Hua Yueling and the others said that they were out to discuss things, but in fact they were not going to discuss anything, but were going back to get something.

Hua Yueling and the others found a relatively secluded place. Fortunately, no one followed them, otherwise they would definitely find that one of them would be missing soon.In fact, even if someone followed them, it wouldn't have much effect on them. After all, it was relatively easy to hide from those who followed them.

Arolin went back to be responsible for preparing food, in fact, she didn't have to make too much. In her opinion, only a few catties and ten catties were enough.After all, what the other party gave them was nothing more than a map that could hardly be called a map.

In fact, you can copy it directly when you bring it back to modern society. Of course, even if you don't bring it back, they will already have the map printed in their minds.It's just that they don't want to do that, even if they might suffer some losses, it doesn't matter.

Aroline went very quickly, but came back very quickly. It didn't even take a few minutes before Aroline had returned with the things she bought.The thing she bought was some sweet potatoes. I don't know if this thing knew anything about the people in this world, but Hua Yueling believed that this thing was useful to them.

"We use these things in exchange with you."

Hua Yueling put the bag in her hand in front of the tribe leader, who looked at the things in front of her with a strange expression, whether it was the kind of food that she had never seen before or something used to hold food.

"This, what are these?"

The tribe leader asked with a surprised expression.These are things he has never seen before, so he doesn't know what these things are for.

"These are food. They can fill your stomach."

Hua Yueling replied that this kind of answer is not satisfactory to the other party, and the other party wants to know how to fill his stomach with this kind of thing.

"This kind of food can be grilled on fire or steamed"

I just don’t know if people in this world know how to steam, but even if they don’t, they just need to bake them.

In order to reassure the other party, Hua Yueling also specially helped them make a roasted sweet potato, which is naturally relatively simple. When the roasted sweet potato is cooked, Hua Yueling handed the roasted sweet potato to the other party.

"Tear off the outer skin and eat the meat inside."

Hua Yueling also especially taught the other party, and the other party quickly learned how to eat. After all, this kind of eating is not difficult, but it is actually very simple.

"This this……"

It is estimated that he has never eaten such a delicious food, and his eyes widened unimaginably at the first time.The sweet potatoes that had just been roasted were a bit hot, so he almost threw them on the ground.

Fortunately, he didn't do this, otherwise the food would be wasted.

After eating such a sweet potato, the leader of the tribe has been able to support it a bit, even if he is the leader of a tribe, but he usually doesn't eat that much.Now a sweet potato is enough to solve his satiety problem.

But even so, he was still a bit greedy, and wanted to use his map to exchange for more sweet potatoes.So he said that these sweet potatoes are still not enough.

"Although my map is relatively rudimentary, it should still be able to be replaced. You still give a little bit. It won't be long before you eat it."

The tribe leader didn't feel ashamed at all, so he said directly.

"No, we have already given you a lot. Your map may have some price, but its value is definitely not as much as you estimated. Well, if you want to exchange it, let's exchange it. If you think you are If you lose, then forget it."

Hua Yueling said so directly, anyway, the map has been clearly memorized, there is no need to exchange with the other party, Hua Yueling and the others don't have to have a map, it doesn't matter whether they have it or not.

"Can't you give more? As long as more is enough, you are really giving too little."

Although Hua Yueling threatened not to exchange it, he still thought that he could get some more sweet potatoes, but Hua Yueling had just tightened the amount, so he loved not to exchange it.

This time the tribe chiefs had no choice. After all, it was not their decision whether to exchange or not, but what Hua Yueling and the others thought about here.

It seems that there is no way to increase the number of exchanges for some sweet potatoes. The tribe leader is actually not satisfied, but now he said it doesn't count, so even if he is not satisfied, he can only agree.There is no way, after all, if you don't agree, you won't even be able to get these sweet potatoes now.

Sweet potatoes are a new thing for them, and it is easier to fill their stomachs. The tribe leader naturally hopes that the more the better, this is understandable.But Hua Yueling couldn't exchange according to his thoughts, after all, he really had to add more, who knew how much the other party had to exchange to be satisfied.

Hua Yueling couldn't be sure, so he followed his own thoughts. It was enough to change a map when he wanted to buy more than ten kilograms of sweet potatoes. After all, this map was actually no different from a stick figure, or even worse than stick figure.

There is no good way. Since Huayueling and the others are so determined, the tribe leader can only agree to it for the time being and exchange things according to their terms.In exchange for more than ten catties of sweet potatoes with a crude map, he actually made a profit.

After the exchange, Hua Yueling and the others began to inquire about the tribe leader some other things, and they also stated clearly that if his answer was useful to them, they could use the sweet potato to exchange.

Such an exchange is not a disadvantage for both parties, but the tribal leader also said that the two parties must first determine how to exchange.

"These two boxes are sweet potatoes. It depends on whether your answer satisfies us. If we are satisfied, they are all yours."

I didn't see how Aroline got the sweet potatoes, anyway, when the tribe leader found it, two boxes of sweet potatoes were already in front of him.At this moment, he was taken aback, and immediately stood up.

"Are these, all true?"

"Of course, we have no need to lie to you. If you are not assured, you can open the box and have a look. In this regard, we will never lie."

Hua Yueling directly asked the other party to see what's in the box, and the other party was not polite. He opened two boxes and flipped through them. It was quickly determined that they were indeed sweet potatoes. This really surprised him. Inexplicable.

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