"Xiaoxue, is there any punishment for failing this kind of mission?"

There is no punishment in the task introduction, but Hua Yueling doesn't believe this, he thinks there must be a punishment, but it didn't show it.

"Yes, but they don't even know what kind of punishment it is. The specific punishment is judged according to each task and has nothing to do with others."

"In other words, completing this task will definitely affect something, is that right?"

Hua Yueling probably understood what Xiaoxue meant. Since the task punishment was judged based on the task, he felt that this kind of guessing was the most normal.

"It's almost what the owner thinks. The owner will not only be rewarded for completing the task, but also get some unexpected things, such as someone's favor. In that case, if you meet those people in the future, the other party Will clearly know that the owner has helped him, and will have a good impression of the owner."

"Thinking about it this way is actually pretty good."

Hua Yueling couldn't help nodding after listening, but such benefits may not be of much use. After all, unless you have been to enough places, the chance of seeing each other is still relatively small. .

But no matter what, as long as there is enough harvest, what Hua Yueling needs is harvest, and the other things are not that important.

After getting the answer he wanted, Hua Yueling immediately took action. The next thing to do is also very simple, immediately look for those things.But this matter still needs sister Aroline's help, after all, he might still need to use teleportation to find what he wants.

Hua Yueling only knew that what she was looking for was definitely in this world, but it was not yet clear where it was, and she needed to look for it.There are no reminders on the characters, and the task itself has no attachments.

Of course, not to mention that the task has no attachments, that is, there are really attachments to find the location of the thing, Hua Yueling will not necessarily take the task.

After all, the time limit is limited, Hua Yueling is still not sure whether she can find what she wants so quickly.

At least for a short time, Hua Yueling is reluctant to do this. Of course, if you are sure that you can collect all the things needed for the task, then there is nothing to do with the task, there will be no loss, only gain. .

But it still doesn't work. It is impossible to determine this matter now, and it is impossible to determine whether he can complete this task in a limited time.If it can be done, it is naturally good, but if it can’t be done, then you can only try it first.

After Hua Yueling had finished talking over there, she went to talk to Sister Alorin about her thoughts, and Sister Alorin raised her hands in favor.

But she also knew that although Hua Yueling and the others said they knew what to look for in the task to be done, they didn't know much about the world after all, so they didn't know where to look.

Proactively offer to help, mainly for them to see where they are looking for.Even though Aroline came to this world for the first time, she didn't know much about all kinds of things in this world, but she could still help a lot.

Hua Yueling felt that there was no need to conceal this kind of thing, so she simply said what she wanted to find.The herbs to be found here are all herbs that Hua Yueling has never heard of. He doesn't know what those herbs are used for, but if they can collect all of them, the benefits are quite good.

"These herbs..."

"Sister Aroline knows what these herbs are used for?"

"According to the configuration, it is a medicine used for healing and detoxification, but I am not sure whether your task is to be used all at once or in divided doses. In fact, if it is used for one time, it can be administered directly if possible. Yes, I just don’t know if you can do that for that task."

"This...I don't know much about this. I still need to ask Xiaoxue."

"If the other party really needs to use these herbs for refining medicine, it is actually better to administer medicine directly. Refining medicine is very troublesome, and it can be judged from these materials that the medicine they want to refining is not so easy. Yes, it is difficult to succeed in a short time."

Hua Yueling just nodded his head again and again after hearing it, and then he asked Xiaoxue inwardly. In fact, after listening to Sister Alorin's words, he also wanted to know that he couldn't do that.

"In principle, there is no problem, and there may be better rewards."

"In other words, for tasks like this, if you know what the other party wants, giving them what they want is also considered as completing the task, and there may be additional rewards."

"Yes, probably that is the case, but it also depends on whether the owner is lucky enough. If you are not lucky enough, there may be no reward. But in fact, even if the owner is not rewarded, it is not a special loss."

"That's true, but what if I give each other the materials and the medicine they need?"

Hua Yueling asked again, there might be no additional gains in doing so, after all, what the other party needs is medicinal materials or medicine, not both.Others may also mean it is a gift.

"Okay, I'll try it first."

Hua Yueling didn't have such drugs on his own, and he didn't even know what kind of drugs could be made with those medicinal materials and what kind of effects they had.So I still have to ask Sister Aroline, Sister Aroline should have that kind of medicine on her body, maybe she can ask her to help directly complete this task, it will definitely be much simpler, so you don't need to trouble yourself.

After chatting with Xiaoxue, Hua Yueling immediately asked Sister Alorin what she thought. In fact, she mainly wanted to know whether Sister Alorin would borrow her own pill like that.

If there is no pill, they still have to look for those medicinal materials, but if there is a pill, it won't be so troublesome.

"It’s no problem to lend to you. Sister, I’m not such a stingy person, but after you complete the task, you still have to find the medicinal materials needed for this task. Then I will give the medicinal materials to my sister. OK?"

Aroline did not have any special requirements, just let them do what the task requires.

In that case, Hua Yueling naturally had no problem, and immediately nodded and agreed. The most important thing now is to complete the task.

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