"Well, it seems that even if it is useful, he put it elsewhere. Maybe it's in the secret room hidden by the agency."

If you can find something important directly, you might be able to draw the other party out directly.However, Hua Yueling felt that things were better than she had imagined. Perhaps the opened mechanism inside was a good bait.

If the leader of the intruder rushed in, would the guy hiding in the dark worry about the destruction of what he hid inside.If there are really valuables inside, he will definitely chase in immediately.

"Maybe now is the best time!"

Hua Yueling suddenly thought of this, and at the same time he immediately used Li's detection skills to find the opponent's location again, and he immediately noticed that the opponent was no longer in the original position.

"Just as I expected, this is the best time."

He quickly told the two girls beside her about her discovery, and then Hua Yueling quickly rushed in.

Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun followed him closely, and the three rushed directly to the deepest point. Their footsteps were also heard by those inside, and they all subconsciously looked at them.

Hua Yueling and the others didn't mean to communicate with them either, they went directly to the nearest enemy and started attacking.Hua Yueling can already be sure that the hidden guy has followed the intruder leader into the secret room.

Some people are still blocking the entrance of the secret room, and in the passage leading to the secret room, you can see several guys controlled by necromancy spells running inside.

"Can't let them run in. I'll go after it, Yuetong, you and sister Yun followed me closely, don't fall behind."

"Don't worry, we know."

Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun both replied very seriously, they naturally knew what they should do.Although they are also confident in their own strength, it is better to be more careful in this situation, after all, the current situation is still more dangerous.

The three of Hua Yueling and the others quickly rushed in from the outside to the inside. They rushed along this road and were not afraid of being discovered by others at this time.

Hua Yueling’s attention was not on the innermost intruder leader, after all, in his opinion, the other party could not pose much threat to him.

As long as it is for him to find where the hidden magician is, as long as he can know where the opponent is, defeating the opponent is definitely not impossible.On the contrary, it will be a very simple thing.

After all, even the leader of the invader has such a guess that the opponent must be very weak in melee combat. This is definitely the biggest reason why the opponent compares.If you think about it this way, the other party will not be willing to confront them head-on, so even if he finds them, he will never attack him. He will only find ways to control other "people" to provide or delay their pace.

This is the most possible, so if it is possible, Hua Yueling feels that it is better for him to go and solve the magician directly.As long as the magician can be solved, their purpose for this trip is basically complete.

As long as the opponent is eliminated, after the opponent is eliminated, the remaining enemies will not actually pose much threat to them.

Thinking clearly in her mind, Hua Yueling ran directly inside.But in fact, even so, don't think that those guys inside can discover his existence in a short time, it is impossible.

Not to mention that he still hides where he is, even if Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun behind him didn't conceal where he is, it is impossible for the two guys inside to find them.

After all, the attention of the people inside is deeper now. The leader of the intruder focuses on the deepest part of this secret path. He wants to know what's in the depths here, and if the thing he is looking for is here. .The person who was chasing him was thinking that he must not let the other party mess up his secret space, especially when there are important things inside.

But in fact, he also knew that there must be other people there, otherwise the switch of the secret room would not be activated, but now his attention is not on this, after all, that is not the most important thing.The most important thing for him is now the guy inside. As for the opening of the mechanism, in fact, don't care too much. After all, he wants to come to that guy. It shouldn't be too much to care about.

Being able to find the switch is nothing more than a shit. After all, he hides the switch, but in fact, if you look closely, you can know that the switch is not hidden too deeply. As long as you observe carefully, it will not cost too much. More time and energy.

The hidden guy didn’t think they deserved more attention. In fact, he thought that this time the intruder leader came with the leader of the invader, and thought that their strength was just like that, so he didn’t care much. on.In fact, if he understood the strength of Hua Yueling and the others, he wouldn't have that naive idea anyway.

In fact, you don’t need to know them. You can know who they are after some observations, but the other party did not observe them from beginning to end, and did not take them to heart. In this case, even losing is actually not considered to the other party. Very unjust.

The information that the two parties knew from the very beginning was unbalanced, and what they thought was different, which led to the situation like this. In fact, Huayueling and the others also hope that this is the case. They definitely don’t want it. The situation is moving in a direction that I don't want.

If they were discovered by the other party at the beginning and valued by the other party, then they would not be as laid back as they are now.The situation will only be more troublesome for them, and they don't like trouble.

Chasing all the way to the deepest part of this place, Hua Yueling and the others slowly let go of their steps. There are still a lot of people inside. In addition to the intruder leader, there are some intruders who are controlled by people hiding in the dark. They surrounded the intruder leader and attacked him as his own enemy of life and death. The intruder leader still wondered if they could wake them up, but after trying it, they knew that it was impossible. Just gave up.

The battle between the two parties was extremely fierce. Although the strength of the invader leader was not bad, he was surrounded by many enemies after being injured. He had no advantage at all. Although it was rebelling, it was just barely reluctant.

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