After talking with Xiaoxue, Hua Yueling made up her mind within a short time. Since even Xiaoxue said that there is no better way, then it seems that there are not many things she can do, so she can only judge by action. Is the other party the person he is looking for?

Taking a deep breath, Hua Yueling sneaked past silently, but Aroline did not move in place.She just watched Hua Yueling's actions and wanted to see how he did it.

Soon he came behind the target, and the target didn't even notice his existence, even if he came over.After Hua Yueling easily walked from his side to behind him, Hua Yueling stopped, did not continue to act for the time being, he still hesitated.

In fact, he has been hesitating all the time, whether he wants to make a move, naturally there is no problem if he sells it now.The opponent will not even have any reaction and will be resolved, but in that case, if you find the wrong person, is the opponent not your goal?

Hua Yueling still hesitated, but this time the hesitation time was much shorter. She felt that there shouldn't be a big problem. The guy in front of her must be the one she was looking for.

Standing up quietly, Hua Yueling got into trouble, the other party didn't even react, and was easily hit by Hua Yueling's attack.The gap between the two sides is really too big, otherwise he would not be hit and killed so easily by an attack like Hua Yueling.

At the moment that person died, Hua Yueling received a new reminder that his mission had been updated.Regardless of other things, Hua Yueling hurriedly opened the task menu, then searched it, and quickly found a name that had been crossed out, that should be the guy who had just been solved by herself.

In any case, one of the guys has already been dealt with.Although the progress cannot be said to be great, it only solves a fraction of the task. Compared with the rest, there is still a lot to do, but as long as there is progress, it is good.

After solving a goal, Hua Yueling immediately returned to Sister Aroline and told her the answers to the things she cared about most, and then the two of them left directly from here.As for the guy who was solved, who made him the target of this mission.

I don’t know why he was chosen by the system’s mission. In Huayueling’s view, apart from the difficulty in determining who is the real target, there is nothing particularly difficult in other aspects. This is also why Huayueling does not understand The place.

But no matter what, the task has been completed anyway, so there is no need to think about other tasks. Next, you have to complete other tasks. Prepare for other tasks.

Thinking like this in their hearts, Hua Yueling and the others had sneaked out of the tribe quietly.They sneaked all the way, leaving the tribe without being noticed by anyone, and returned to the place where Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun were hiding.

"How about, have you found the target?"

Lu Yuetong and the others thought that Hua Yueling and Alorin had returned without success, but they only hoped that they could determine a general goal, but Hua Yueling and the others did better than they thought. .This is really something they didn't expect.

"It was easier to solve than I thought. I thought it would be more troublesome, but the guy we found was the goal we were looking for."

Hua Yueling still said happily, he had never imagined that he could complete the task so quickly.Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun didn't expect that they would have to wait for a while this time, but things were easier than they thought.

"So our goal here has been achieved. Should we go elsewhere?"

"Yes, but it will only be more difficult to find the next place. This time it is easier to know that the other party is the leader of the tribe, but we don't know which tribe and what kind of character the next target is. This is more difficult."

Although it is easier to solve a goal than expected, Hua Yueling is still not very happy, there is no way, who will let him have so many goals to solve, this can not be solved in a short while .

However, I finally had a good start. Although it was a waste of time, it actually took less time than expected. Hua Yueling originally thought it would take more time to solve the problem, but it seems I think too much.

Of course, Hua Yueling also knew that this was just the beginning, and the next thing was the trouble.This place still got enough information, it is hard to say whether the other places where they go next can get enough information, it depends on their luck.

Hua Yueling had always thought that his luck was good, and he believed that this time his luck should not be too bad.But I can't completely believe that my luck is enough, maybe my luck is not good enough.

This kind of thing does not mean that it depends entirely on luck. There are other reasons, so it still needs to be treated dialectically.

"But where are we going next? I don't have an accurate goal now, and I don't know which direction to go."

"Send directly to a place."

Sister Alorin’s method is simple and straightforward, and regardless of whether she can go directly to the place she is looking for, she just sends it as she pleases anyway.Then, after arriving at the place of transmission, look around again, go to the nearby tribes to talk about information, and use the same method as before.

This method does not mean that it must be very useful, every time you can get the information of a target as easily as this time.Maybe I have been to several tribes without asking anything, and maybe the first tribe I went to was the one they were looking for, but that would definitely be more troublesome.

But things like that don't necessarily happen. Anyway, the method mentioned by Sister Aroline seems to be the best method at present, and there is no other method better than this one.

At least Huayueling can’t think of a better way. There is no better and easier way than the one mentioned by Sister Aroline. If that’s the case, it’s better to do this first, and wait until you think of a better one. Modify the strategy after the method, so no time is wasted.

Hua Yueling has no opinion. Look at Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun. The two of them said that they have no opinion, so let's do it.Four people passed unanimously, so there is nothing to say, so let's do it.

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