Not to mention that Hua Yueling saw a little loneliness here, while the other two sides were moving forward steadily.Aroline doesn’t have so many thoughts like Hua Yueling. She just moves in the direction of the plan at her own pace. The same is true for Lu Yuetong and Hua Yun on the other side. They are both better than Hua Yueling. The speed should be faster.

However, Hua Yueling was only confused for a short while, and soon he recovered and accelerated his speed.He also knew that he couldn't always be like this, he had to focus on the task, he still thought too much before, in fact, it was completely unnecessary.

Focusing on all the things in front of him, Hua Yueling's exploration skills expanded to almost the extreme level, but what he could see was still the same.

"It seems that finding a tribe is still more difficult."

Hua Yueling sighed in a low voice, although he knew it would not be easy for a long time, but after so long, he really felt a little tired.After all, he had just walked such a long distance, and there was still no gain so far, so it is impossible to make him full of energy.

"Come on slowly, there are still so many people here who haven't found it. Now here is just one of them, and the remaining time will definitely not be less than the current one."

At the moment, I can only take one step at a time, depending on which side has better luck.Hua Yueling felt that the possibility on her side should be greater, after all, her luck was there, even though she hadn't played any role before.

"I hope it can be more relaxed this time. Don't always have the same scenery better than anything else."

Hua Yueling couldn't stand the state before him. The longer this state lasted, the more uncomfortable he would feel. He didn't like the feeling very much.In such a place that can't be said to be very natural, it feels like it is not much different from the city in modern society.

There is no such a desolate place in the city. Nothing can be seen everywhere, no buildings, no living things, basically nothing.Although I can see some scattered plants and the like, it feels like that.

Hua Yueling looked around, nothing can arouse his interest, it's all meaningless.The most interesting thing you can see here is just those trees and some flowers and plants unique to this place.

They are quite lush, and they can grow even in such an environment, enough to see how tenacious their vitality is.

However, these flowers and trees are not so beautiful, but in Huayueling's eyes, they are considered pretty good.His eyes fell on the plants, watching how they live in such a harsh environment and how they grow in such an environment.

They grow fairly well, but there is definitely no way to compare them with those plants in a better environment.But even so, the growth is pretty good.

In the hot wind, the flowers and the slender waist of the grass swayed with the wind. In the wind, they fluttered in the wind, involuntarily, unable to control their own body.They can only swing in the direction of the wind, until the wind stops, they can stop that swing and restore themselves to a calm posture.

Hua Yueling stopped, staring at the flowers and plants, and he didn't even know what he was thinking at this time. He only knew what seemed to be growing in his heart.

"Even in such an environment they can still grow like this. It's not easy at all."

Hua Yueling couldn't help thinking so in her heart, but this kind of sigh only lasted for a while, and soon he abandoned such thoughts and continued to look forward.The road ahead is still very long, with no end in sight.

In fact, in such a space, no matter which direction you look in, you can see the same.In such an environment, it is actually very easy to find out what is easier than you think, but it is also very difficult to some extent.

Especially in such an environment, you don't know how long it takes to find something, it is very, very difficult.

Thinking of this, Huayueling couldn't help sighing. She also walked a certain distance here, but she still hasn't made any progress.

I don’t know how long it will take to make progress. Huayueling looks into the distance. To say that the distance he can see now is also very, very far. Although it is a little unclear when it comes to further distances, In fact, this does not affect his observation.

Even if you don't need exploration skills in such a place, you can get a panoramic view of the situation in a large distance, let alone use exploration skills.

It's just that it seems difficult to find tribes in this area, or the place they are teleported to is not very good, there is no tribe here.

It stands to reason that this kind of place should have more tribes. After all, this kind of place is actually easier to survive. It is not like the place where they went before, and that kind of place is actually more difficult to survive. After all, environmental factors are placed. Not there.

The other thing to say is that this place cannot be said to be much stronger than the previous environment, but it is definitely more suitable for survival than there.

I don’t know why it feels that the number of tribes here is not even as good as that of the place before. Actually, it can’t be said to be like this, but it only makes Huayueling feel like this. After all, even though I have spent a lot of time looking for tribes before. , But I found it soon after all, and now it's just not one.

On the ground burned by the sun, Hua Yueling walked forward step by step. There is a road that never sees the end in front. Everything there gathers into one point, but there is nothing in that point that he wants to see. thing.

Without seeing the existence of such a thing, all Hua Yueling could see was the barren land.Even if it is decorated with flowers, grasses, and trees, all you can see is a very boring environment.

Hua Yueling doesn't like this environment very much, but now he can't change anything. He can only walk in such an environment, and can only follow in his own footsteps to see what is in this environment. .

"It looks like finding someone here is no easier than finding someone."

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