"As long as it is about those tribes?"

"Yes, for example, what are the tribes like, who are the leaders of those tribes, and where those tribes are located, or where they are here, these are all important to us."

Hua Yueling nodded and said.

For the sake of affairs, the other party thought so and began to recall the things he knew.As he said before, he didn't know much about those tribes, but even so, he actually knew some useful news.

Hua Yueling listened to his words while recording in her mind, there were many things that needed to be recorded.In fact, the most important thing for them is to understand the situation of other tribes. As for how to get to those tribes, unless the leader of the tribe in front knows more than the leader of another tribe, otherwise it is actually of no value.

I asked some content, but I can imagine that the leader here doesn't know much, and it's about the same as the leader of another tribe.However, some new information was obtained.

For example, what a certain tribe is like, or who is the leader of a certain tribe, these are not useful, but they cannot be said to be completely useless intelligence.

After asking each other, Hua Yueling and the others left the food here, and then went around randomly. This tribe was not big, and it was a bit smaller than the one they had been to before.As for the power inside it is also similar, and the power here is weaker in comparison.

I don't know when there will be conflicts between these tribes, Hua Yueling believes that there will be conflicts among these tribes, but I don't know when it will happen.

However, looking at this side now, it is estimated that they will not take the initiative to launch an attack. After all, the power here is weaker, and it is difficult to win if they take the initiative.

And the other tribe didn't know what was thinking, maybe it didn't want to start a war casually like this.Perhaps this war is not a big one. After all, there are not many people in these two tribes, but if they really want to fight, it will be very troublesome. I don’t know how many people will lose their lives because of it. Even if they win, there will be What changed?

Seriously thinking about such issues will lead to a not-so-good conclusion that Zhengyang's battle is not a good thing for either of the two sides.

Therefore, the two sides do nothing and ensure that there is no conflict as much as possible. This is the most important thing.In fact, it is better for them to cooperate, not to create conflict.At least for them this matter is very unnecessary.

If you think about it, you can understand that their fighting with each other will not bring you much benefit.The victor has occupied a tribe and obtained all of that tribe, people, materials, food, etc., but do these tribes really have so many things?

This is the biggest problem. You can understand the situation of the other party from your own situation. Now the more important thing for them is to manage their tribe well.

If you can't manage your own tribe well, you can only wait for others to invade, and there is no way to expand your own tribe.If it reaches this level, the problem is also very big.

As for what the leaders of these two places actually think, it is not Hua Yueling's ability to judge.After all, he is not a master of psychology, and he can't judge something just by relying on the other's actions, not to mention these things have little to do with him.

They wandered around in this tribe again, and then Hua Yueling and the others left here directly.There is no need to stay here. It is useless to stop here. It is almost impossible to get more information from here.

The tribe leader also wanted to let them stay here for a while, and seemed to want to get more useful items from them, but he also took it for granted. If there is not enough useful information, Hua Yueling and the others will not be able to give it away in vain. Give each other something, after all, there is no free lunch in the world, and they have no possibility of giving away anything for nothing.

After saying goodbye to each other, Hua Yueling and the others quickly left from here, and what they were going to next was a tribe as their target.They no longer need to wander around these places, even if they find the next relatively close tribe, the call fee is not much, but it is estimated that they will not get any useful news.

"In fact, we still have some ways to speed up the progress."

Aroline said this after walking a distance, Hua Yueling and the others immediately looked at her, wanting to see what kind of wisdom she has.At present, this is indeed a serious problem. The most serious problem lies in the time it takes. It is not a while and a half, but a long, long period of time. So in this respect, this is a very Troublesome thing.

It will naturally take a lot of time to go all the way, on the other hand, the transmission is not very accurate.So, is there a way for Sister Aroline to solve this problem? It would be better if the two aspects can be integrated, but at present Hua Yueling can't think of a good way.

If you have a sufficient understanding of the world, or a more accurate map, you can naturally transmit it more accurately.In fact, Hua Yueling has also thought about this issue. Maybe there is no way to guarantee a completely accurate transmission, but there should be other methods to ensure relatively accurate transmission.

But after all, he hadn't studied these, so he didn't know too much, and naturally he couldn't do anything, but they have Sister Aroline here, and Sister Aroline still has a great say in this aspect.

"I also said before that there is a better way. But that way cannot be implemented here."

Aroline walked back as she said, but they didn't want to return to the previous tribe, but to return to the teleportation array they had transmitted.

According to Sister Aroline, this can be achieved by slightly modifying the rules of the teleportation array, but Sister Aroline did not say how to do it.Anyway, as long as they go back and modify it, they will know what to do, not to mention that even if they don’t know, it’s nothing.

Knowing it or not has little effect, after all, he did not do the matter of modifying the rules of the portal, but sister Aroline.They just have to watch it by the side.

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