The melee between the two sides soon reached a white-hot stage. Regardless of the invader leader falling into the wind, the two-handed sledgehammer in his hand was still waving like a tiger.Every attack is so powerful, as if the mountain is overwhelming, it will destroy people.

If an ordinary character is hit by such an attack, or can't be directly blocked, then it must be impossible to continue the battle.But the guys here are all different, they are not human, after all, they are already dead.

If you don't have your own consciousness, you won't feel pain and pain, unless you hit them completely on your stomach and you can't move anymore, otherwise you don't think they will stop.

Without my own thinking and wisdom, the battle will naturally be different.The fighting style of those who are controlled by necromancy spells is easy to understand. Their battle is just desperately waving their weapons and attacking the past, desperately attacking, nothing else.

This kind of attack can be considered terrible if you say terrible things, but you won’t be fatal if you say it.In fact, there are pros and cons. People who are not afraid of death will naturally feel scared if they fight with you, but it depends on what kind of people are not afraid of death and fight with you.

The strength of that person is about the same as you, or a little worse than you. If it's too bad, it doesn’t matter if you are desperate. Why should a person who is stronger than you fight desperately? impossible.

However, these guys are really making the intruder leader so uncomfortable. It is not that he is unwilling to attack because these people are originally his own subordinates. After all, the other party is going to kill himself, even if it is not what they originally thought, not them. Voluntary, but after all they did that. There is no doubt that he could not release the water for his own life. He also had to do his best to survive. This is not a joke.

The battle between the two sides continued, and it seemed that it would not last long. Judging from Hua Yueling's estimation, it would probably end in ten minutes at most.As for which side will win, those who are controlled are more likely to win, and the intruder leader is still less likely to win.

Of course, it cannot be said that it is impossible, but the possibility is still too small.

And even if he wins, he doesn't know how much power he consumes, but even if the opponent shows up, he may not be able to win the opponent.After all, the opponent is only weak in melee combat, and the magic ability is still there. Using magic can easily eliminate him, but it still depends on what the opponent thinks. If the opponent is still unwilling to show up, or feel that he has no If he had to show up, he would definitely control the guys outside to come in.

Hua Yueling and the others are still observing the situation inside. The situation is not developing in the direction they hoped. They hope that the enemy hidden in the dark can show up, but this is not what they hope to be able to do.

However, the actions of the other party did not exceed Hua Yueling's expectations, but it was somewhat unexpected. The other party did not continue to control the guys outside to attack the intruder leader, but took the initiative to show himself.

Although I thought that the other party might do this, I really didn't expect the other party to be so bold.However, there is also a very obvious thing, the other party does not know their existence, otherwise, it will definitely not show up at this time, it is still more dangerous for him.

But he came out anyway. He thought he was no longer in danger. After all, the leader of the intruder had fallen to the point where he is now. Several of those guys who came with him could be stronger than him, not to mention. Qiang, there is almost no one that is similar to him, so there is nothing to worry about at all, not to mention that he has the complete upper hand now.

Regardless of how strong he is, the necromantic soldiers under his hand are not for nothing.

"You, you coward!"

Seeing that the other party is now appearing, the intruder leader doesn't know what he thinks, his body is swaying, and it seems that he might fall down at any time.His footsteps were vain, and he had no strength, and he was about to lose his footing.

If it weren't for the belief that the magician hiding in the dark would not be able to come out, if there was some distance between the two sides, the magician would naturally be less afraid of each other, but now you don't need to care about it.


The magician sneered and didn't say anything, he just raised his hand, the magic wand condensed on the top.He doesn’t need to say anything to the person in front of him. This kind of intruder is just killed, and then made into a necromantic soldier. After such a guy is transformed into a necromantic creature, his strength will definitely decrease, but it’s nothing, even if it is. Decline in strength, that is also a very powerful guy, not ordinary people can deal with.

"Don't think you are going to eat Lao Tzu!"

The intruder leader said angrily, and immediately rushed forward to attack the opponent, but his swaying footsteps slowed down a lot, and it seemed that he might be hit by the opponent’s magic before he reached the opponent’s body. in.

The leader of the invader definitely didn't want to do this. He almost used all his strength, leaped high and jumped over.

The power of this attack must not be said, even Hua Yueling will feel a little timid when facing such an attack.But that's all, it is impossible for him to feel that he has no chance of winning because of this, not to that extent.

But even so, it is enough to explain the power of this attack.Hua Yueling still admired the opponent. After the hidden magician used the wheel warfare to consume so much power, he still had the strength to fight. I have to say that his spirit is worth boasting.

The magician didn't panic at all when he saw this. In fact, he had guessed that something like this might happen after he appeared.But he didn't think that the other party could bring him much threat in this way.

It was just a dying struggle, and when he thought so, the magic had already attacked.It was a fireball the size of a football, with fierce flames burning on it, hot enough to burn people into ashes.

The leader of the intruder doesn't care what it is, he just waved the weapon in his hand and attacked the past, regardless of whether he could stop the move.It is good to be able to rent and block, and even to counterattack the past. If not, that's it.

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