After getting the information they wanted, Hua Yueling and the others asked again, but the other party knew so much.As for other things, Hua Yueling and the others just asked, and after a little understanding, they did not continue to ask, those things were not very important to them.

They are about to leave this place next, but before preparing to leave, Huayueling and the others naturally asked the tribe chief whether there is anyone else here who has gone outside like him, but according to him, there is no of.

Maybe it's because everyone thinks differently. People nowadays don't like to go out and wander around at that time, they just stay in the tribe.Of course, every once in a while, a team will be formed in the tribe to patrol the vicinity of the tribe, mainly to protect the safety of the tribe.

Because of this, the scope of each inspection is not very large, just search the vicinity of the tribe and return after confirming that there are no problems.People in this world have a sense of fear for distant places. They are afraid and don't feel that they have never seen or visited places.

This kind of fear is actually easier to understand. People in unfamiliar places will feel this way, like exploring in a dungeon. In a dark dungeon, only the torch in your hand can illuminate the area. He can see clearly inside, and the sense of unknown makes people extraordinarily scared.

It is impossible to understand that feeling without experiencing it. Because of this, exploration can make people fascinated, and at the same time, it can also make people feel terrible, just like the fear of the unknown.

Some people like to explore the unknown, but more people are afraid of the unknown.

That's not a joke, and exploring the unknown also requires you to have enough courage to be able to do it. It doesn't mean that you have such an idea and then you can do that thing.That is just a lucky idea.

It is more dangerous to explore caves or underground spaces that no one has explored, or places with people.

A place that no one has explored is likely to be completely dark with no light. Even if you have a torch in your hand, the range that you can illuminate is limited. Only your whole body is illuminated, farther away. It's pitch black and it's hard to see clearly. This feeling can make people feel scared. If someone is with them, it might be better for several people to explore together, but it will be even more terrifying if you are alone.

Think about yourself completely surrounded by darkness. Although torches can dispel darkness, as long as the torches are extinguished, darkness will surround you.

In fact, the most terrible place is not here, the most important thing is that you don’t know what lies deeper.So at that time, there will be some worrying emotions in your heart. You are afraid that if you haven't discovered anything inside, you will be discovered in advance on your own side, which is very dangerous.

But Hua Yueling and the others don't need to worry too much about this, after all, their strength lies here, and it is actually good for them to act in the dark.It's not that their eyes are so good that they can see through the darkness just like cats' eyes, as if they are equipped with night vision goggles. That doesn't exist.

Hua Yueling can use the exploration skills, unless the opponent is stronger than him and the concealment skills are good enough, otherwise, trying to hide his exploration skills can basically be said to be idiotic, it is impossible.

In this regard, Hua Yueling still has confidence, the most important thing is to have confidence in her exploration skills.After all, it is not the first time he has used it, he has used it for so long, and has used it so many times. Although he basically uses the most basic skills, he still doesn't know some advanced skills.

But this does not hinder anything.Advanced skills can be learned later, and even if you don't need any advanced skills, just ordinary exploration skills for exploration are enough.

It's just that Huayueling still wants to make progress, not satisfied with only using exploration skills, he also wants to make his exploration skills better.If you want to do that, you must work harder and learn more about the use of exploration skills, not just be satisfied with the current situation.

In this world like this kind of meticulous tribe, generally speaking, they will only slowly expand their territory. In fact, their expansion method is also very simple, which is to directly build "walls" and expand the "walls" in all directions. In this way, it shows that the surrounding territory is its own.

However, there are drawbacks in doing so. I don’t know how many resources will be spent at one time. This is not something that can be done simply, so even if it is an expansion, it will basically have to wait many years before it can be carried out. According to the abilities of the tribe.

After getting the information they wanted in this tribe, Hua Yueling and the others looked at the information marked on the map. If they want to complete the task as soon as possible, they must go to the tribe where their goal has been determined.

However, Hua Yueling and the others had other ideas, so they didn't go over immediately, but planned to go to the one closer to here first.

Before coming out, Hua Yueling and the others also asked where and how far the nearest tribe was.They thought that the nearby tribes should be connected, so they wanted to ask.

The answer they got surprised them. The nearest tribe was much closer than they thought. In fact, according to Hua Yueling's thinking, the distance between the tribes should be quite far away. , Generally speaking, it is not very close.But this is not the case here.

"The distance between these two tribes is so close, it is really unexpected."

Hua Yueling whispered, this was something he didn't expect.In that case, there is actually no need for them to go to that tribe. After all, when the distance is so close, it is not very possible to get some new intelligence from the other party.

Only when the distance is far enough is it possible to get new information. Under such a close situation, it is estimated that the things that can be asked in the two tribes are similar.

After discussing it, Hua Yueling and the others finally decided to go and see it. After all, they didn't look at it with their own eyes, and didn't ask for it in person. It was a bit wrong to just rely on their own ideas to judge.In order to ensure that nothing is missed, it’s better to take a look in the past. If you really don’t get anything, it’s just a waste of more time and there won’t be more losses. Anyway, everything must be done slowly. Anxious.

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