The reason why I asked Xiaoxue like that was not to say what Hua Yueling thought about the reward for this task, but that he thought about it from another aspect, and then decided to ask Xiaoxue.

If there is no problem after accepting the task and leaving it alone, he feels that he might as well put the task next. Anyway, this is what he will do later. There are so many gold coins and experience, so don’t do it for nothing. .

"There is no impact. The owner can check it directly on the task interface. As long as the task itself does not limit the time to complete, there is no problem."

"Where can I see the limited time?"

Hua Yueling asked suspiciously, maybe the task in front of him didn't have time limit, he didn't see the word limit time from beginning to end.

Since it can't be found, it means that there should be no limit to what time the task must be completed. In this case, it is actually easier to handle.What Hua Yueling is worried about is the limited time. If there is not, then there is no big problem.

"If it is not shown above, it means that there is no time limit, so that the owner of the task can complete it at any time. There will be no change in the reward. Anyway, the owner will not lose any."

"That's good, I'm afraid that I will be punished if I just accept the task and fail to complete it. If I don't have it, I'm relieved."

After listening to Xiaoxue's explanation, Hua Yueling was able to feel relieved.After reading the description of this task on one side, he accepted it.

According to the description of the mission, the main task of this mission is to solve the dark demon they had encountered before.

It is definitely impossible to win the opponent with Hua Yueling's current strength, but he can slowly accumulate strength, and wait until he has enough strength to find the opponent's trouble.

Anyway, the other party will definitely not let him go and will come to his own troubles, and he will never let him go, and will definitely go to the other party's troubles. In that case, accepting this task is not what you think.

Anyway, it's something to do sooner or later. If this is the case, accept the task and get a reward at that time. Why not do it.

Hua Yueling read it carefully again and confirmed that there were no restrictions on this task before it was considered to have accepted the task.After accepting this task, Hua Yueling began to read the other two tasks again to see if those two tasks were worth accepting.

The second mission was a bit interesting, which meant that he could explore the world. Not only that, Hua Yueling discovered that there was an attachment under this mission.This is really the first time Hua Yueling has seen it, and it feels quite interesting.

After accepting the task, Hua Yueling obtained the attachments. The attachments were directly put into the inventory. He took the attachments out of the inventory and found that it was a map.This map should be a map of this world. Although it is not very complete and not as detailed as a map of the modern world, it should be considered quite acceptable for this kind of place.

"In other words, this task is to let me go to these places."

Hua Yueling glanced roughly, and many places were marked on the map, and those places were where he needed to go.

After a brief understanding, there are really a lot of places that need him to go. If you have explored all of this, you don't know how long it will take. Anyway, you can't do it in a short time.

Fortunately, this task did not require time, so no matter when it was completed, there was no problem, so there was no need to worry about it.

"Then put it aside, don't worry."

Thinking like this in her heart, Hua Yueling put away the map. For the time being, he is not ready to continue exploring here, and he needs to be careful in future explorations. If they are not very good, it would be dangerous. .After all, there is still that demon here, if the other party finds them and wants to trouble them, they basically have nothing to do.

Hua Yueling didn't think of a way to deal with it, unless she brought Sister Aroline and Sister Livello together, otherwise it would be better for them to stay away.

Looking at the last mission again, after seeing these three missions, Hua Yueling discovered that something strange was that the missions posted seemed to be missions related to this world, nothing else.

This surprised him a bit. It seemed that the tasks released by the system would still be associated with different regions, which he hadn't noticed before.

After all, he had never opened the task panel before going to other regions, so it is normal to not understand.Now that he understood, he thought maybe he could use this to do something.

"I just don't know what rewards other worlds can get."

In these tasks, Hua Yueling found that the rewards obtained should be the things that the world itself had, and he didn't know how the system judged it. Why did it do this to make the host more adaptable to each world?

Hua Yueling felt that the system would not think that way, but anyway, as long as the dog had something to gain, it would be a good thing if he could get better equipment through the mission.

If you can use the equipment, you can use it, and if you can't use it, you can directly exchange it into gold coins. In this way, you will not lose any money.

Anyway, that's it. If you can complete these tasks, you can complete them as much as possible. If you can't complete them, you can keep them, and wait until you have the ability to complete them before completing them. There is no need to rush yourself.

The last task is for him to collect some materials unique to this world, but basically they are used as herbs.Even though this task seems to be the easiest one, it is the only time-limited task, and the limited time is relatively short, which means that it needs to be completed as soon as possible after accepting the task.

Of course, even if he has not yet accepted the task, time is passing by.

In other words, even if you do not accept the task, after a period of time, when the time comes, there is no need to accept the task.

"So this kind of task is definitely not available for the time being. It's better to wait until you have collected everything you need, and then take the task."

This is the best way to face the immediate problem, so even if the materials are not collected, it will not cause any loss.But at this time, the task is different.

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