The burning fireball collided heavily with the weapons in the hands of the invader leader, and a violent explosion occurred. Hua Yueling and the others were farther away, so it was impossible to tell who had the upper hand.

It seems that at least this attack on the intruder leader is the next one, and has not been killed by this one.This was really something Hua Yueling could not expect. According to what he thought, he thought that the remaining power of the other party could no longer compete with the magician.

However, the opponent can still use his own power to counter the opponent's attack. Although this magic attack certainly did not exert the full power of the magician, it should not be underestimated.If the weaker guy is definitely defeated, I don't know what it will be burned by the fireball, but he hasn't.

After the two-handed sledgehammer smashed the fireball apart, the invader leader was already weak and unable to continue the attack.This fireball has consumed all his strength.He hit the ground hard and groaned, almost no reaction.

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

The magician couldn't help applauding his performance, but this also represented the magician's victory.

"Hey, no matter how powerful you are, you are still in my pocket now. You and your men have killed so many of my men, so I can add them."

The meaning of the Necromancer's words is naturally easy to understand, but the more so the intruder leader is, the more angry he is. If he has almost no strength, he can't wait to rush to fight the opponent.

But now even wanting to work hard is just a luxury, he no longer has the capital to work hard with the other party.

The power in his body was almost exhausted, and when he was lying on the ground, he knew that it would be difficult for him to stand up again to contend with the opponent.It wouldn't be the case if it hadn't consumed too much power before.

Thinking angrily, but it's useless. No matter how angry and hating the other person, what use is it. It can't be killed by anger or the like. There is no such ability.

The current invader leader is nothing more than a mermaid. He has no way to resist, no way, no matter what the other party wants to do, he has no strength to resist.This fact made him extremely angry and regretted his lack of strength.

But in fact, he can't be blamed. After all, his strength is still quite strong. The reason for this situation is the men he brought.If it wasn't for the subordinates who were killed and controlled, he wouldn't have lost power at this time.

In fact, he is still very strong, but he has consumed too much strength and energy in the process of coming here, otherwise he will win.

Unfortunately, now he has no way to make a decision again, let alone regret that the medicine can be let him take it.He can only watch his failure like this, and can do nothing else.

Not only did he fail to achieve his goal when he came here, he might even be wiped out. To be honest, he was really uncomfortable and angry.

But anger can't solve the problem, anger will never be able to solve the problem, otherwise he is just angry now, and he doesn't need to do anything else.But obviously, this is of no use to him.

The battle is over, the magician originally wanted to control a few more men to come in to help him control the person in front of him, but saw the opponent lying weakly on the ground, struggling to get up, but couldn't do it, his face was involuntarily exposed. Smiled.

In the end, he was the one who won, so that was right.

Why did he endure for so long before reappearing? It was because of the current situation. He knew that he was not the opponent of the opponent alone, so he had to consume enough strength of the opponent first, and only then could he win.

The power gap between the two sides is not that big, but the magician is not suitable for melee combat with each other, otherwise he would have come out long ago.But in fact, the two sides are not completely incapable of fighting. The magician can actually fight the opponent head-on, but the mental power and other things that need to be spent are a lot.

The magician does not mean that there is no way to deal with warriors. Whether it is speed or power, they are difficult to compare, but magic is the biggest weapon is magic. The magic science has formed various effects. It is the magician's greatest reliance.

Few magicians exercise their body, or their strength and speed, because magic can achieve such an effect.

"It seems that I was the one who won in the end, so you should know what kind of ending you will face."

This is not a question, but a blunt statement.In fact, he doesn't need to say that the invader leader also knows what he is going to do, as he can see from what he did before.

The leader of the intruder roared angrily, like an old, wounded lion, struggling to get up, pounce, pounce, and bite the opponent.

But even though he was struggling, it was impossible for him to struggle now. Without the strength of his body, even if he tried his best to stand up and get up, he would not be able to do this.

The person standing opposite him just sneered at his reaction, and it was not surprising that he had such a reaction.If he fell into this situation, he would definitely struggle desperately, especially under the current situation.

After all, he will soon face the situation of being transformed into a necromantic creature, I believe that individuals are not willing to see such a situation happen.No one wants to be controlled, whether it's before or after death, especially knowing that he will be transformed into a dead creature after death.

But it's one thing to know, but whether to do this is another thing. He doesn't know what the other person thinks because of empathy and then show mercy.There is absolutely no such thing. He has never been an emotional person. Emotionalism is obviously not a good thing.

"If this is the case, let you suffer less pain and die as soon as possible."

As long as he is dead, there is no way to think too much, so he won't feel sad about it anymore.The magician thought so, he felt that he was really a good person, so he thought of others.

The leader of the intruder would certainly not think he was a good person, but now it doesn't really matter what he thinks.Because he can't do anything, he can only watch the opponent's attack coming over, and can only watch death approaching, but there is no way.

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