"Judging from the leaders of the first two tribes, the leader of a tribe is generally the strongest. Even if it is not the strongest, it should be one of the best."

"According to the first two people, it is true, but it is still not easy to handle. In general, the place where the leader of the tribe lives should be the most luxurious place, so as long as you find the most luxurious place, you should You will be able to find the leader of the tribe."

Both Hua Yun and Lu Yuetong gave their own suggestions. After hearing them, Hua Yueling nodded. There is nothing wrong with these two points, but they only rely on these two points to judge who they want. The person looking for it is still having some difficulties.

"Our goal here is that the leader of this tribe is right?"

Hua Yueling asked again. This is the most important thing. If they are looking for a tribal leader, there is nothing wrong with the action policy they are currently discussing, but if they have not confirmed who they are looking for, then There is a problem with this method.

"It should be right here, I probably set this position, and the tribal leader also said before that the tribal leader here is the person we are looking for."

"Then I'll go inside and look for it. Sister Yun, you hide first, and I'll be back later."

"I will go with you Xiaoyueling."

Sister Alorin didn't want to wait here, she wanted to act with Hua Yueling more than waiting.Naturally, Hua Yueling didn't refuse. In fact, he would prefer everyone to act together if possible, but Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun couldn't hide themselves. If so, naturally they could only be together.

Hua Yun and Lu Yuetong went to find a hidden place to hide. There were still some places to hide, basically rocks and other things.They can hide behind that and wait for Hua Yueling and the others to come back.

After they hid, Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong went into invisibility, and then ran towards the destination quickly.

A minute later, they arrived at the destination, the entrance to the tribe where the target was located.The two rushed in directly beside the guard. The guard could feel the wind passing, but when they searched carefully, they couldn't find anything.

Hua Yueling and Aroline had already passed by them while they were looking for someone.In fact, they had a way to pass without disturbing each other, and it was not particularly difficult, but they still teased the two guys.

The two looked at each other suspiciously, and then their attention returned to the position in front of them.

These two people didn't know that in that short time, two invaders had already entered the tribe, but they didn't know at all.

But these have nothing to do with them, Hua Yueling and Aroline quickly left the entrance, and they walked towards the depths of the tribe.When I came to the center of the tribe, I observed everywhere that the place where the leader of the tribe lived should be right here. In addition, the house where the leader of the tribe lived was the largest in this place.

"It's almost here."

Hua Yueling stopped and looked around, and soon his attention was attracted by one of the houses, and he couldn't help but walk over there.In his opinion, the possibility there is still relatively large.

"Let's go over there and take a look, there is a greater possibility."

Hua Yueling pointed to the house a little far away and said.Aroline didn't have any comments, and the two of them went all the way there.When they reached the side of the house, the two looked at each other, and then walked towards the door.

There was someone in the house, but the person was not near the entrance, but deeper, and the person hadn't moved anything during the time they were watching.

"Shall I go in and see?"

"Go in together."

Sister Hua Yueling and Sister Alorin confirmed that no one else was paying attention to the situation here, and then opened the door and broke into the most luxurious house in the tribe.

"Not here, in the room over there."

Hua Yueling pointed to the closed door further down on the left and said, according to the two people's speculation, the person here should be the leader of this tribe.After all, in general, tribal leaders live in the largest houses of that kind, and it is rare to see a leader living in a relatively small and dilapidated house.

Of course, all of this is just speculation after all. Whether it’s a little unreliable to just rely on speculation here, and more powerful evidence is needed to prove this matter.

If the leader of the first tribe came over, it would be easier to confirm, but that was impossible. That would expose a lot of things, which was not what they wanted.

"How can we be sure that this is our goal?"

Hua Yueling didn't think of a good way for the time being. It would be great if the system could automatically help him to judge, but the system did not have this function yet.After all, the system doesn't even have a small map. There are systems such as labeling, but you have to see what it is for. There is no way to confirm the target. You can only rely on your own judgment.

This is more troublesome, mainly because they don’t know what the other person looks like. Without knowing what the other person looks like, naturally it is impossible to know who the other person is and whether it is what they are looking for after seeing the other person. That person.

Hua Yueling currently has no good solutions. He looks at Sister Alorin next to him, and wants to see if she has a better solution, but it seems that even Sister Alorin doesn’t seem to have much at present. Good way.

This is more difficult, because even if they enter inside and find the person inside, what's the use, seeing that the other person is different, still can't determine whether the other person is their target.

There is no way to do anything when he can't judge whether the opponent is his target. You can't guess that the opponent may be their target and then just do it. That's not their style.And it's always bad to kill innocents like that, Hua Yueling didn't want to do that.

He had thought about the difficulty of this task before accepting it at first, but he did not expect it to be so difficult.

He hadn't thought of various situations before, and playing a task in the game wouldn't be so troublesome.And he also believes that it is impossible for others to complete the task as troublesome as himself.

"Anyway, let's go check it out first, or just stay here for a while."

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