I don’t know if Sister Aroline can do anything, but Hua Yueling sees that she is quite confident, so she didn’t ask any more. Since she said that she would find a tribe first and then talk about it, then go as Sister Aroline said. do.

Tribes, but it’s not so easy to find a tribe, especially if they are now, they don’t know where they are, let alone what kind of tribes are nearby. All this is for Huayueling and the others. Said they are all unknown.

For the time being, there doesn't seem to be a good way, the only way is to expect my luck to be better.But Hua Yueling was not sure whether her luck would work, but she could only pray.

"But how do we find a tribe, can't go in the same direction as before, right?"

"No, elder sister, I naturally have a way. But I'd better walk around, let's move first, it's useless just waiting here."

It’s not clear at all what the method Sister Alorin said is Huayueling, but it seems that Sister Alorine has no meaning to explain at all. Under such circumstances, Huayueling and the others can only Acted as Sister Aroline said.

Let's walk around first. As for whether you can find a tribe, it's up to Aroline's sister. They can't do anything.

Thinking like this in their hearts, Hua Yueling and the others followed Sister Aroline and didn't know whether they walked in a random direction.Anyway, what we have to do next is this kind of thing, walk around and see, as to whether he can find what he is looking for, it is not his decision, it depends on the situation and whether they are lucky enough.

I don't know what Sister Aroline is doing. Anyway, Hua Yueling uses her exploration skills to find what is hard to find. This is not his problem, but the original problem of the environment in which she is now.

"There is no good way."

Hua Yueling sighed in a low voice. He was also helpless. There was no good way to solve the problem at hand. It seemed smart to see how Sister Alorin did it.

But it seemed that Sister Aroline was looking for something, and Hua Yueling herself didn't quite know how he did it.Maybe it's like his own exploration skills, of course, maybe there are other possibilities, but Hua Yueling has no way to be sure, and for the time being, he can only take a step and look at it.

Walking in the desolate wilderness, Hua Yueling had never been to such a place before. The area where they were before was actually very desolate, but it was incomparable to this place.

There is a piece of scorched earth on the ground here, and no plants can be seen, not even dead plants.

The sun hanging in the sky is a red color, the kind of flame that has nowhere to hide that just looks burnt.

No matter who it is, it can be easily seen that it is definitely not the sun on the earth, and the sun on the earth is definitely not like that.The existence that may be called the sun should be more terrifying than the sun on the earth. It is an existence that can burn everything. I don’t know how far away they are from where they are now, but even so, The earth is still being burnt to its current appearance, and from this point of view, one can understand one or two things.

And they can also feel the terrible hot sensation, which cannot be felt on the earth.The summer on the earth is now uncomfortable enough, but the feeling here is even more unbearable than the summer on the earth.

It's almost like being roasted on a fire. Although this statement is somewhat exaggerated, it is actually the case.This is something no one can refute.To be honest, Hua Yueling and the others didn't really like the current feeling, but unfortunately this is not what they can change, and they can't do much.

After all, this is a matter of the world, and they have not yet been able to change this kind of thing.

But fortunately, Hua Yueling had other preparations. He took out the ice water that he had prepared and placed in his inventory, and then gave Sister Arolyn and the others a bottle.A few people stopped, opened the ice water and drank it, "cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo," everyone drank happily.

"Huh, I'm alive, I'm almost dying of thirst."

Hua Yueling drank all the bottle of ice water in one breath, but he felt that this was not enough, so he took out another bottle, and after opening it, the bottle of "gudonggudong" went down again.

"Is it enough? If it is not enough, I still have it here."

But Lu Yuetong and the others could not drink as much as he did. A bottle of ice water was enough for them, and there was no need for another bottle.

After drinking the water, I finally recovered some strength, but the water in the body was consumed very quickly under such an environment.After a while, the effort was just a sweat, and it was really uncomfortable.

Hua Yueling disliked this place more and more and didn't like the environment of this place, but now there are still tasks after all, and three tasks are here, it is impossible to leave without doing anything.

Of course, he could also just leave this to Sister Aroline to do, but that approach is still not very good.

After all, it was his own next task, and he couldn't just leave it all to Sister Aroline. In that case, he would be too unfulfilled.Although it is said that this is the next task that Sister Aroline wants him to, but if he doesn't agree, the task will not be the next.

"You can’t find a tribe around here. It’s really difficult to live in a place like this. I don’t know what kind of Chengdu is in this place. It’s already quite high in our place. Up."

The light coming down from the sky was unusually scorching, and the feeling was almost like putting one's skin directly on the flame and roasting it. That feeling was really uncomfortable.But Hua Yueling and the others can only endure it for the time being, there is no other way.

But Hua Yueling thought of a better way, and saw that he pressed ice water against his arm, feeling the cold feeling, it was really comfortable.

"Huh, it feels much better this way."

Hua Yueling feels cooler, but only the part with the cold water bottle feels better, the other parts still feel quite uncomfortable.

If possible, Hua Yueling really wanted to leave this ghost place as soon as possible, even if one more minute, he would not stay here.It's just that I can't give up now, Hua Yueling is unwilling to give up at this time, so what she said before is nothing.

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