"What should I do? Go to that tribe and ask, maybe you can get some useful questions from them. Anyway, those people are considered to be local snakes, and they should know a lot about such a place."

Just listening to Sister Alorin’s thoughts seems to be very common, basically no different from their thoughts, but Hua Yueling still feels something is wrong.

Although it was only his guess, he always felt that Sister Aroline seemed to have found a tribe here.Of course, this was just his feeling, and he didn't know whether this feeling was correct. After all, Sister Aroline didn't say anything about this.

In any case, finding a tribe is a very good thing for them, regardless of whether they can get the information they need from there.

The targets marked on the map are scattered in different places. Judging by the rewards of this mission, those guys will have some identities, and they must all be people with some status in the tribe.However, it is not clear exactly what kind of Hua Yueling is, but he thinks clearly that it must be easier to find such a person in the tribe.

After discovering the existence of a tribe, Hua Yueling and the others speeded up immediately. In fact, their steps were already very happy, but they are still speeding up. They walked forward quickly and reached their destination in no time. .

"This is it."

Hua Yueling looked at the tribe in front of her, whispering.The big wooden door of the tribe was open, but basically no one came out. The people in the tribe were all moving inside. They also saw Huayueling and their figure. The warriors who were responsible for protecting the tribe stood up and stood on guard. Look at Huayueling them.

Maybe it’s because there are usually very few people from other tribes here, so they are quite wary of Hua Yueling and the others, especially when Hua Yueling and the others reach the entrance of the tribe, they have to stop. .

The warriors of the tribe and the weapons clenched tightly, if they leave them alone and go inside, they are likely to be treated as enemies.

A strong figure jumped down from the surrounding wall next to him, the other party's gaze swept across Hua Yueling and the others, and finally his gaze fell on Hua Yueling's body.

"Where do you come from?" The other party asked directly.

"We are travelers and are traveling everywhere."

Hua Yueling replied after thinking for a while, but obviously his answer did not satisfy the other party, but the other party did not entangle in this aspect.After getting the answer, he looked at Hua Yueling and then at other people. His eyes stayed on Aroline for a while, but he quickly looked away.

"Traveler, welcome."

The other party did not ask the others again. It seems that the previous observations were also to determine whether they had any threats, but now it seems that there is no problem.

"Thank you."

Hua Yueling nodded and expressed her gratitude to the other party, and then followed the other party into the tribe.The people in the tribe looked at them with curious eyes, not to mention that this is a big tribe. Hua Yueling estimated that not many people would come to such a place within a year.

In ancient times, such exchanges were relatively rare, after all, the risk of a trip was still very high.Especially if you don’t have a map, you don’t know the route, you can’t calculate the exact time required to go back and forth.

"Is there anything going on here?"

"No, we just happened to be here and found a tribe here, so we wanted to come here and have a look. If it causes you any trouble, I hope you don't mind."

"We have very few people here, and even people who come here are generally familiar people. It is almost difficult to see strangers, so we will be alert when we see you come."

"This is normal, and it would be the same if we were."

Hua Yueling nodded her head with understanding. At this time, she naturally followed the other party to speak.In any case, there is actually nothing wrong with the other party doing this, and there is no need to be angry with the other party because of this, it is purely faulty.

The other party introduced them to the tribe and took them to the place where the leader of the tribe was, where they met the leader of the tribe.

The leader of the tribe was beyond Hua Yueling's expectation. He was not a big five and three rough person. On the contrary, the other party was an old man who looked very old, but Hua Yueling could feel it. The other party still had power, but The power is not so strong anymore.

Originally, he should be a powerful fighter, but now he is old, and both his physical strength and reaction ability have dropped a lot.But what is most noteworthy for the elderly is not their strength, but the experience they have gained in so long life.

It is impossible to rely on old people to fight, but old people can provide many experiences that young people do not have.He sees more and knows more, but sometimes this is an advantage, sometimes it can be said to be a disadvantage.The specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail.

Elderly people are mostly lack of motivation. This aspect is a shortcoming, but it can't be said completely. Sometimes this can be called an advantage. Anyway, how you look at it depends on things and varies from person to person.

Hua Yueling and the others originally wanted to find someone like this to ask about some things. Now they are brought to the tribe leader, and the tribe leader doesn’t seem to be an old fool, at least from his initial impression. He knows a lot.

"We are traveling around and traveling, but we also have other purposes, and we want to ask you some questions."

"As long as I know, I must know everything."

The tribe leader is still very good at talking. When Hua Yueling said that he had other purposes, he didn't say anything, and even his expression did not change, so he nodded and said that there was no problem.

This is still very good for Hua Yueling and the others, the next thing is actually easy to handle, Hua Yueling and the others asked some of the most concerned questions.For example, does the chief of the tribe know enough about this place, or whether there is a map nearby.

What is pleasantly surprised is that the other party really knows a lot about this neighborhood. According to him, when he was young, he specially went to explore the nearby places and tried to record the situation in his mind.

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