After some deliberation, Hua Yueling and the others made a decision to wait until later to go to the tribe. If there is still no progress, then they will directly treat that guy as a goal to solve.

If it is really wrong and not their goal, then you can only blame the other party for bad luck.

However, they also decided to spend more time in the village if possible to see if they could find more clues for them to make judgments. If they can do this, they can make judgments more accurately.

When the cooling time of Hua Yueling's stealth skills passed, he and Sister Aroline started to act again.When they came to the tribe, they still entered from the same entrance. This time, the two warriors at the entrance did not even notice their presence.

If you want the other party to discover, the other party can find it, but if they don't want the other party to discover, the other party won't know that someone passed by here.

The two soldiers guarded the entrance very seriously, but before they knew it, someone had passed by their hands.

Hua Yueling and the others passed through here with ease, and went around the tribe again. On the whole, the tribe is not very big. The number of buildings inside is not bad. There are more than 20 houses in the rough count. There are certainly not many in a tribe.

However, there are basically no trees nearby. It is not easy to build so many houses. I don't know where they got these woods.Maybe there were a lot of trees here, but then the environment changed. Maybe it changed.

Hua Yueling didn't care much about these things, and didn't pay much attention to these things. After all, these things didn't really have much to do with him.What he cares most now is that the guy he is looking for is there.

"Well, that person has come out, you can follow him to see."

"But when we come out, it will be a little more troublesome for us to act, and he may be discovered if we confirm the goal and solve it."

"It doesn't matter if we are found out. Besides, we can attack him from a distance and leave directly when the time comes. It will be difficult for the people here to find us if we are in stealth."

Hua Yueling is still very confident about this, the invisibility state is not a joke.Moreover, after the level of invisibility is increased, it is not to say that any action will cause the invisibility to be cracked. There is no such thing, otherwise Hua Yueling would not have such an idea.

What needs to be solved most now is whether the guy in front of him is their goal. If he can find a way to determine it, he won't have to worry about it and think about it, just solve him directly.

"I still didn't think clearly before accepting the task, and now I don't have to worry so much."

"There is no way. I didn't think so much at the time. I also think it should be easier for my sister, but it is really not easy to find it."

Aroline also had to say that she was wrong. In fact, the reason she advocated was mainly for rewards. She felt that it was just such a task. In her opinion, it was a very easy task. As long as she found someone to solve it, it would be effortless. , You can get a good reward, this transaction is still worthwhile.

But thinking about it now, it is very easy to solve the enemy, but they have never thought about finding someone the most important thing.Perhaps it is because the information provided in the attachment is easy to find.

If you think about it, it can’t be considered difficult. Compared with modern society, there are also difficult aspects from simple aspects.

As long as one of these people is selected, the key lies in how to choose.

Hua Yueling and the others can only judge based on a general situation. As for whether this judgment is correct, it is hard to say.And Hua Yueling didn't know whether the system would give a prompt after he solved a goal. He thought it would be like that before, but now thinking about it, this possibility seems a bit too high.

Even he himself doesn't know if the system will react or how it will react.

These can't be easily judged. Hua Yueling doesn't know much about this aspect. If you want to know more, you still have to ask Xiaoxue, but I don't know if Xiaoxue will answer him.After thinking about it, Hua Yueling felt that she should ask Xiaoxue, otherwise I don't know how long it will take to be deadlocked here, anyway, there must be no way to solve this problem in a short time.

"Xiaoxue, do you have any idea? Or what is the function of the system? If I kill one of the targets, will the system react?"

Hua Yueling asked Xiaoxue, hoping to get some kind of answer.The answer is not necessarily what you want, but it is better than not knowing anything.

"If the owner solves a goal, the system will definitely respond. The owner doesn't need to worry. But how to find the goal is up to the owner. No one can help me."

"That is to say, only after the opponent is solved can I know whether the opponent is my target."

According to Xiaoxue's words, this seems to be the case, but Hua Yueling feels that this is still a bit cruel, and he hopes to have a more gentle way.Although what they are doing is quite cruel, Hua Yueling does not want to be more cruel. He hopes that he can only accomplish his goals and only accomplish his own tasks. He does not do other things that hurt others. Willing to do it.

But at present, it seems that there is no better way, and there is no better choice. If even Xiaoxue has no good way, then he can only take action, there is no other way.

Hua Yueling is also quite unable to do this. In fact, he hopes that he can have a solution. He does not want to solve the current situation in this way, but he has no good solution.If there was a way, I would have figured it out a long time ago, and it would not have made much progress until now.

Sighing, Hua Yueling stared at the figure that was walking out, and squeezed the Hidden Dragon Blade in his hand. This was a relatively simple method. There was no need to worry about being discovered, and there was no need to worry about all kinds of things.

"It seems that it can only be like this."

Hua Yueling turned her head and glanced at Sister Aroline, he didn't have so much time to wait, this was the most annoying.If he can stay invisible for a while, maybe he can spend more time to find out if the other party is the person they are looking for, but now he doesn't have that time.

There is no way, then you can only act first.

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