The trouble is a bit more troublesome. Hua Yueling now only hopes that her harvest will not be too little by then. If the harvest is too little, he will definitely feel that it is not worth it. After all, she still doesn't know how much time it will take.

In this regard, there is no better way. After all, he does not have such special skills. He can directly find the character he wants to find. Things will not be that simple.In any case, it is already a beginning, and it is a beginning that cannot be retreated and cannot be rejected.

"Let's go."

Sister Aroline went to talk to Sister Livello and the others, and then the two seemed to have exchanged something. When Sister Livello said something, she nodded her head repeatedly when she saw Sister Livello, as if agreeing.

Hua Yueling and the others have not been there, so I don’t know what the two of them are talking about, but Hua Yueling believes that what they talked about must have something to do with this mission and this action. As for how much they have a relationship, then He is not clear.

In any case, this is definitely beneficial to them. Sister Livello may provide some more useful experience to help them solve this problem.

Soon the communication between Sister Aroline and Sister Livello was over, and Sister Aroline walked back briskly.

"My sister gave me some good suggestions. That suggestion is very useful. It may help us resolve this incident faster."

As for the specific suggestions, Aroline did not say, but only told them that she had some new ideas, which would be very helpful for solving this problem.

In any case, they started to act, and they didn't need to do anything else, they were directly teleported to another place through the teleportation array.

The teleportation array is still very useful. If there is no teleportation array, Huayueling and the others would not be confident to complete the task within the specified time.Not to mention the time it takes to find someone. In that case, it would be to move around in various places, and I don’t know how much time it takes.

Now that there is a portal, it can still save a lot of time, although it does not mean that it can be directly transmitted to a sufficiently precise location. After reaching the place, you need to ask around and find it.

That's definitely more troublesome, but it's not bad in comparison.

"I don't know what area of ​​this continent we are in now. It's hard to judge."

Arolin took the map in her hand and studied it carefully for a while and said, they had already teleported to another place through the teleportation array, but unfortunately the content on the map is a bit too simple, I want to find out which they are. It is difficult to find what kind of place and how to find it.

"so what should I do now?"

Hua Yueling asked with some worry, he had actually thought about this before, but Sister Aroline hadn't said anything, he thought she had a spectrum in her heart.It's troublesome to hear now, and there is no way for Sister Aroline to determine where she is. That would be troublesome.

"We have to find a way to determine where we are."

Hua Yun also said immediately, confirming her location is a very important thing, in fact, it would be better if the map obtained could be more detailed, but these are just delusions.

But how to determine where his location corresponds to on the map? He doesn't have that ability.Looking at Sister Aroline, even she was scratching her head in annoyance. She didn't seem to have any good ideas, but if she couldn't determine her current position, she couldn't act.

The content on the simple map is definitely correct, but if you don't know where you are, you don't know where you should go, and you don't know who you should target. This is very difficult.

Hua Yueling and the others had never discussed these things before, so they were a little bit blind in the face of this situation, and didn't know what to do.

A few people, look at me and I look at you, everyone was stunned for a while.

"How to do?"

Sister Alorin asked such a question, Hua Yueling could only shook her head with a wry smile, and she didn’t know what to do. If she knew what to do, it would be fine. In that case, you don’t have to worry about it. Troubled.

"I don't know. It's a bit troublesome now. If we can't confirm the location, it's impossible for us to complete the task as soon as possible. Even if we want to complete the task within a limited time, then I don’t know how much energy it takes to get busy with this."

Hua Yueling sighed and said, she knew she would not take this task. Although it seemed that the reward was good, it was so troublesome, and he didn't even know how to act.

In fact, there is no need to be too precise, even if there is some information about where they are, or if there is more content on the map, it would be great.But Hua Yueling also knew that that kind of thing was just a delusion, so it's better not to think about it so much, and the best way is to determine the position by himself.

"Sister Aroline, don't you need to confirm the location when you send it? It stands to reason that it is not safe to send it directly and casually."

"It's true, but there are other ways. Besides, we don't need to know too much about this. As long as we have a general concept, we can directly transmit."

Although I'm not quite sure what Sister Aroline is talking about, Hua Yueling also knows that this also means that it doesn't have to be as troublesome as she thought.

"This kind of thing..."

The four of you, looking at me and looking at you, all fell silent.Faced with the situation where the task may not be completed, everyone does not know what to do.

"Then what shall we do?"

The next thing doesn't seem to be easy, Hua Yueling doesn't know what to do, at least so far he hasn't thought of anything.He had no idea what to do, what should he do, and so on.

It seems that I can only go one step at a time.

In fact, the most important thing is not only their side, but also the aborigines in this world. If the aborigines have enough knowledge about their own world, they can ask a lot of things even with a simple map, but from From the life of the aborigines I have seen so far, it is basically wishful thinking to ask something from them. It is better not to think so much. Instead of relying on them, it is better to be self-reliant.

"Let's take one step at a time and look for a tribe nearby."

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