Hua Yueling hopes that she can get more information. If they can get enough information here, they won't have to go to other places to collect information.But such an idea is destined to be just a fantasy. It is impossible. The most important thing is that he has to go to many, many places because he has many, many goals.

The intelligence that can be obtained in a place is limited. After all, now is not the future. People today are inadequate in many aspects, such as intelligence.In the future, you can directly find an intelligence merchant if you have any needs, but there is no such saying in this place.

One reason is that there are not many places a person can go. Of course, it is not so easy to communicate with each other and it is also a difficult problem to solve.

So in this regard, it is almost impossible for the Cavaliers to establish an intelligence organization in this world. After all, the time required for contact with each other is unknown.Maybe the day lily has been cold for so long.

Of course, this is not actually the most important reason. The most important reason is that no one will do that now.

Because of this, you need to go to various places to collect information. Don't think that you can get enough information in one place. Such things are basically impossible, so it is better not to have such dreams.

Although the tribe leader doesn’t know so much, he is not completely ignorant of things. Among the names Hua Yueling said, he really knows two or three of them, but his impression is not Deeper, but there are still some vague impressions.

At least it doesn't look like the other party is lying. Judging from the facial expressions, what the other party said should be true, not deceiving.In any case, Hua Yueling and the others have made some progress in this situation, and this is enough for them to be happy.

Originally, they didn't expect to get too much information here, but now it seems that the situation is better than they thought.

"Can you remember where they are?"

Hua Yueling asked immediately.However, the other party did not immediately answer this question, but frowned and thought about it. From this point of view, even if he came to the show, the performance is very realistic.

Seeing that he was still thinking seriously, Hua Yueling and the others simply closed their mouths and let him have enough time to think. At this time, it is better not to do anything, let alone urge the other party. That is the opposite. It is worse, it is easier to affect the other party, and may even make the other party more nervous. That is definitely not the situation Hua Yueling hopes to see.

Now everyone is in silence, everyone is waiting for the subsequent development of the plot, mainly to see if the other party can come up with the content they want.

After a while, about a quarter of an hour passed before things finally changed, the tribe leader raised his head and looked at them.

"It may have been a little longer to think about it, but I remembered something. I don't know if it's accurate. In my memory, it was a long time ago." The tribe chief said that it was an insurance in advance. Tell them that even if they didn't find it according to what they said, it was definitely not their own problem. After all, time had passed so long, he couldn't guarantee whether it would change.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, as long as you can provide some information, it doesn't matter whether the information is still correct now, we will still give you the agreed things."

Hua Yueling said directly.Anyway, as long as there is useful information, as for whether the information is too old, you have to confirm it.It is impossible for people to update information now. It is not the Internet age. It is so easy to update information once.

This kind of thing is not like this, and Hua Yueling feels that if people in this world don't have special things, generally speaking, they should not leave the place where they live.

Even if you go outside to explore, you will come back after a while, and if you are an elderly person, you shouldn't be running around now, and you should stay in their hometown.

"I remember that guy quite clearly. He is the same as me, who likes to explore everywhere. When we were young, we formed an expedition team together, but then something happened so we separated. He is a member of that tribe, and he is still the son of the original leader of the tribe. If there is no surprise, the leader of the tribe should be him now."

"This is an interesting message, very useful to us."

Hua Yueling nodded, as he said, this information is still very important to them, and with this news, they may be able to find one of them.But this is definitely not a good thing for the other party, but the other party does not know why they are looking for the other party, which is also a good thing.

As for the other one or two people, his impression is not very deep. He can only roughly remember which tribe they were in, and then give some information about what they were originally doing.

"It's probably like this."

"Well, thank you very much for your help, this information is very helpful to us."

After the other party said everything they knew, Hua Yueling and the others almost remembered where they were going next.As long as the other party didn't say something wrong, you should be able to find it directly. I'm afraid that the other party will remember the wrong place. However, the other party is not that old-fashioned and shouldn't have such problems.

"This time I would like to thank you for your help. As we agreed before, this is your reward."

Just as Hua Yueling was speaking, Sister Aroline had already taken out a box of sweet potatoes and placed it in front of the tribe leader.Don't underestimate these sweet potatoes, this time Aroline gave a lot of sweet potatoes, even more than what he had given before.

"This is what we agreed, and this amount is quite a lot. It is enough to buy your information."

Hua Yueling said to the other party like this, the tribe leader was already surprised and didn’t know what to say. He really didn’t expect that answering such a question by himself would have such a big gain, but he also had some concerns, that is Why did Hua Yueling look for those people?

Naturally, it was impossible for Hua Yueling to answer this question. He just said that there were important things to look for those people, and did not say anything else.

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