Hua Yueling is quite helpless about this. He wants to change the current situation, but he can't think of other ways, or can't find other possibilities, so he can only use this most stupid way. .

The dumbest way is also the best way, because there is no other way.

This is the truth. Sleeping now cannot change these, whether it is Hua Yueling herself or Aroline.Not to mention Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun, they basically just follow behind and can't help much.

Aroline is very capable, maybe no one in this world is her opponent, but fighting is one thing, finding someone to find something is another.It's not that if you are strong, what you are looking for will come to you, it is dreaming, not reality.

Aroline couldn't do that kind of thing, if he could do it, Hua Yueling and the others wouldn't have to be so troublesome.

"Or let's separate and go in different directions. If we find something, we will call everyone over. Even if it is still troublesome, we can at least expand the scope of exploration."

"This can be considered a good way. The biggest problem is how to contact you after discovering something."

"Well, sister, I can contact you, but if you ask you to contact other people..."

As Aroline said, she seemed to remember something, and began to search in her own space.She didn't use the space ring, but a kind of space system ability she knew, which could maintain a relatively large space. Hua Yueling didn't know exactly how big the space was, but he was sure it would not be too small.The size of a house should be more than that, although the usual space ring space is very small.

Soon she found out what she was looking for, which was something similar to a headset. She gave the three small hollow balls in her hand to Hua Yueling and the others.

"This thing can help you get in touch with people who have the same thing. If you want to get in touch with other people, just press your finger on the depression and input power into it."

"Like this?"

Hua Yueling tried it, and then heard a crisp sound, several sounds sounded at the same time, it was from the small balls in the hands of Aroline and the others.There was light shining in the hollow of the small ball, and the sound was constantly ringing, making it impossible to ignore its existence.

"That's it. If you want to connect, concentrate your power on your finger, press on it, and then you can talk to each other."

"How is the call done?"

Hua Yun asked immediately.

"Is it only possible to make a one-to-one call, or is it possible to talk with multiple people directly?"

This is an important question, and it will be more troublesome if you don't figure it out.And if you want to use this kind of thing well, you have to figure it out. There is no way to use it well if you are confused.

"This thing can talk to multiple people. It doesn't mean that you have to be one-to-one. As long as the person you receive is connected, you can talk to other people."

The ease of use of this thing was a bit beyond what Hua Yueling and the others expected. In this case, it was something similar to instant messaging software, and it was still such a small thing that it was very convenient to carry.

In this way, there is no need to worry about anything, as long as you bring this item, you can talk to other people in time.But there is another point that Hua Yueling hasn't thought of a good way for the time being.

"Sister Aroline, there is another question. We can use fairy tales to understand which direction there is a tribe, but how do we get there?"

If this problem isn't resolved, it won't work. In that case, the previous proposal is still in the air, and it is impossible to achieve it.

This is easy to handle. It is relatively simple to accurately transmit around here. Calculate an approximate distance based on time, and the deviation in the past will not be too large.

"No problem?"

"Sister, when did I lie to you? Sister, if I said there is no problem, then there is definitely no problem."

Aroline said with confidence that there really doesn't seem to be a big problem with her appearance.In that case, Hua Yueling has nothing to say, so let's do it.

If you don't have any opinions, start to separate from here.But if it is four directions, the road when you come is definitely not going, so you can only move in three directions.

The four people were allocated a bit, but it was actually very simple. Hua Yueling and Sister Alorin acted alone, while Hua Yun and Lu Yuetong were two together.

Sister Arolin continued to move forward, Hua Yueling clamored to move on the left, while Hua Yun and Lu Yuetong turned and walked to the right.

Before the action, the four people had agreed to contact others as soon as they found something. It could not be said that they were not a little concerned because of their strength, and showed that the enemy here was weak.

Although most of the tribes are not enemies to them, it is better to be careful in actions like this.

Hua Yueling and the others naturally nodded their heads. In fact, everyone knew this in their hearts, and they all knew that they had to be more cautious and not too careless.Even if they are not here to cause trouble, they just come to complete the task.

After they separated, Hua Yueling waved goodbye to them, and then walked in the direction of her responsibility.There is basically no big difference between this road and before. If you want to say the biggest difference, it may be that the journey has completely quieted down.

After all, he is the only person on the road, and no one else will accompany him, so it is understandable to be lonely.But he is still not accustomed to this feeling, he prefers to act with Sister Aroline and the others, rather than being alone like now, like a lonely family, which is quite meaningless.

However, Hua Yueling still suppressed her feelings, no matter how much she came to work, not to play.If you come to play, you don’t need to be separated like it is now. Work is still important at the moment. It is better not to think so much before you finish the work. It is better to focus all your energy on the matter at hand. It will be easier to solve the problem.

If you keep not paying attention, it will be more troublesome to solve the problem.

"Forget it, it's better not to think so much and just do your own thing."

At this time, thinking too much is of no use. Instead of thinking about it, it’s better to act like this. In that case, you might be able to find what you want as soon as possible.Otherwise, it won't work forever.

Hua Yueling encouraged herself, and then took a solid step forward.

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