"These subordinates of mine may be a bit too nervous recently, so I am a little offended to you, sorry, I am here to apologize for them."

After the tribe leader had solved his own problem, he turned his head to look at Hua Yueling and the others, and said in a very sorry tone.

Hua Yueling also shook her head, indicating that there was nothing.

"You are still more reasonable than your men. We are just here to take a look. There is no special purpose. But we are still curious about one thing. I don't know why these men of yours see us like Like an enemy, we shouldn't have seen it before, right?"

Hua Yueling asked the questions he had thought about before. This was the strangest thing about him.It is normal for the other party to stop them. After all, this is the job or duty of the other party, but looking at one's side with that hatred, and directly provoking and attacking one's side, then Very strange.

To be honest, Hua Yueling still doesn't know what the other party thinks.

He didn't quite understand where the grievances between the two parties were, and why the other party wanted to trouble him.Hua Yueling didn't know the existence of the other party at all. He didn't know who the other party was, let alone what the other party thought.

This is very strange. If there is really any hatred between the two parties, it is good to say, but they are just strangers who came here, maybe some strange strangers, but this does not mean that there is hatred between the two parties. .

"Sorry, I don't know this. But I will find a way to clear this matter. This is my fault. I didn't expect them to make such a mistake. I'm sorry."

The tribe leader apologized to them again, the other side had such an attitude, Hua Yueling and the others had nothing to say.They are considered to be very good talkers. They didn't blame them, but they spoke for them, completely on their side. Anyway, there is no need to be an enemy at this time.

It would be fine if the other party didn't establish it like theirs, but there was still a big difference between them.

After chatting with each other for a few words, Hua Yueling and the others entered the tribe under the leadership of the tribal leader. Although other tribal warriors looked at them with an angry face, such a reaction would not give Hua Yueling. What impact do they bring.

They didn't care about these at all, after all, those tribal warriors weren't worthy of their attention, and there was nothing worthy of their attention.

After following the other party into the tribe, Hua Yueling and the others explained their intentions. In fact, the most important thing was to ask him about the situation nearby.

Only then did the tribal leader understand their intentions. After knowing why they came here, the tribal leader was a little bit dumbfounded because of the conflict between the two parties.According to what Hua Yueling and the others said, it seemed that the responsibility of the matter really did not lie with them.

After all, they are here to ask about some things, there is no need to make a relationship with them.

But if that's the case, why would your subordinates treat them as enemies and trouble them.Even he himself didn't know this. As he said, it seemed that he could only get the answer to the matter when his two subordinates regained consciousness.

Hua Yueling and the others asked some questions that they cared about, many of which were actually asked before in another tribe, but they came here to ask some questions again.The tribe leader here doesn't know how much he knows about these, he still has to ask before he can know.

But what disappoints them is that the leader here knows less than the leader of the tribe before.He didn't know a lot of questions, but he knew a lot about the surrounding situation.

It's just that he didn't want to tell Huayueling them like this, especially what the surrounding environment was like. He just said a few words vaguely and didn't answer very seriously.It seems that he is treating Hua Yueling and the others as spies in other tribes, and he is not willing to let them know more about the situation around here.

Don't think that the other party will have nothing to do with Huayueling. They still adopt the same method as before and directly exchange things with him.Using food to exchange information, after seeing the food that Aroline had taken out from nowhere, things changed.

"We want to understand the situation in the neighborhood. In fact, the main purpose is not in this neighborhood, but in those tribes. So it doesn’t matter if you don’t know the situation around here, but you also need to tell us some other tribes and those in those tribes. Human affairs. If you know enough about those tribes, you can also help us record how we can go to those tribes."

At the beginning, the tribe leader was still a little skeptical, but the food in front of him really made him unable to remove his eyes.Obviously, he hopes to get the food from Hua Yueling and the others. For these tribes, food is always the first problem that needs to be solved.

It is difficult for them to grow food here. After all, the environment is not very good. The amount of planting is a lot for them, but the harvest is very small.If the weather is a bit worse, then basically it can be regarded as nothing. This is not a joke.

At present, they do not have a good solution. They can only strive to plant more, and hope the weather will be better.

So he was very happy to have the opportunity to get some food directly. Of course he didn't want to give up just like that, and wanted to get the food that Aroline brought out.So after thinking about it, he still decided to answer as much as possible. He must get those things. If he gets those foods, then he can reserve more, and if something happens, he will have spares.

"I don't know much about the tribes around here. We are just exploring nearby. We won't go to places too far away."

The tribe leader said this first, his statement was the same as the leader of another tribe, but this was also within Hua Yueling's expectations.But these are not problems. The important thing is whether they know what kind of tribes are nearby and what those tribes are like.

Regarding the other tribes nearby, Hua Yueling just hopes that the other party will tell everything she knows. As long as that is the case, as long as the content they say is important enough, then they can get those food.

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