the intruder is killed and the time comes If he controls..."

In fact, there is no need for Hua Yueling to finish speaking. The two girls had already reacted when he was halfway through what he said. This is indeed a problem to worry about.

When the time comes, the opponent's strength will definitely increase, or even a substantial increase. Although it may not be as good as the combined strength of the two of them, it is definitely difficult to deal with.

Thinking of this, they all knew that they couldn't wait any longer, and that would not do them much good.But you can't directly charge it right now, that's definitely not possible, the best way is to see the opportunity to rush in.

When is the best time, Hua Yueling has a general judgment, that is, when the leader of the invader is almost only himself, and when he is alone, his physical strength is also consumed a lot.

The consumption of another enemy may not be too great, but they have no other way, they can't continue to wait.Really wait until the invader leader is resolved and controlled, then they enter again, the battle will be very troublesome.

So the best way is to look at the timing. As for when to act, it naturally depends on Hua Yueling's judgment.

The two girls were also nervously staring at the situation inside, but unfortunately they couldn't understand the deeper situation in detail, and could only make a rough judgment based on the outside situation.

The only good news is that Hua Yueling can use his exploration skills to understand the internal situation more clearly. He didn't dare to use the exploration skills. After all, the previous two forces were already a little confused. At this time they will be discovered. It will only be more chaotic, and they are likely to be targeted.

Now there is not such a big problem. After all, it has already arrived at this time. Even if it is discovered, it is only besieged by both sides. Although it is said that they are all besieged, being besieged now and besieged before are two different concepts.

The risk factor of being besieged now is definitely much smaller than before, and it's definitely not as dangerous as before.After all, the number of people on both sides has changed, not like there were so many people before.

But the only thing that worries Hua Yueling is how many people are controlled by necromantic spells, and if there are too many, there is no good way for him.The main reason is that he doesn't know much about necromancy spells, so he doesn't know how to get rid of necromancy spells. If he knew it, it would be easy.

It's a pity that this is a difficult task for him, don't even think he knows some spells, but in this respect, it is naturally incomparable with people like Mu Ningshuang and Jieluxi, and it can't be compared at all.

In fact, Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun also have some understanding of spells, but it is obvious that the gap between the three of them in this area is not that big, plus they have not learned necromantic spells and light magic, otherwise, solve it here. The problem will be much easier.

Of course, because it is a different world, it is not certain that the spells in the other world will definitely affect the people here.Hua Yueling couldn't judge this point herself, she could only guess whether she was brave before using it.

It's a pity that I didn't bring Mu Ningshuang over, otherwise you can try it.It's better now, there is no chance to try, there is no way.

Hua Yueling can only give up the idea of ​​using spells. In fact, he thinks it should be easier to use spells. Although this is not out of date, he cannot determine whether it is true or false, but he thinks the difference should not be that big.

"Have you found the guy in hiding?"

Hua Yun approached and asked Hua Yueling in a low voice. Now the most important thing is to find the location of the hidden guy.If you can find where he is as soon as possible, then everything is easy to say, if you can't find it, the next action will be more difficult.

"Not yet. He hides well and is not easy to find."

Hua Yueling frowned and shook his head slightly and said, in fact, he has been searching for it, but he has not found it yet.As he said, the other party hides it very well, even if it has the exploration skills, don't expect to be able to find it in a short time.

The key is that the other party is not saying that he is hiding in a place that is difficult to find, but that he has used some special means to hide himself, which makes him somewhat difficult.

After all, it is relatively easy to find someone, but it is much more difficult to find someone who hides by special means.It's not that you can find it by scanning all the places here by using the exploration skills, unless the other party doesn't use a special method, just hiding, and doing so may be effective, but the other party is not like that.

"It's really not that easy to find where he is."

Hua Yueling whispered, and after searching it all, she couldn't find the other party. Hua Yueling didn't know whether he was discovered by the other party, but he didn't think that possibility was very high.As long as you are careful, there is no big problem. The question now is how to find the other party.

The most troublesome thing is that he doesn't know how to crack the other party's concealment. If he knows it, it will be easier, at least let himself have a way forward, not yet.

How Huayueling's temporary beauty cracked the other party's hidden method made him quite annoyed, but he still paid attention to hiding himself, and did not reveal his existence.

I don't know whether the other party's attention has been on the intruder and fighting him, or that he can't be used by Hua Yueling to probe him.Anyway, no matter what it is, it must be considered a good thing for Hua Yueling.

Hua Yueling took the opportunity to search hurriedly, mainly to find the location of the other party, which is somewhat difficult for him, but fortunately, it is not impossible.If you increase the intensity of some investigations, you can still make progress, Hua Yueling thinks so, besides he has no other way.

"Have you not found it yet?"

Hua Yun asked in a low voice at this time, and Hua Yueling nodded.

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