This battle was going on relatively quickly, and it was easier than Hua Yueling expected, and Hua Yueling never thought of this.

Originally, he thought that this battle would last longer, but it was just a matter of an instant, and the battle between the two sides had already been won.

The hidden dragon blade easily pierced the opponent's magic shield for defense, and continued to stab, piercing the opponent's body.The magician let out a miserable cry, which was still quite painful, but the hidden dragon blade penetrated his body completely.

Not to mention that he is just a magician, even if he is a warrior, this time may not be able to bear it.

The magician's body was inherently fragile, and Hua Yueling had no plans to be waterproof at all.This attack was fierce. After piercing the opponent's body, Hua Yueling then pulled out the weapon and looked at the opponent again. The magician forcibly wanted to open the distance between him and was ready to use it. The magic attack came.

In fact, such an attack could not cause much threat to him, but Hua Yueling still reacted, and saw him quickly chasing after him, the movement of his hand kept moving, and the hidden dragon blade stabbed forward again. .He has no intention of being merciful. After all, the two sides are now enemies of life and death, and there is no difference between keeping one hand or not keeping one hand.

Hua Yueling must kill the opponent, and absolutely can't leave the opponent.

The magician obviously understood this, so he tried his best to escape, and wanted to open the distance between Hua Yueling.In fact, he also knew very well that he had no choice.If you continue to stay here and continue to wait, then you will welcome death.

The magician didn't expect that he would usher in such an ending. He had already won this battle, but in the end he was attacked by others. This was something he didn't expect.

Hua Yueling's appearance caught him off guard. Although he also defended and counterattacked in time, these didn't have much effect on Hua Yueling.His attack did not fall on Hua Yueling's body, and in fact, his attack was relatively hasty, so there was not much threat to Hua Yueling at all.

Calmly staring at the magician who fell to the ground in front of him, the magician is almost the same as the previous intruder leader, and he has no ability to resist.He just fell to the ground, almost exactly the same as the leader of the previous intruder, struggling to do something, but his exhaustion and injury made him have no good way to do it, weak and difficult to move.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect," the magician said weakly, with a pair of eyes scanning Hua Yueling and the others, "I didn't expect there are people like you, you are not with them."

The magician said so with certainty. In fact, this is not a guess. It is the case. The Philosopher's Stone can say so with certainty.Thinking about it, it can be clear that if Hua Yueling and the others were really with the invaders, they would not have waited until now, but had appeared before.

"Yes, it's actually easy to guess, isn't it?"

Hua Yueling asked back, as he said, this is actually not a difficult thing to guess, after all, Hua Yueling and the others didn't mean to hide it at all.In fact, there is no need to conceal it. After all, the magician is about to die soon, and the guys outside are not in the eyes of Huayueling.

The invaders and undead creatures outside may have some strength, but for them, they are actually about the same as no strength.

As long as these stronger guys are solved, as for the others, there is nothing to worry about.Those people don't necessarily have the same strength as a magician or an invader leader.

Now that the invader leader is dead, and the magician is also dead in their hands, there is actually no one here that can threaten them.For Hua Yueling and the others, this is enough. They don't need to take care of the next outside affairs. What they have to do is also very simple. There is no need to waste time here.

After all, the primary purpose of Hua Yueling and the others here is also very simple, that is, to come here to find out what is in this place, so other things besides this matter are not so for Hua Yueling and others. important.

I don't know if there are other things in it, or if there are some useful things. Hua Yueling doubts this, he needs to know more about the situation.

I don't know how many places I haven't been to, but Hua Yueling thinks that there shouldn't be many. It is estimated that the only things that can be found here are in this cool second place.

This is almost the deepest part of this underground world. Whether you can find anything depends basically on whether you can find anything here.However, Hua Yueling felt that it was more difficult to find what she wanted. After all, although she hadn't looked for it very carefully before this, she almost understood the situation inside, but he didn't find it. What a great thing.

"Let's get rid of the guys outside first, and they will come back to trouble us after saving it."

Those guys will not pose any threat to them, but if they wait until the battle between them is over and then come in, there will definitely be conflicts between the two sides.Hua Yueling felt that instead of conflicting with the other party at that time, it would be better to solve the problem directly now, which is more comfortable than anything else.

Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun didn't have any opinions. They thought it was normal for Hua Yueling to think this way. If so, let's just do it.

So the three people did not rush to find what they wanted, but walked back directly.

Back in the hall outside, there was still a scuffle inside.Don’t look at Hua Yueling and the others who have killed the magician, but this didn’t make the necromantic creatures directly restore to their original state, but without the blessing of the necromancer, their strength has also dropped a lot, not so much. incredible.

But even so, their strength is actually pretty good, at least not that bad.Fortunately, there are more people on their side, otherwise it would be time for the opponent to turn defeat into victory.

The invaders also discovered this. They wanted to turn defeat into victory, but the gap in the number of people between the two sides is still a bit larger, plus the gap in strength is not that big, and it is impossible to say that they will have the upper hand. of.

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