Whether those people understood what Hua Yueling meant or said they were afraid of Hua Yueling, these Hua Yuelings themselves did not know.No matter what, there is no need to care about the thoughts of those people now, and their thoughts are not important to Hua Yueling.

Just like these people did not pose any threat to Hua Yueling, their strength was too weak, Hua Yueling could not expect that the strength of the enemy encountered in such a place could be so weak, it was unbelievable.

Those people discussed a little bit. They tried to communicate with Hua Yueling with gestures, but the two sides had different understanding of gestures, so it was more difficult to communicate in this way.

Hua Yueling couldn't understand what they meant, but those people just tried it. When there was no way, they didn't try to communicate again, but acted according to their own ideas.

What they have to say is very simple. They just want to remove the leader's body, as well as those of their companions.It's a pity that there are too many people, and it is quite difficult to get so many dead bodies away and bury them.

But these have nothing to do with Hua Yueling and the others, and they don't need to mix up with these people.What they need to do now is to look around in this place to see if there is anything worthy of them to look for. If there is, it is naturally good, if not, they can only treat it as a trip for nothing.

There are not many places to find, Hua Yueling and the others walked to the deepest place first. They had no reason not to feel that there were treasures in it.The treasures in there should belong to the magician, otherwise he wouldn't be so anxious to catch up.

But knowing whether the magician hid something good inside, Hua Yueling felt that it would definitely be the case.Just don't know what he is hiding, Hua Yueling is still very curious about this, but if you think about it carefully, it is estimated that they are all magic-related props.

Hua Yueling hopes to find some good things in it, props that are helpful to her, or props that can make herself understand the world better.It doesn't matter if it is materials or props.

The group of people walked all the way deeper, not to mention, this road is still quite long, I don't know why the magician wants to build this place like this, like the outside, a passage is so long.

And there are no traps in it. In fact, this is quite strange. If you want to better protect the things inside, the outside protection must be done well.Although there are a lot of people here.

In terms of strength, the magician is the strongest, and below him are the dead creatures controlled by him.Maybe it was the magician who felt that this was enough, and their strength was enough to deal with anything.

Maybe the other party thinks that way, but Hua Yueling feels that even if she has such an idea, there is actually no problem at all to make some traps.But it seems that the other party didn't mean to do that.

In fact, it was quite strange, Hua Yueling was quite curious about it, and didn't understand why the other party didn't do that.

It was quite safe to walk all the way, and walked all the way to the deepest point. Only then did Hua Yueling notice that there was something wrong with it.

"Wait, don't go in yet."

Huayue Ling's hand was about to touch the closed wooden door in front of him and pushed it open. Suddenly, his brow moved to remind the others.

Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun behind him both looked at him with some doubts. The two girls hadn't noticed any problems yet, so they were still quite confused.What's wrong?

The eyes of the two girls shifted from him to the door in front of him. No matter how they looked at him, it was just an ordinary door, and there was no other doubtful place.But since Hua Yueling said that, it means that he must have found something, otherwise he won't remind them.

"I'll just say it."

At this time, Hua Yueling said in a low voice, the two girls looked at him rather strangely, and wanted to ask him what they meant.In other words, he originally had a certain idea, the previous idea has never allowed him to find any evidence, but now he has found it.

But they didn't know what Hua Yueling meant, which was still very strange, Hua Yueling had never explained the meaning.

Staring at the door in front of them with all their attention, Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun's attention were also placed on the door at this time, but they found it difficult to see from the door, it seemed very ordinary. , There is nothing strange, just a door.

Of course, they are also very clear, since Hua Yueling observed there so carefully, it means that there must be a problem there.

As for where the question is, that is not what they can answer.

Hua Yueling actually didn't quite understand where the problem was, but he was able to discover that there was some kind of trap there through probing skills.However, he is not particularly able to understand this kind of trap. After all, he does not know much about traps.

I don't know what the trap is there, let alone what effect the trap has.These are all unknown to Hua Yueling.

Staring at the door curiously, Hua Yueling was thinking about how to crack it.It's a pity that he doesn't understand this trap, and it is almost impossible to crack without understanding.

"What should I do now?"

Hua Yueling looked at the two girls who followed her, and neither Lu Yuetong nor Hua Yun seemed to have much knowledge in this regard.Don't think Hua Yun can use bows and arrows, but she is not a real hunter after all, so she knows very little about traps, not to mention Lu Yuetong, just like him.

After thinking about it in this way, Hua Yueling felt that the only thing that could be asked was Xiaoxue. The knowledge that Xiaoxue possessed was beyond their reach. She definitely knew what the traps were and how to crack them.

Only to ask Xiaoxue, Hua Yueling didn't dare to act rashly before he couldn't be sure what the trap was.If this accidentally destroys the trap in front of him, and then the entire passage collapses, that is not the situation Hua Yueling wants to see.

However, Hua Yueling is basically certain that such a thing will never happen anyway. Thinking about the magician’s thoughts, he will know that he will not allow this place to be destroyed. If this place is really destroyed, How should he take out the contents?Just think about it.

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