"What's wrong, what happened, why is it so noisy?!"

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate with each other, there were rushing footsteps and words from the tribe. Hua Yueling looked up and saw a middle-aged man rushing out of it.

The middle-aged man has an extremely strong body, looking like a strong man or a boxer, and his body is extremely strong, at least among these people.

But even if it was such a fake, Hua Yueling didn't think the other party was his opponent.Of course, if the other party did not take the initiative, Hua Yueling would not be willing to provoke the other party casually, and that would not be a good thing for them.

After all, they are not here to make trouble, but to ask about the situation. It is not a good thing to offend the people here too harshly.

"Boss, they attacked us for no reason..."

"Hey hey hey, can you speak rationally? I don't tell you so much, just want to ask you what is going on, how can you directly identify us as enemies and attack us? Should we not provoke you?"

Hua Yueling asked very seriously, but the other party pretended not to hear him and ignored his question at all.Regardless of what the warriors think, Hua Yueling looks directly at the tribe leader here, but wants to see what the other party will do.

If the other party chooses to shelter their own people, Hua Yueling has nothing to say, just leave, and there is no need to stay here.

"Nonsense, it's obviously your first move!"

"Oh?" Huayueling narrowed his eyes and stared at the warrior who accused him blatantly. He did not understand what the other party thought, because he felt that he and others could not beat their leader, so he was so tough." Is it? If that were the case, you would have lain down like them, thinking you could still stand here."

Hua Yueling said indifferently, it was not that he was too arrogant, but that the strength of these people was too rubbish, and it was not worth his attention at all.It is a very easy thing to defeat them, easier than you think.

Hua Yueling was able to solve them easily without spending much effort, very easily.

Don't look at the guys in front of them who are very afraid of Huayueling and even dare not go forward easily, but this does not mean that they really understand the difference in strength between the two sides.

In fact, these fighters still thought that they could compete with Hua Yueling and the others. They were naturally not opponents in single-on-one strength, but it could be seen that their attitude had changed after their leader came out.

"That's it."

Through observation, Hua Yueling quickly understood what these people were thinking. In fact, they were thinking very simple. They were naturally not strong enough to fight Hua Yueling and the others, but when their leader arrived There is no need to worry about these afterwards.

"They think that their leader is strong enough to deal with the four of us. No, it's not the four of us, but me."

After all, after arriving here, only Hua Yueling had shot by herself, and others just followed, and did not actually fight other people. Because of this, those people did not know what they were facing. Guy.

Hua Yueling is not the strongest among them, but those people think he is the only one and the strongest among them.

In fact, those people still have a lot of things that are unclear, but the more such people, the more they think that they know everything and that they have seen everything through. In fact, they are often deceiving themselves, they don’t know anything, or say They actually know very little, much less than they think they know.

This kind of thing is actually not very unusual, at least Hua Yueling thinks it is, but he thinks it would definitely not be the case if he encountered it.

In any case, the most important thing now is not these, but what the tribal leader thinks.If the tribe leader felt the same way, Hua Yueling felt that she might be able to teach them some lessons, let them know what is meant by the heavens and the heavens and the humans.

Not to mention Sister Aroline and others, it is enough to deal with them alone.

In fact, it can be seen from the beginning that the tribe leader is a bit embarrassed. Facing the two versions of the warrior on his side and Hua Yueling, he doesn't know who to believe is better.

According to the general situation, he must believe in his own people more than in outsiders like Huayueling and the others, but this is where he hesitated.

Although I haven't seen the strength of Hua Yueling and the others so far, I can understand a little bit from the performance of the soldiers on my side.

Hua Yueling and the others must have strength, and their strength is not weak.Otherwise, I wouldn't let so many fighters on my side be timid and dare not attack at will. Otherwise, the two sides would have fought long ago, and it would be impossible to be as calm as they are now.

In any case, he has to deal with the things in front of him, otherwise things may be more troublesome.After a second thought, he had already figured out a solution to the problem, and glanced over the warriors in the tribe, and then over the four of Hua Yueling.

He couldn't see through their strength, this was what shocked him the most, and he couldn't even see their strength. In that case, it would be very dangerous to fight.

People like them don't want to threaten the other party. The most powerful person here is him, and his subordinates can't do much.

"What's the matter with you? How did you stop people from entering? How I told you before that when someone came, just go in and call me, how did you do it!"

The tribe leader said in a deep voice, and pointed to the two people lying on the ground, looking angry.

"Also, who made you arguing with the guests, please get them back to me, don't be embarrassed here. Punish later."

This way, although he said that it would make his soldiers dissatisfied, it at least avoided a dispute.Otherwise, if you continue to develop like this, things will only become more troublesome.

The tribe leader can be regarded as slashing the mess, although it is not clear about Huayueling's strength and specific intentions, but in the face of such people, it is possible to avoid conflicts without conflicts, especially when the other party does not actively sell. .

Hua Yueling basically stared at the scene with no expression on her face. I have to say that the tribe leader has done quite well in this regard, and it can be regarded as giving them an explanation.

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