Hua Yueling and the others returned to the portal. No one else has been here. You can see this from the surrounding traces.

Next, it was time to leave it to Sister Aroline to work, Hua Yueling and the others couldn't help much.They can only watch from the side, unless Sister Aroline says that they need some help from them before they can do it, otherwise, doing nothing is the greatest help to her.

Hua Yueling and the others didn't understand how Sister Aroline was debugging the portal. The most important thing was that they didn't know enough about it. If they knew enough, it would definitely be different and could help more.

It would be great if Mu Ningshuang followed them, but Mu Ningshuang still stayed with Liweiluo to help, and study some peculiar parts of this place with them.

As for what they have researched up to now, Hua Yueling is not very clear. No one has told him this, no one has told him this, and it is normal that he does not understand.

Sister Aroline is still very busy here, watching her hands constantly move on the teleportation array, it feels like she is writing code.The feeling of busy work can be seen, but Huayueling really can't see what she is doing.

The reason is that there is no change in it, and the portal has basically not changed, and it still seems to have not changed.But Huayueling was sure that the portal had changed.

After about half an hour passed, Hua Yueling and the others were already a little irritable when they waited. They didn't expect to modify the program of a portal for such a long time. This was indeed beyond their expectations.

It is already like this now, so you can only continue to wait, and you can't give up halfway.No way, after a while, Sister Aroline responded and told them to go.

"There is no problem now, you can directly transmit from here. Although the transmission was not particularly accurate, it is considered good. The gap will not be particularly large. Anyway, you will know by trying."

Sister Aroline said so, and pointed to the newly opened portal next to her.This portal seems to be relatively small, and just one person can tell to walk there. After Sister Alorin finished speaking, she walked in. After her back disappeared inside the portal, Hua Yueling and the others Glancing at each other, Hua Yueling took the lead and walked forward.

Hua Yueling walked inside behind Alorin. After entering the portal, she felt a flash of light in front of him. He hadn't even noticed what had happened, and his location had changed to other places.

Hua Yueling looked around, the environment in front of her was very familiar, but it was normal, he didn't think it might be a problem with the portal.Since Sister Aroline personally adjusted it, the chance of a problem is very low, and basically no problem will occur.

The reason why it looks no different from where it was before is mainly because it is basically the same everywhere, and there is not much difference. The reason is that.

After coming here, Hua Yueling immediately used the exploration skills to find out where she was, but it looked the same as she had previously thought. After inspection, she found that she couldn’t find out what kind of place she was. .

This place is very strange, but it's not that strange to say strange things.After all, it is not much different from where they were before, and it feels like they haven't moved at all.

"Sister Aroline, can you tell where we are now?"

Now I can only rely on Sister Aroline to make judgments. If Sister Aroline can't even judge where they are, then there is really no good way.

"Well, we are now not far from the tribe we are going to. Continue to move in the direction we are facing, and it will not take long to reach the destination."

Aroline said after observing.Hua Yueling doesn’t know how Sister Alorin’s determination is, but she has her own way anyway, Hua Yueling doesn’t have to figure out everything, as long as she knows that it takes less time, other things Don't worry so much.

But this also shows that Sister Aroline should have more effective skills than the exploration skills she uses. That skill can cover a wider range, but she doesn’t know whether the things she can explore are the same as what she owns. The skills are the same.

Soon Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun also walked out from the portal behind them, and after a brief discussion, the four of them walked along this unspeakable road.According to Sister Aroline, the place where they are now is not far from their final destination, and it can be reached within a quarter of an hour at most.

What should I do when I get there, do I go directly in as openly as before, or take other measures?Going directly in is a method, but this method is definitely not good enough. If something happens, those who see them will definitely think that they did it the first time.

But if you act like a killer, you can only use stealth skills to enter the tribe. It's more troublesome to find the person they are looking for. Who knows which person they are looking for.

It is actually a little troublesome to think about it, but Hua Yueling thinks about it, and stealing and sneaking in is the best way.Of course, it is possible to sneak in without stealth, but the degree of difficulty can be imagined.

This is not a game. The characters in the game are stupid, but the people in reality are not. It is not that it is easy to hide the past.

"The question now is how to find our goal."

Hua Yueling said so.This is the biggest problem at the moment. If this problem cannot be solved, it will be difficult for them to achieve their goals.

Of course, there is also a way to do it, that is to sneak in and find a few objects, and then come out and gather together to judge.

Naturally, this method can't be said to be effective, but if you think about it, it is better than doing it by yourself.However, it may be counterproductive. It depends on whether their judgments are reliable. One person's judgment is not necessarily correct, but the judgment of several people may not be correct.

In fact, the success rate of multiple people added together, each person’s judgment as a single one, has not changed.

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