In the burning air, Hua Yueling's progress slowed down a bit, and he felt that his physical strength was a little too much.He hoped that he could stop and rest for a while. The feeling like this is really not very good now. He doesn't like it.

It would be great if she could leave this place early, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, but no matter what he thought, since it was sent here, it would be impossible to give up halfway because of the environment here.They will not leave this place until nothing is discovered.

Then go find it, but the time it takes to find it doesn't know how much, after all, they haven't made much progress until now.

Sister Aroline didn't know if she found something, Hua Yueling was very curious about it, but Hua Yueling looked at it several times and found that Sister Aroline basically had no response.It seemed that the reaction seemed to have found nothing, but Hua Yueling was not sure about it.

Hua Yueling really hopes that she can find something there, and now she basically can't count on it here.After all, the range that the exploration skills can detect is only that large, unless they are in the vicinity of a tribe, otherwise, it is basically impossible to rely on the exploration skills to find the tribe, or it takes a lot of time.

If you are lucky, you may be able to find it soon, but if you are not lucky, then you don’t know how long it will take.

What kind of method Sister Alorin uses? Hua Yueling hasn't understood yet, Sister Alorin doesn't say anything, but she just said that she has a method, and she discussed with Sister Livio about what she said before. At once, she also said that she had some new ideas.

But it is not certain whether the new ideas she said are related to what they are going to do.

Now I can only look at Sister Aroline, and they have no good solutions for the time being.He hopes that he can do what he wants to do relatively easily, but things are often not that simple.

Looking ahead, there is still an endless anxious earth in front of me.There are hardly any plants in sight of thousands of miles above this land.

It’s hard to say that people feel happy in such a place. Hua Yueling can’t imagine what kind of people live in such a place. It must be hard to live in such a place, but if you live in such a place for a long time. , I guess I'm used to it somehow now, it won't be the way it was at the beginning, for example, Hua Yueling and the others can't stand the environment here.

A world without any natural scenery is really uncomfortable. Even if there is only one tree, even if it is just a small tree, it will make people feel hope.But here you can't feel anything, all you can feel is the burning and restless emotions.

After walking for about ten minutes, Hua Yueling and the others still didn't find anything, and the surrounding environment seemed to have not changed. It felt like they had been caught by someone else's illusion, and they had been standing still.

The environment here is almost the same, no matter where you go, you can't feel any changes.Hua Yueling looked at Sister Alorin, Sister Alorin was still walking forward, as if she had a goal in her mind, so she could reach it by walking straight forward.

Hua Yueling doesn’t know if she thinks this way, but he hopes it is so. If that’s the case, at least it will give him some hope, instead of thinking that there is no hope at this moment, just keeping an expectant attitude to look for. If you can't find it, it depends on luck.

What kind of place to go next Hua Yueling hasn't had any idea so far, just hope to find a place as soon as possible.Just don't know how to confirm where they are currently, Hua Yueling naturally hopes that there is an easier way to confirm where they are, but this method does not exist.

Sighing, Hua Yueling was a little irritable, still wishing he could leave earlier, he didn't want to stay here anymore.

Although she wanted to get some useful information from Sister Aroline in her heart, Hua Yueling did not ask.Now it seems that Sister Aroline doesn't have any thoughts of expressing her plan. If that's the case, let's go slowly, there is no need to worry.

In this way, another ten minutes passed, and there was still nothing to notice. Hua Yueling was a little suspicious now. Sister Alorin was going to take them to some place. The road was too far.Although they have walked so long in this place before, it is really uncomfortable to walk so far now.

Hua Yueling didn't want to wait here, he wanted to find a place quickly.

"Why haven't you found it yet?"

Hua Yueling thought secretly in her heart, but unfortunately no one answered his question, Aroline still maintained her previous state of being unreliable, and she didn't mean to stop.She walked forward quickly, it seemed that the goal was really determined.

It took about half an hour along the way, and Huayueling finally found some different places in this environment.He couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. If he had been walking in such a place all the time, he felt that he had to be driven crazy by such an environment.Fortunately, there have been some changes.

It was still in such an environment, but once Hua Yueling discovered a tribe, that tribe could be regarded as a relatively large tribe, at least much larger than the tribe they had visited before.

There were at least dozens of people in the tribe. Hua Yueling only used her exploration skills to get a rough idea and found that there were probably hundreds of people in that tribe.

Don't look at the number of such tribes, but in such an environment, it should be considered a medium to large tribe.The number of people in Hua Yueling's view is a bit small, but it is actually understandable to think about the difference between ancient and modern times.

But I just don’t know if I can get some useful information in this tribe. It would be better if I could confirm their current location, but this is unlikely.

"Sister Aroline, what should we do when we get to the front tribe?"

Huayueling stepped forward a bit and asked Sister Alorin.I don't know what Sister Aroline thinks, and maybe I can learn some of her thoughts from her by taking advantage of this opportunity.

It's just that she has such an idea. Whether she can do it or not depends on whether Sister Aroline herself wants to express her own thoughts.To be honest, until now Hua Yueling feels a little ambiguous about what she thinks.

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