"The leader of the tribe with whom we traded said that there should be only one tribe here, at such a distance. If there are other tribes farther away, the distance will need to be at least doubled to get there. "

"That should be correct. If there are tribes around here, that's the one we're looking for. Although the portal I made is not particularly accurate, it can't be so deviated."

Aroline is still very confident of herself in this respect. After all, the deviation between the ten-day road and the twenty-day road is not a little bit, the deviation is quite large, unless it is completely unable to control herself. The portal, otherwise, there can be no such situation.


It didn't take long before Hua Yueling and the others walked forward that they soon met those people. They had relatively simple weapons in their hands, and they seemed to be patrolling.

Hua Yueling greeted them. Those people were a little surprised. Maybe they had never met someone like Hua Yueling.

But in fact, this is normal. After all, there are no people dressed up like Hua Yueling and others in this kind of place.It's not surprising that people who are dressed like them are surprised.


The other party didn't guard Hua Yueling and the others, but also greeted them very friendly.

"Are you from the nearby tribes? We are traveling everywhere. I heard that there is a very large tribe here, so I wanted to go there. I wonder if you can tell us how to go."


The few hesitated, one of them walked out and glanced over Hua Yueling and the others, perhaps because they thought they were not threatening, and did not look like bad guys, he pointed to the left behind him. .

"There is our tribe. If you want to go, just go there. It won't be long before you can get there."

"Thank you, we have been around here for a long time. If we didn't meet you, I don't know how long we will find it."

Hua Yueling and the others said goodbye to them after asking, and then separated from each other.The two groups of people didn't actually talk about anything, they just asked each other a good deal, and then got the information they wanted to know, Hua Yueling and the others walked directly in the direction the other party pointed to them.

In fact, there are some troubles in this way. If something happens in the tribe later, the other party will definitely understand immediately that it is the disturbance they caused.However, Hua Yueling and the others didn't think too much. They didn't live here anyway. There were some riots, and they knew it was done by the other party. There was nothing wrong with this, and there would be no big problems.

Anyway, as long as the problem is solved, Hua Yueling and the others will leave immediately and will not stay here.

Following the directions directed by the other party, Hua Yueling and the others had spent some time seeing a tribe. When they saw that tribe, he knew that what the previous tribe leader said was really correct.This tribe here is indeed one of the largest.

None of the three tribes they had visited was bigger than this one. According to Sister Yun, the tribe they found could only be regarded as a medium tribe. It may be larger than the two previous tribes, but not much larger.But the tribe in front of me is obviously different, it looks like a small town at first glance.

It is in such an environment that we can see such tribes. In such places with bad environment, or where the environment is not ideal, it is difficult to see tribes like this, such local tribes. It is difficult to develop, and it is not always possible to survive with a few people, let alone a lot of people.

It is even more difficult for such a tribe to do something, but it is actually not that difficult for Hua Yueling and the others.It's just that if they just go in like this, it might be a little troublesome.

"It should be right here."

Hua Yueling stopped, watching the tribe in front of her and asked in a low voice.If it is determined that this is the case, then there is no need for everyone to go in. It should still use the same method as before, use stealth skills to invade, and then find their target.

But there is no place to hide here, and there is actually no problem even if they go in together.They can make a surprise attack and leave directly, it is impossible for the people here to stop them.

Hua Yueling didn't want to do that, he wanted to solve the problem quietly, not willing to attract the attention of others.

"Let's go together. Such a big tribe should usually have a lot of contacts with other tribes. You can ask questions here. Wait until you are done asking before you start."

It is already certain that the target this time is the leader of this tribe.Hua Yueling doesn't know why their next mission targets are leaders of various tribes. If you think about it in terms of conspiracy theory, if the mission in the system is related to reality, then this means that there are people in this world. To do things.

However, Hua Yueling still doesn't know the relationship between her world and the tasks in the system.According to Xiaoxue, the tasks in the system are related to the world itself. What kind of world you are in can be detected, and then a task belonging to this world can be formed. How to complete the task can only be completed in this world. .

Through this, it can be judged that the system is connected to different worlds. As for the closeness of the connection, whether the result of the task will affect reality, and how the task came, whether it is in such a world that someone hopes Someone can help oneself to do things like this, so there will be tasks generated in one's own system.

If this is not the case, as a system, it is just a virtual thing, and virtual, which means that such a task is actually not completed at all.

Hua Yueling can't judge what the facts are, but he personally thinks that the system should not be something like an isolated island in the sea, but should be connected to the world.This is true of everything in it, the tasks it releases, and even his influence on Hua Yueling and others.

In this case, it is impossible to say that those tasks are merely tasks, but have no meaning in this world, at least Hua Yueling feels that the possibility is still very small.

But it's certainly not someone who publishes tasks in the system. That kind of thing is basically impossible.In this way, it can only be possible that the system reads the thoughts of some people in this world in some way, thus generating tasks.

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