It's just that the map drawn by the tribe leader is rather crude. Hua Yueling took the map drawn by the other party and looked at it in his hand. I have to say that this map is clearer than the attachment he got.

Some things can still be learned from the above, but for Hua Yueling and the others, it is still a bit worse.The scope drawn above is actually not large, and there are very few tribes recorded on it.But don't look at it like this, but in such a world, such a map should be impossible, and it can be regarded as a miracle.

"If you can, can you give us this map? If you need anything, we can exchange it."

Although the content on this map is easy to remember and it is not difficult to copy it down, Hua Yueling still decided to change it from the other party.

The tribe leader looked a little embarrassed. It seemed that although this map was nothing in Hua Yueling's eyes, it was still very precious to him.Of course, it does not rule out that he has the desire to be sold.

But no matter what, Hua Yueling felt that even if the other party had that kind of mind, wanting to exchange with the other party would not cost herself too much.After all, I have something in my hands that the other party has never seen before, and I believe that the other party will not cling to such a map without letting go.

In fact, if Hua Yueling directly took out something to exchange with the other party, it would be worse, so he just asked the other party what he needed to see what price the other party had in mind.If the other party is really unwilling, then take out something by himself, he will not believe that the other party will be indifferent.

The values ​​held by the two parties may be somewhat different, but Hua Yueling believes that there are still common discourses between the two parties on many levels.

The other party hesitated very much for a while, it seemed that he still cherished the map he had very much, and he didn't want to sell it just like that.This map may not only have memorial significance for him, but may also have other meanings and other uses.

This map is very rudimentary, and the content recorded on it is actually very little. In Hua Yueling's view, such a map is actually not very useful.Regardless of whether it is for them or for the other party, but this is a very precious thing after all. In this world, it is normal for the other party to hesitate to draw it by himself.

After all, I drew it bit by bit by myself, so I would definitely feel reluctant. This is an easy to understand mind.But even so, Hua Yueling felt that she would be able to win this map without spending much.

But the only thing that made Hua Yueling a little helpless was that the other party hesitated for a long time without saying what they wanted, what they should exchange.Hua Yueling is still not in a hurry to say anything, he has to wait and see, mainly to see what the other party thinks, if the other party is very unwilling, he also has good ideas, anyway, he has a lot of things that the other party does not have. There is always something that can attract his attention.

This silence continued for a long time, and the duration was even longer than Hua Yueling thought. Originally, he thought that the other party would be able to come to an answer after thinking about it for a while, but now it seems that he thinks too much. Up.

The four people looked at each other, you look at me and I look at you. Everyone didn't talk, but waited quietly. They all believed that they could achieve their goals in the end.

In any case, the situation has improved, at least they have found what they are looking for, and if the exchange is successful, it will be easier to ask other questions next.

"What do you all have?"

The tribe leader did not directly say that the thing cannot be exchanged, but asked what they had.

"It's not easy for us to say, we have a lot of things here, it still depends on what you want."

Hua Yueling didn't directly answer what he had. In fact, he didn't know what he had. The most important thing was that he didn't know what the other party wanted, so he simply kicked the question back.


The tribe leader frowned and looked a little suspicious, but even so, he still had some trust in Hua Yueling and the others.

After all, Hua Yueling and the others didn't have the need to lie to him. They just wanted the map, but in fact, he really wanted to say how valuable the map was, even he himself didn't believe it.

Not to mention that the map is for other people, even for himself, it is only emotionally occupying the vast majority.

"You really have everything?"

The tribe leader still didn't believe his words, and asked again.Facing his question, Hua Yueling nodded seriously.

"In that case, do you have food and weapons?"


Hua Yueling nodded, but the food he was carrying was basically snacks, and there were not many foods that could fill his stomach.If you are exchanging, you can't use snacks with them. Let's not say that they have never seen it before. This is not very important. The key is that the other party wants something that can fill the stomach.

"Sister Aroline, do you have food with you?"

"Of course there is, but I definitely can't exchange food with them."

Arolin shook her head lightly and said.

"My sister cooks the food here, so I can't make them cheaper."

"That's right, but I don't have anything to eat here. They are all snacks. It's not good to exchange snacks with them."

"That's true, Xiao Yueling, what do you think is better to exchange with them?"

"I don't know much about this or this. I don't know what the people here usually eat, and I don't know other things, so I can't be sure."

Hua Yueling also said with some worry. It is a very troublesome question to not know much about this. If he has some understanding of this, he may answer directly.

"I don't know what you usually eat here. If you don't have any requirements, we can exchange some food with you, but I don't know if you need it."

"As long as it is food."

The tribe leader didn't have any opinion on this, and he said so directly. If this is the case, Hua Yueling and the others have nothing to say. After looking at each other, it seems that they have to go back to get something.

"Sorry, we still need to discuss it and get back to you later."

Although it is not clear why they have to discuss, but since they all said so, the tribe leader did not stop him, so he asked them to discuss it.

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