Death was so terrible, he had never thought about it this way before.Such a terrible death, why did death find himself? He still doesn't want to die, he wants to live, he doesn't want to die here just like that.

In fact, he absolutely didn't want him and his men to die here, even if some of them could escape back.After all, they still have their own homeland. If all the people he brought with him died here like this this time, it would be hard to say that their guy would be safe in the future.

After all, he brought out almost all the people he could bring out. Even if there were some left, there were not many people left. There were not many people in their small tribe, and there were even more people who could fight. It is pitiful.

Only at this time did he think of regret, and his eyes were filled with regret. If there is any disaster in the tribe in the future, it is really because of his own mistakes that caused the tribe.

As a leader, he has never regretted so much, regretting everything he did before.If you find something wrong here earlier, leave early, or leave some people outside earlier, tell them to run away as soon as you find something wrong, then maybe you can save some strength.

But now thinking about these is just wishful thinking, and there is no use in regretting it anymore, he can't go back to the past to make a decision.Not to mention that if he could go back to the past, he would definitely not rush into here so hastily. Now he knows that his behavior is not only to send soldiers to the enemy, but to come to die.

Now there is nothing he can do, he can only wait like this, waiting for death to approach, waiting for himself to be "resurrected" again, and then become the opponent's subordinate.

The power left by the injury can't even hold his own weapon.But this is also a matter of course, after all, he is now a luxury even to stand up, let alone pick up his own weapons.

Even if he couldn't take up a weapon, even if he could just stand up, then he wouldn't just give up like that.In fact, he still hasn't given up, but there is no way.


The leader here didn't say anything, raised his magic wand, and the condensed magic power had already targeted the intruder leader in front of him.

Just when he thought he could get a general, he didn't know that danger had already found him quietly from behind.

It is relatively easy for Hua Yueling to sneak attack on him. After all, as a fighter, Hua Yueling has some skills in all aspects, and what he wants to say is not so like a fighter.

Using stealth skills, Hua Yueling moved towards the opponent while in stealth.He wasn't very anxious, and slowly moved in the direction of the other party, almost making no sound. In this regard, Hua Yueling's ability is self-explanatory.

The magician's perception was a little worse. Although it was said that there was magic in this area that could enhance his perception ability, he felt that the situation was completely in his hands now, so he didn't need to do that at all.

Huayueling approached the past lightly, not to mention the magician did not notice, nor did the intruder leader who fell on the ground.After losing the power, even the power of probing disappeared.

Besides, even he actually didn't think other people would follow to such a place, and now he couldn't get up at all, and he couldn't see anything just by glancing at him occasionally.

Hua Yueling soon came behind the magician. He didn't expect things to be so easy, much easier than he thought.But Hua Yueling also knew that it was not so easy for him to kill the other party, and the other party couldn't be defenseless like a fool.

There might be some treasures or barriers for defense on the opponent, which is normal for the magician.After all, magicians are definitely not the opponents of warriors in terms of power and speed. In this case, they must be prepared at any time. Otherwise, if they are attacked by warriors or assassins, unless it is the beginning You can detect it, otherwise you will undoubtedly die.

"There shouldn't be any major problems if you use the hidden dragon blade to sneak attack."

Hua Yueling is still very confident about the weapon in his hand. 1 Don’t underestimate the Hidden Dragon Blade. Although the Hidden Dragon Blade seems to have only two functions that are sharp and can help him hide, in fact it is still one. A weapon with quite powerful characteristics.

The most powerful weapon in Huayue Lingshou is the Hidden Dragon Blade, so besides it, there is no other weapon suitable for the current situation.

Move slowly behind the magician, and at this time the magician has killed the invader leader, and now the other party is using magic, trying to control the invader leader.

Now the magician is fully focused on the things in front of him, he has no time to think about other things, nor does he spend time understanding the surrounding situation, otherwise Hua Yueling would not be so easy to be so close behind him. Place to come.

It was that Hua Yueling had planned to make a move right from the beginning, but he hadn't done it yet, he was waiting to see if the other party had discovered him.However, the magician's attention was not put behind him at all. After waiting for a while, Hua Yueling knew that she was safe.

"It's time to let you know how great you are. Don't think you have won."

Huayueling thought secretly in her heart, a figure suddenly appeared, and the Yinlong Blade suddenly stabbed out.If the existence of Hua Yueling could not be found at this time, then the magician would have died unjustly, but Hua Yueling's speed was too fast, and it was actually too late when it was about to respond.

But he is still a magician after all, even if he can't react in time to avoid or defend, he can still use magic to defend.

I didn't see any action from him either, the magic power that had been condensed instantly dissipated, and behind him was a black shield, and at the same time Hua Yueling felt a strange power emerge from it. , The death force emanating from inside affected his reaction.

However, the impact on Hua Yueling was not so great. It was just that the movement on hand was slightly stagnant, but then he reacted, and the movement on hand did not slow down at all, and the hidden dragon blade continued to stab forward. .

The power of this blow was quite terrifying, and that shield could not completely block his attack.

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