Huayue Ling hadn't made any progress with Bian'er, but the battle inside had gradually entered the end stage, and Hua Yueling knew that there was not much time left for herself.I can't continue to wait, I must act as soon as possible. It is not a good thing for myself to continue to wait like this.

None of Hua Yueling wanted the leader of the invader to die here. They didn't mean to protect him, but they couldn't let him be controlled by a wizard hiding in the dark with necromantic magic.Hua Yueling didn't know how much power the opponent could have left after being controlled by necromantic magic, but even if only half of the remaining power was left, it was very troublesome for Hua Yueling and the others.

At that time, the invaders will basically have no power to resist. The remaining invaders will probably be controlled by the procedures inside. Not only will their power not decline, but they may also increase due to this. It was a situation that Hua Yueling didn't want to see, but he hadn't been able to change anything yet.

On the other side, Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun still have no response, and they don't know how long they will have to wait to get them back.Hua Yueling was a little worried that they were spending too much time there. That was something he didn't want. Now he has almost no other choice. If the two girls don't come back in a while, then he must take action.

The leader of the intruder inside has obviously reached the final juncture, and Hua Yueling also knows that as long as he can't find the guy hidden, he doesn't want to win the battle.That is impossible, Hua Yueling can say so for sure.

No one can refute this. Hua Yueling knows what the situation is, but it is not easy to change the situation.In fact, it is not particularly wise to rush out at this time. The two characters inside should regard him as their enemy.

Hua Yueling didn't want to be the target of the public. Although it was not very difficult to run away with his ability, it was not necessary.

"Speaking of which, I still don't know why the intruders are here."

If you can understand the reason why they came here, then the reason why they decided not to retreat will probably be found.But Hua Yueling estimated that he could not find the reason. It was impossible for him to go to those people to ask the reason, it was simply unrealistic.

"Why haven't they come back? Time has passed so long. It's impossible for them to be attacked?"

In fact, Hua Yueling was still a little worried, but he still believed in the strength of Sister Yun and Lu Yuetong, and felt that they should still be very cautious, so as not to be attacked by the hidden guy.

What's more, it is still unknown whether the other party knows of their existence. These are unknown and there is no accurate answer.Hua Yueling can only guess.

After waiting for not long, Hua Yueling heard a heavy sound coming from inside, he was taken aback for a moment, and quickly looked inside, but he couldn't see anything from him.

This made Hua Yueling a little disappointed, but at the same time he was also looking forward to it. It was obvious that something happened inside, but he couldn't be sure yet.It sounds like the mechanism has been activated, and I don't know if it was done by Yuetong and the others.

Hua Yueling felt that there should be nothing wrong. After all, those people in it were still fighting, and they couldn't open up any mechanism or something.If you accidentally touch it, it stands to reason that the mechanism will not be set so easily to be activated, at least you need to pull it by hand.

However, Hua Yueling didn't know much about the institutions here, so she couldn't make a judgment based on her own thoughts. She shook her head vigorously, and Hua Yueling wondered if she was going out.But after thinking about it, he still felt that he shouldn't be so anxious, so wait and see.

The battle inside was still going on after all, and the powerful roar of the intruder leader could be heard.

"Huh, are you hiding here!"

Hua Yueling shrugged, it seemed that the intruder leader was misled by the opening mechanism, thinking that the opponent was hiding there.Hua Yueling is almost certain that the other party will not avoid it. If that is the case, her previous judgment is wrong, it means that her detection skills have gone wrong, or that she has been deceived by the other party.

This possibility cannot be said to be impossible, but Hua Yueling doesn't believe it will be so, he still believes very much in the power he possesses.

It sounds like the leader of the intruder is still full of breath, but Hua Yueling heard weakness from it, he is not as strong as he showed.It seems that the opponent's consumption tactics are doing well, and the strength has been consumed a lot. If this continues, the only thing waiting for him is failure.

Hua Yueling walked out of the hiding place. At this time, there was actually no need to hide. The other party could not have time to pay attention to this place.Both the intruder and the owner here are now completely focused on the other party, and will not focus on this side.

The passage wasn't long, and Hua Yueling stopped when he walked halfway. He couldn't continue to walk forward. If he got too close, the chance of being found would increase.It's not time to rush in yet.

On the other side, Lu Yuetong and Sister Yun should be coming back soon. When they come back, there is no need to wait, just rush in.

The fighting inside became more and more intense, and the voice Hua Yueling heard became more and more messy, he couldn't tell what it was.

But this is just right, as long as the battle inside is not over.He doesn't care much about the others. In fact, if he can, he still hopes that the invaders can win. In that case, the battle is easier, but he also knows that such a situation is impossible.

"You are back?"

Hua Yueling moved her brows, turned her head to look behind, and saw Yuetong and Sister Yun coming back from behind.He also walked back and joined them.

"Only a mechanism was activated in it. Did you do it?"

"Well, we opened a mechanism, but I'm not sure if it's here. We also heard noises over there, but there is nothing else over there, nothing more than such a mechanism."

"Someone should live there."

Hua Yun added one last sentence.

"Perhaps it is where the guy who is hiding lives. Is there anything useful there?"

"No. Quite empty, we have carefully searched all the places we can find."

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