It can't be the kind of extremely destructive trap, but the trap here is definitely extremely dangerous, which is certain.

It is impossible for Hua Yueling to use his own life to try the trap here, he must try it only when he can guarantee his safety.Now he doesn't know what the trap is and cannot guarantee his own safety, so he will not take action yet. He will only ask and look for clues so that he can judge what the trap is here.

"Xiaoxue, do you know what the trap is on this door? I can see that it seems to be a trap made by magic, but I am not sure what it is."

"The trap here..." Xiaoxue didn't know if she thought of something, but didn't answer for a while, as if she was thinking about something.Naturally, Hua Yueling would not urge her, but waited.But at the same time he was also observing, trying to find out the effect of the traps on this door.

Just relying on observation is of no use, Hua Yueling thought in her heart that there are some things you can see just by looking at them, but the things in front of them are obviously not like this.You can't see what you see.

If you observe with your eyes, you will say that this is a door, and if you don't have the exploration skills, Hua Yueling will feel the same way.But he has detection capabilities, so he would say that there is a door with a terrible trap at this time. As for what trap it is, there is no way to judge it so easily.

After waiting for a long time, Xiaoxue had a reaction. She told Huayueling what kind of trap was on the door.What the trap has to say is quite powerful, not only can it limit people's power, but also have very powerful killing moves. If you accidentally hit the trap, it is quite dangerous.

"I know it must be dangerous, but I want to know how to break this trap."

Hua Yueling said calmly, this is what he wants to know most.If they can't break the trap, they won't be able to move on. Of course, there are other ways, such as letting the outside guys come in to help, but that is killing people with a knife, and then none of the people outside will be able to survive.

Hua Yueling felt that she didn't need to do that, after all, he didn't have the intention of killing those guys.

If you don't use them, you have to think about other methods. Huayueling also thought of some simpler methods, such as directly using remote attacks to destroy the door.In this case, although the trap is triggered, or even if it is not triggered, it doesn't matter. They walk in directly from there without having to open the door.

However, Hua Yueling is not sure whether there are other consequences of such an approach, so he dared not do that, but waited for Xiaoxue's answer.

"The master does not have the skills to break the trap, so there is no way to break the trap directly. In that case, what the owner has to do is to use his own power to destroy it directly. This trap does not mean that it is no problem to destroy it with violence at a distance The director is likely to be used as a target. It has a tracking nature, so the owner had better be careful."


Hua Yueling suddenly thought of other aspects, but in fact, there is no need to worry about this aspect. After all, if he is farther away, even a tracking attack is actually nothing to him.

What I am most afraid of is the situation where there is no time to react. If you are farther away, you will not be too late to react.If it can react in time, then it is not a problem.

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, and also said to Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun, and then the three of them went back like this.They stepped back a long distance, this is also to avoid being hit.

After getting far enough, Hua Yueling realized that she didn't seem to have a means of remote attack.If the only long-range attack means, it seems to be the only way to hit it directly with a two-handed sword.

If you think about it this way, it doesn't seem to work, even though he thinks that his weapon should not be damaged like this.

"Sister Yun, try to attack and use your bow and arrow to attack."

When Hua Yueling said this, he thought that he could actually use magic, but he didn't use magic very much, so he didn't expect it.Hua Yueling didn't use magic for no other reason, after all, he himself liked magic very much.

But since Sister Yun is called to do it, let's look at the situation. If Sister Yun's attack can't be effective, then do it by himself, there is no need to be so anxious.

Thinking like this in her heart, Hua Yueling stepped aside and watched sister Yun stand in front of her.He did not forget to remind Sister Yun to be careful, after all, after the attack, it is very likely that he will be tracked and attacked by the magic power in the trap. Although it is not yet clear how strong the attack is, it is always impossible to be careful. Incorrect.

The arrow hit the door. Hua Yueling originally thought that Sister Yun’s attack might not be able to open the door, but he soon realized that he was wrong. Sister Yun’s attack was more than he thought. To be more powerful.

I don’t know how she did it. The arrow attack was not a point attack, but a range attack. It turned out that the entire door was attacked when the arrow hit the door, and the door failed. Withstand this kind of attack, he was directly knocked out and fell to the ground.

Although they can see the internal situation, Hua Yueling and the others are not concerned about these, but the traps that have been activated.Just when the door was hit, a ray of light flashed, and that ray of light flew towards Hua Yun, and at the same time a powerful magical power emerged, forming a magic ball flying towards her.

"Sister Yun, be careful!"

Hua Yueling said so, and quickly went to Sister Yun with her weapon to help her offset the magical attack.However, Hua Yun was also ready for a long time. At this moment, she opened her bow and set an arrow, aimed at the magic ball not far away, and the arrow flew out and directly collided with the magic ball.

The magic ball was attacked and separated, split into two, and continued to rush towards this side.However, Hua Yueling could clearly feel that the magic power contained in the two magic balls was definitely not as good as the big magic ball before.

In other words, although this attack made the magic ball split in two, its power was also reduced a lot.

Wielding a large sword with both hands and slashing it, Hua Yueling was worried that the magic ball might explode at first, but now she doesn't have to worry at all.

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